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Everything posted by Helmsly

  1. Giantbomb put up a quick look of the game: http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-rabbids-go-home/17-1595/
  2. wow, thats amesome
  3. 1up have the same screens but much larger here: http://www.1up.com/do/slideshow?pager.offset=1&cId=3171765 Fall 2010 release: http://www.videogamer.com/news/epic_mickey_confirmed_for_fall_2010.html
  4. Just a heads up, a Wii message was just sent out, there's a new update that updates the Wii Shop Channel for the 'Connection Ambassador Promotion' Also, if you brought the Wii internet channel before it was made free, you should have 500 Wii points given back to you.
  5. Giantbomb put up a quick look video, this game is looking amazing: http://www.giantbomb.com/quick-look-a-boy-and-his-blob/17-1506/
  6. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. WiiFolder have done a few videos on TMNT Smash up
  8. gt review
  9. Hey fused. I downloaded the album at Galbadia Hotel: http://gh.ffshrine.org/


    However I had a few problems with the site recently, so you could try downloading the tracks off youtube itself with this site:




    Click convert 'video to audio' and copy and paste the url of the video you want from youtube into the space. It takes a few minutes but the quality is great.

  10. Yeah thats a great version of Mute city. I love some of the alernative versions of F-zero music that have come out over the years. The Magical Trick Society F-zero Album: Audio Audio F-zero Arranged Jazz Album is one of my favourites: Audio Audio Audio Audio
  11. Police caught playing Wii during a drugs raid:
  12. yeah, there are some online multiplayer videos poping up on youtube now: looks pretty decent for online.
  13. Yeah sadly it is, it was leaked a few weeks ago somehow. I was going to post it but I wasnt sure since the official site for the game has twenty "?" spots for characters but with the game actually out now (thanks to a broken street date) it looks like its true. I'm disapointed in the roster...if they were going to have such a small line-up why waste 3 of those on Rabbids? I think the game will still be fun though The new Trailer is neat:
  14. Wii folder have a few videos up of the game now:
  15. oh wow I am looking forward to Muramasa, I had no idea its comming out this year in Europe until reading your message. Thats great news. However you two don't make assumtions about me, aside from Punch out, all the games I've brought for my DS and Wii this year have been third party.
  16. Have NOE mentioned anything about Excitebots or Mario Super Sluggers getting a release date here? I can't think of any games I'm looking forward to at the moment for the Wii other then NSMB. He always sounded pretty bored on the podcasts to me, so its probably for the best.
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