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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Makes me think of Pokémon Snap. I did a few before stopping, could easily see myself wasting an hour doing it!
  2. Night Two erpe ghwrqdwlrq lq irxu gdbv Agent G was preparing his machine for its next use. It had been a huge success last time and he couldn’t wait to try it again. He was just doing the finishing touches when he sensed someone staring at him. He turned around to end up face to face with… himself? His double seemed to mirror his movements… Agent G reached out to touch him and was surprised to see his hand go straight through. He then realised it was just a hologram. He then realised he was being distracted. He then realised he had realised that too late and had been stabbed in the back. Jon Dedede has been killed. He was Agent G and could investigate the dead. He was evil. 12 Players Remaining: @mr\-paul @Jon Dedede Day Three Majority is 7
  3. Sorry, been stupidly busy. This will be done tomorrow (today).
  4. A deserved win for Silverdale today. We just couldn't keep up with them! Spotlight Week Five This week the spotlight is on Recall United vs Aqui1a All Stars in the middle league. Please predict the outcome and how many injuries (e.g. 2 slight 1 heavy total) Spotlight Winners: Week 1 - Lucas/Leeds M.O.T Week 2 - Lucas/Leeds M.O.T Week 3 - Nikos/Intergalactico Stars Week 4 - MadDog/Madpool Alliances nWo: Intergalactico Stars, Yellow Submarine, The Comerade Co-op: 24 Silverdale Hotpot, Cubic County, DuDs Baggies: 23 The Shield: Hadens Rangers, Rising Phoenix, Madpool: 22 The Midnight Riders: Real Peeps, Aqui1a All Stars, Coloccini FC: 18
  5. Interesting rumour... I think Nintendo would do well with Sonic but overall Disney seems like the better fit (or at least the more likely outcome here).
  6. Votes: Jonnas (8): Jon Dedede, Yvonne, Magnus Peterson, Rummy, Sheikah, Diageo, Cube, mr-paul, EEVILMURRAY Nintendohnut (1): Jonnas Majority is 8 Mourning the death of their leader, the members of the MAFIA started to point fingers. Most people seemed to think Agent P had something to do with it. They burst into his office but he wasn't there. A couple of agents looked out of the window just in time to see him getting into his car, he was going to get away! Or so they thought... someone must've had the foresight to sabotage Agent P's car because it exploded as soon as he started the engine! Curiously, his body could not be found in the wreckage... Agent P is dead. He was neutral. 13 Players Remaining: @Jon Dedede @mr\-paul @MadDog @Magnus Peterson MIA: Marcamillian @Jonnas Day Two has ended. Night Two starts now, please send in your PMs
  7. I can't do the game justice with words, it was just an incredible experience and I'm glad to have been part of the excitement, hype and fun when the game was originally released.
  8. Votes: Jonnas (5): Jon Dedede, Yvonne, Magnus Peterson, Rummy, Sheikah Nintendohnut (1): Jonnas Majority is 8
  9. I want the last 10 seconds of that video as an animated GIF. Now.
  10. erm no not really. A lot of games even do Christmas DLC so bring on Christmas please! Also yeah as others have mentioned, you may as well spend the £200 on a games console and invite some friends over to your house =\ This is the stupidest idea in the history of the world.
  11. Night One Coldfinger was reviewing the security systems. The MAFIA could not afford another break in, especially after such sensitive documents were almost stolen. He picked up the blood-spattered dossier that was recovered from Agent X and looked inside. After a brief glance he suddenly slammed the file down on his desk. It was a forgery! So then where was the real document? Coldfinger stood up. The pressure-sensitive bomb went off. The boss was dead. Marcamillian has been killed. He was Coldfinger, head of the MAFIA. He could check the alignment of players in the game. He was evil. 14 Players Remaining: @Jon Dedede @mr\-paul @Jonnas @MadDog @Magnus Peterson MIA: @Marcamillian DAY TWO Majority is 8
  12. 11pm to 3am is simply ridiculous and it's Europe only?? Fucking unbelievable how Nintendo still find new and inventive ways to fuck us over
  13. I think your cat decoration would look better at the top of the tree, Cube. My plans include working on Christmas day so returning home for a late Christmas dinner (5ish) which my parents are kindly holding back for me. It's my dad's birthday on Christmas eve but I think I'm still working that day despite requesting it off. We'll probably find some time to go out for a meal or something. I'm off on New Year's Eve though so hopefully I'll be doing something exciting for that! The Christmas tree has been put up downstairs (maybe pics later) but I already have my main present (parents gave me money towards the Wii U) so it'll just be little things from the step-siblings and a few bits from other relatives.
  14. There are no test votes :p Unless the test was to see if the vote would count... it does
  15. Day One Is Over Votes: No Lynch (8): MadDog, Rummy, Jon Dedede, Cube, Magnus Peterson, Jimbob, Jonnas, Yvonne, Sheikah, DuD EEVILMURRAY (1): EEVILMURRAY Majority is 8 NIGHT ONE Stars Now Please send in your PMs 15 Players: @Jon Dedede @mr\-paul @Jonnas @MadDog @Magnus Peterson _________________
  16. Spotlight Week Four Congratulations to Madpool who correctly guessed a 3-1 victory to Eights United over Intergalactico Stars. Spotlight Winners: Week 1 - Lucas/Leeds M.O.T Week 2 - Lucas/Leeds M.O.T Week 3 - Nikos/Intergalactico Stars Week 4 - MadDog/Madpool Alliances nWo: Intergalactico Stars, Yellow Submarine, The Comerade Co-op: 24 The Shield: Hadens Rangers, Rising Phoenix, Madpool: 22 Silverdale Hotpot, Cubic County, DuDs Baggies: 21 The Midnight Riders: Real Peeps, Aqui1a All Stars, Coloccini FC: 20
  17. At work until 9, feel free to send in your night actions if you know them.
  18. Home advantage saved me today I think. The luck continues!
  19. I'd turn down a job if it seriously conflicted with my ethical beliefs but if it's only minor... like if I was vegetarian but I was offered a desk job at a company that sells tinned meat, that's more of a personal thing so if I was in need of a job I'd still take it. If it was working for a company that makes mustard gas for children or something, I wouldn't take it :p There are ethical conflicts and there are personal discrepancies. If it's a real ethical dilemma, don't go for the job. Ultimately you'd never be happy in your work even if it was just a small thing so it's best to avoid it if you can I think.
  20. Cloak and Dagger II Rules: Day phases will be loosely 48 hours. The day may be extended if there is an on-going discussion You may not directly quote PMs but paraphrasing information is fine Talking about the game at night is forbidden but night posts are permitted Posting after death is forbidden (A solitary post after leaving the game is fine so long as it doesn't give anything away) Night phases are 24 hours which I may extend as I see fit Standard rules and such apply, PM me with any questions. Few agents were left at The Bureau after the massacre that took place several months ago. A small group of spies had infiltrated the head office and taken out most of the agents there. Now, after months of careful planning, a handful of surviving agents have placed themselves undercover in the MAFIA (Multinational Association For Investigative Agents) HQ - the organistion responsible for it all. MAFIA HQ Location Unknown 12:30am Agent X's cover was blown! How could he have been so foolish? He had accessed the safe in the main office but tripped one of the alarms on his way out. Now he was desperately trying to get out of the building before it totally locked down. His best chance was the car park in the basement, seven floors down! He ran to the stairwell and looked down. Armed guards were on their way up. He daringly jumped over the banister, falling through the centre surely to his death! But on his way down, Agent X was able to grab hold of one of the guards and use him to swing to the flight of steps below while the guard fell two storeys down. Agent X reached the basement level, snapping the fallen guard's neck with his feet as he ran past. He activated his car's auto-drive sequence and jumped in the open driver's side window as it drove past. Taking control, Agent X made for the main door as it was slowly closing... it looked like he was going to make it but the door closed down on the car just as it was going through. It would have been fine if Agent X had been wearing his seatbelt, but the sudden stop caused him to fly straight through the windscreen. Agent X picked himself up off the road. He had a few bits of glass sticking out of his face and scrapes all over but he seemed to be fine. He turned around to get his bearings just in time to see a Lorry heading straight for him. With no time to dodge, he was splattered against the grill. Agent X is dead. He failed his mission and now the MAFIA know they've been infiltrated. Day One Starts Now Let the no-lynching begin. 15 Players: @Jon Dedede @mr\-paul @Jonnas @MadDog @Magnus Peterson _________________
  21. What's the benefit of using an app instead of just connecting through a browser? I always use my phone's internet browser and I've never had an issue with how it works.
  22. It's like a taster to get us back in the mood for it
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