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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. This is where it gets stupid and (even more) annoying. Are they reporting that the Sun made it up and the story is false or are they lazy and just forwarding the story without checking the facts?
  2. I never get tired of watching that.
  3. Votes: heroicjanitor (2) - Aqui1a, Ellmeister Tales (3) - Jonnas, heroicjanitor, jayseven Majority is 5
  4. If I had thanks left, I'd use them on rez
  5. I don't understand what the gain is for the sun... why would they bother to make something like that up? It's hardly front page stuff and it won't affect how many papers they sell... it's just printing lies for no reason.
  6. My brother has 'all you need is love' tattooed on his arm
  7. Happy Birthday
  8. I'd watch it Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Governator
  9. While we're at it, my investigation should've said he was eeeeevils [/still bitter] (not really)
  10. It's Friday, Friday Gotta get down on Friday FU MAGNUS
  11. Votes: heroicjanitor (3) - Aqui1a, Ellmeister, jayseven Ellmeister (1) - heroicjanitor Tales (1) - Jonnas Majority is 5
  12. I'm ok with the majority of items but I definitely want the blue shell to revert back to the MarioKart 64 version where it'd drive along the course hitting anything in its path before hitting first. I think that's a hell of a lot more balanced and more helpful for the person that is using it. Why would someone in last place only want to hit first or possibly the top 3 racers? It's not going to help them most of the time. It was never randomised either, it would always appear in the last lap and hit you an inch from the line. Unless you were miles in the lead, it was near impossible to win because there would always be a blue shell coming. A lot of the time I would deliberately drop to 2nd place in the last lap so I could avoid it.
  13. Happy Birthday!
  14. Ruby and Sapphire had like 6 pokéflutes
  15. Been playing the soundtrack during games of Halo. Fits so well!
  16. It's in my sent items so I didn't fail! : peace: Sent again NIGHT 7 The Japanese man was well protected tonight as he waited for signs of his target's arrival. After a long wait, his target arrived. "I told you before to leave me alone" the man said. He was not happy about being found again. The Japanese man looked hurt and was about to respond when he heard a gunshot from behind him. A man appeared in front of him, he had been shot in the leg. "You brought them right to my door!" The no-longer invisible man shouted at the Japanese man, who had dived for cover. "I've been in hiding all this time and you lead them straight to me!" The assailant fired another shot, this time the shot was deadly. The Japanese man held his breath as the attacker ran past his hiding spot. Luckily he was not seen, but nor did he get a chance to see who it was that attacked them. Claude Rains is dead. He used his invisibility to investigate his target's actions. Dazz is no longer in the game. Players: 9 Aqui1a Ellmeister Heroicjanitor jayseven Jonnas Nintendohnut Rummy Tales Zell MadDog ReZourceman Chairdriver Dannyboy-the-Dane mr-paul Mundi Sméagol Diageo Cube Dazz Day 7 begins now Phase will end at 11:59pm Tuesday
  17. It's because no one likes Pikachu We agreed that you were poisoned but we had 0 leads and didn't the Zell stuff overshadow it? I think when Ghastly died someone put out that he may have poisoned you.
  18. Day 7 is over Night 8 begins now Phase will end at 11:59pm Sunday
  19. Not bothered about going back to it but I'll assume the ones pushing the 'kanto pokémon only' vibe were mafia
  20. lol Flink that's evil! I thought it would end at the lunch but you actually sent them back out again? haha excellent
  21. The only active game and no posts? fu sunny weekend!
  22. Was it a racing game on Dragons? I'm already hooked!
  23. That is a cool poster! I'm looking forward to seeing this in the cinema... not done that with the previous 3.
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