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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Done.
  2. So we've had Jonnas, Eddie and Ellmeister. 2 more scumnags?
  3. Tales is the double voter. Am I the only one with notes?
  4. I'm not sure about the majestic pokémon... I did think it was MadDog but he appears to be doing two different things if so. Or he's either not the majestic pokémon or he's not the beam of illuminating light.
  5. That's what I figured. So we need to find out who this majestic pokémon actually is... At first guess I'd say it's Nintendohnut as I don't trust him and no one has ever appeared in the write-up matching Tentacruels colours.
  6. You were the second person I investigated, Diageo. I investigated myself the first night to check I was competent then investigated you because of what you said about investigations in your first post :p I've mentioned this already in this game and you've even commented on it.
  7. Do people not know I'm an investigator? I investigated Jonnas and found him as evil. I made a long post at the time I'm sure... The only other living people I've investigated are Diageo (good) and Ellmeister (evil).
  8. --- So looking at the write-up... I thought MadDog was the large majestic pokémon but I think we've established he shows as the beam of light? So someone else is the majestic pokémon... Tales must be the orange and yellow pokémon though this is the first time he's shown up I think? My evidence is my investigation.
  9. Vote: Ellmeister conclusive evidence. Should've gone with my instincts the other day... or was that the same day we got Eddie lynched? Either way, Ellmeister is evils.
  10. One older brother (3 years older) who I get along with quite well now. We used to get on well as kids but as we got older we fought a lot and then there was about a year where he just didn't speak to me or acknowledge me in any way (still have no idea why). I also have 2 stepbrothers, one older, one younger and a stepsister, younger. I don't count them though as I don't really speak to them if I can help it. We just have completely different personalities and don't match at all. My stepsister is ok usually but the others are a bit dickish.
  11. I'm just coasting until I win the lottery and spend the rest of my days playing video games.
  12. This is one I'd like to see but typically it isn't on at my local cinema. Stupid Cineworld
  13. I was worried about this being another vegetable thread...
  14. Undeterred from last night's failed attempt, the Japanese man once again waits at the door of his target's house. This time, he heard footsteps behind him and blasted red energy in their direction. An enthusiastic man watched over the commanding woman as she spoke extensively to another man. The bald man felt compelled to alter his plans for the night, forcing a blonde woman to keep an eye on a dignified lady. He then made sure the blonde woman imparted her information to someone else. Daniel Linderman kept calm as the flames erupted around him. He felt his way through the pitch black smoke with blistered fingers and found the front door. Out in the street his body repaired itself, though he would be needing a new suit. Players: 15 Aqui1a Cube Dazz Diageo Ellmeister Heroicjanitor jayseven Jonnas Mundi Nintendohnut Rummy Sméagol Tales Zell ReZourceman MadDog Chairdriver Dannyboy-the-Dane mr-paul Majority is 8 Day 5 begins now Phase will end at 11:59pm GMT on Sunday
  15. It was great fun but it's a lot easier if you're evil... no inhibitions about killing everyone off!
  16. I'd play in any mafia but know nothing of digimon
  17. That really sucks, I can't believe they'd let things fall apart like that. What were they thinking? What's the point in having a queue if you're just going to start from the back and then let everyone spill out anyway? Sounds like someone needs to get fired.
  18. I'll never look at a carrot the same way again, that's for sure. Welcome back Vokfets. I remember your name from aaaaaages ago
  19. Caught Kyurem yesterday... not sure how hard he's supposed to be but I managed to get him after about 8 great balls and then 2 ultra balls.
  20. Yeah there were issues when I was buying mine but this was at like 12:04 so all that happened was it was quite slow and froze once I think.
  21. Woohoo! Sucks to be you.... but I didn't get a denied message so officially that means I got one.... right? Did it just pop up for you or was there a link you clicked?
  22. At least she goes all night
  23. I think we should all be able to join in and call Ellmeister's mum whatever we want
  24. Sorry you dead :p
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