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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Change vote: Shorty REVEAL YOURSELF NEWBIE For absolutely no reason.
  2. You didn't send a target Mcoy? Or do you not have a night action at all?
  3. The problem is that no one will want to reveal themselves. If we ask questions it'll just be met with 'it's too early in the game to reveal my info' or 'there's no reason to say anything yet' or similar. If we really want to get something out of today then we could pressure vote someone at random. If they don't post any info at all (target or something about their role) then lynch 'em... But not me :p
  4. lol his one at the end from his nan. One of the side-effects is... gambling!
  5. Vote: No Lynch I don't like to waste a day like this but if no one has anything we can use then there's little point continuing the day.
  6. I prefer to call it a struggle snuggle
  7. It depends what you were laughing at. If you were all sitting there laughing purely because a woman was getting raped, then yeah that's poor taste. If you were laughing at bad acting or whatever then it's fine :p
  8. http://roosterteeth.com/archive/?id=3259
  9. I got a PM... did anyone else not get a PM at all?
  10. Votes: Jayseven (1): Cube Majority is 6
  11. No thanks :p
  12. Well I've got nothing to add at the moment either. The write-up only includes the kill (lol exploding head) so nothing to gain from that... hopefully someone tracked/reverse tracked the right person/people!
  13. Awesome game. I loved that you could create your own vehicle. I really want to see F-Zero return but there's definitely nothing in development so far.
  14. Wasn't it supposed to be a parody of interviews with victims that some shows do? I thought it worked quite well. Wouldn't have made sense to be shorter. He was describing the whole experience.
  15. I'll address the incorrect view that no zombies were mentioned at the end of the game. The game is still continuing, more people can win. The next zombie to post will have their win removed.
  16. Dysonian Automerge Prevention Force Go! DAPFG!
  17. Rummy has been modkilled and has LOST. (not really). But yeah, the game is still going on and I don't want it derailed with gloat posts
  18. Night 7 The rat-faced man searched all night for his target but couldn't find him. In the end he resorted to shouting out his target's name to get the attention he desired. After a few minutes the wind seemed to pick up... he kept shouting until he was hoarse but there was no sign of his target... the wind was very strong by now - dangerously strong. A small tornado was forming at the end of the street. The rat-faced man decided now would be a good time to run but the mini-tornado seemed to have a mind of its own, following him down alleyways between the rubble of destroyed buildings all night. An old man collapses in the street, he was suddenly feeling very sick and would surely not last the night. Luckily, fate was on his side as a heroic figure flew to his aid. The hero held the man's hands in his own and as he did so, a strange purple glow emitted from them. After a minute the old man was feeling back to normal. *** As soon as night hit, Steve ventured out to the make-shift graveyard the townsfolk had quickly put together. 2 graves had been dug but not filled and Steve grinned wickedly as he passed them, baring his remaining rotten and yellow teeth. It was the 4th grave that Steve stopped at and began the ritual... it wasn't long before a gnarled and scabbed hand reached out through the soil and was helped up by Steve. Rummy has been resurrected. The fourth Zombie to be created by Steve. Jonnas, Dannyboy-the-Dane, heroicjanitor, mr-paul and Rummy have fulfilled their win condition and leave the game as winners. They may not post again until the game is over. 11 Survivors: Cube Dazz Diageo Dyson Eddie Eenuh Ellmeister Jayseven Mundi MadDog Nintendohnut ReZourceman Esequiel Aqui1a Tales Jonnas Dannyboy-the-Dane heroicjanitor mr-paul Rummy Majority is 6 DAY EIGHT HAS BEGUN phase will end at 11pm on Thursday
  19. The fox came back and brought a friend:
  20. Yeah I saw that when I got home. I checked it on my phone at work and it doesn't show you as much stuff when you access the site from a mobile :p
  21. Got a draw, should've won. Prepared against his formation too... tactics do fuck all in this game.
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