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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. He wasn't even a suspect. There was just a chance that we could confirm his alignment as town thanks to the TOWN investigators aka chuckle brothers
  2. Remove vote because obviously I don't want to lynch you, you just pissed me off :p
  3. I'M GOING TO TYPE IN CAPS AND FUCKING SWEAR now will you just tell us if ReZ is good or not? Seriously, I don't know why you're being so difficult. You're very happy to tell us who the mafia are and that's great but you're not so willing to clear a townie? Messed up priorities.
  4. If you were a separate team you wouldn't have given us the mafia? Well if you were neutral, getting rid of the mafia would be easier than getting rid of the town. lol and now you're voting for me just because I voted for you? Seriously dude, you're being so crazy.
  5. Vote: Rummy Just because I don't like your attitude. I don't care how much good you could do for us, I don't want your help.
  6. Also to address your theory, it's not very common that a protector will die instead of their target. The point of the role is that they can stop the killer rather than just die in the victim's place. It's more likely the mafia were targeting the protectors so that the investigators can be killed.
  7. Your power only works when both of you have targeted the same person - or at least that's what we're led to believe. That is why we are questioning both of you about your targets. If just one of you is saying ReZ is good, we need the other one to confirm it or there's no reason to trust you as you might just have the wrong result.
  8. I don't want to bring this up because apparently I'm suspicious myself, but what are the chances these two have become a separate team?
  9. Practically blackmailed? You're saying we should've just blindly trusted you when all we knew about you was that you're a dumb cop? Why should we have just instantly decided to follow what you were saying without knowing why? You guys both have your priorities completely screwed here.
  10. Forgive me for asking another question but why don't you want to help clear ReZ?
  11. Rummy stop being mental. No one is trying to lynch you and since when were questions a bad thing?
  12. How would your targets help the mafia?
  13. lol forum stretching sig! It looks great but it's too long mate ;)

  14. I'm trying to understand why you don't want to reveal your previous targets. If you're good there's nothing to hide. I'm noting down 'extreme aggression' for you Rummy :p
  15. Did ReZ specifically say he didn't target anyone on night 1? It could just be that he used his night 1 target's power on Jonnas last night and it was no use because Jonnas died. Aaaand looking back: Looks like he didn't even send a target for night 1 which doesn't add up after all.
  16. 7. Diageo, EddieColeslaw, Heroicjanitor, mcj metroid, Frank
  17. Deserved* :p
  18. If his power involves lances then I reckon he's the killer :wink: ReZ said his power is to use someone else's power the night after targeting them and that it failed because Jonnas died. So if ReZ is innocent he won't do anything tonight except just picking a name. I'm a bit confused with my info at the moment. I had something on Jonnas but it doesn't appear to be accurate at all.
  19. Just want to put it out there and say that if Chair is mafia it doesn't necessarily mean ReZ is mafia - though it wouldn't look good for him.
  20. You get points for hostings :p Answered Jay's and Chair's so that = 2.
  21. I feel really blindsided by this, just the other day everyone seemed to be saying how trustworthy I am
  22. I should have 2 points.
  23. On the flipside, I trust three people. Eenuh, mr-paul and Flink are definitely town in my eyes and if any of them are mafia I will cry. We can surely at least agree that Flink is not Angus because his power is the notes and they're still appearing. Maybe I wasn't in my room because I'm a servant, so I was out... serving? Couldn't say for sure.
  24. I came out with my role early on and I've given my info every day. It's really not my fault if I've been unnoticed. I was the one who discovered Nintendohnut could kill and brought him into the open. All I've really been able to do all game is confirm people's powers. Everyone has been so open about their roles that I've really not been needed. Now that we know that the mafia always has an Angus that can only kill, I can be more useful. If I manage to target the right person I can specifically find Angus because he will have a kill power and nothing else. I targeted Chairdriver on night 6. I don't like how people are turning on me or Eenuh. Eenuh has posted targets every day as well and has given everything she can. I don't think reverse tracker is a common mafia power either is it? Wouldn't be that much use. more posts while I was posting. I'll bring up the fact that I'm the adoptive son of the butler (my previous character) in the first game and that heroicjanitor was my sister in this game and he was good. I think there are more suspicious people than me, namely Chairdriver, Zell and possibly ReZ. Also, why would I admit to targeting Dannyboy if I killed him? There's only one (reverse) tracker alive so I'd easily get away with lying about targeting someone else and with my role I'll admit it's very easy to just make stuff up.
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