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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Fixed :p .
  2. I would like to point out that there would be more to discuss during day phases if people bothered to send in their targets. NIGHT FOUR The Bourbon Kid was at the bar again. He finished his bourbon and once again left without any bloodshed. He was followed out of the bar by a Monk. Chief Detective Jenson had been sent to Santa Mondega to investigate rumours of paranormal activity. He had been here for four days but was no closer to finding out the truth than when he started. Tonight he was in the office staring fixedly at a list of names. His partner came in and asked what he was looking at but got no response. His partner came closer and noticed the blood... Detective Jenson was sat at his desk with a hunting knife stuck in the back of his head. Eenuh is no longer in the game. She was Detective Jenson who investigated his targets. She was good. 12 Players: @mr\-paul @ReZourceman @Rummy @Supergrunch @Tales @Zell Dead: Rodeo Rex Yvonne Aqui1a Nintendohnut @Eenuh Majority is 7 DAY FIVE Begins Now
  3. Clam up Ell, if you don't like puns you can Skate off!
  4. ah I see, thanks
  5. Oh my god it's out this week
  6. I keep going on now and then but haven't seen anyone the last couple of nights. Off to play left 4 dead 2 now anyway :p Does the chat button in the banner at the top not work for everyone or just me?
  7. I just keep track of everything in a word document. name/role/ability - action - result etc etc etc --- Drafts of PMs --- Draft of write-up *proof read and post* The thing you most want/need to get right is the balance. It doesn't matter what roles you have, you'll always need a good balance or the game will be too one-sided. If you have a powerful role on one side, you may need something to counter-act it.
  8. Not that Ell holds grudges or anything...
  9. Is it just me or can we no longer view people's recently listened to tracks under avatars anymore?
  10. A majority has not been reached The town settles down for another night. NIGHT FOUR Starts Now Get your PMs in! There are three nights until the next lunar eclipse
  11. Despite defeating his enemy, Wolf Link decides not to risk the teabagging.
  12. Yeah I agree, Magnus is a dick
  13. I'm out at a gig tonight so the day won't end until at least tomorrow.
  14. I was surprised by the outcome... or lack thereof. Well played to ReZ for beating Aqui1a. Might still overtake him
  15. Ok Computer is THE best Radiohead album. Fact. Although The Bends is also great.
  16. Trivial Pursuit is possibly my favourite... Though Risk is amazing. I've played it like 5 times and never lost (probably more due to luck). Not played it in like a decade though. Balderdash is brilliant, so much potential for bullshit and humour. Board games I loved as a child... monopoly, boggle and Dungeons and Dragons (not the RPG nerd game [which I've never played but I'm sure I'd love] but a board game). I've only really played the most well known board games.
  17. Doesn't matter, you clearly can't get enough of me Magnus ;P
  18. There are at least 2 girls on this forum. FACT.
  19. I've actually tried to stay fairly spoiler free after the first batch of trailers/videos came out. I know a bit about the game - main villian, transport, world, miscellaneous... but nothing I'd say was major spoilery. I know nothing much about the actual story, 0% about dungeons and I've avoided the supposed 'major character' spoiler that some have tripped up on. I can have a guess at who it is but I hope it's not who I assume it to be as that would be a major cop-out. I think I'm going to love this game though. I get the impression we're going to be playing something special again rather than 'just another Zelda'.
  20. I'm at home on N-E. The moment has passed. But at least I have you guys!!! *crickets*
  21. Oh right =\ I had it the other way around. Ignore previous post then!
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