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The Peeps

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Everything posted by The Peeps

  1. Home advantage kept me in it Very fortunate to get a win and a draw against Silverdale.
  2. Hmm I think I'll save my money for the re-release of the iPhone 5, but only if they have the authentic broken maps still.
  3. They already have the hipster market =\ why release vintage iPhones?
  4. NIGHT SIX There was not a lot of actual activity in the night due to the majority of characters remaining indoors. This may or may not have had something to do with a wild bear roaming the streets. It may or may not have been ridden by a pirate. 6 Living Players: @u&\#601;&\#652;&\#601;s&\#654;&\#592;&\#638; @EEVILMURRAY Data lost: Sheikah Cube Dannyboy-the-Dane Animal mr-paul Yvonne Tales Rummy Jimbob Day Seven Majority is 4
  5. How about the E3 threads and the like? Where people are posting about live streams?
  6. It was the first game I'd played with such a rich storyline and characters, not only that but it was the first time we saw the epic-style write-ups from Jonnas. The gameplay itself was somehow more involving and the altercations between players were really good. It's basically an example of how good a mafia can be when you have the balance, plot/theme and activity just right.
  7. I honestly had a dream last night that I beat Odwin 2-0 and I look today and I beat Odwin 2-0. 2 chances, 2 goals. I actually think I might be slowly becoming psychic here guys!
  8. Racist jokes can be funny depending on intent and context. A racist person telling racist jokes is not funny because you know he's not joking, he's just belittling someone else because of the colour of their skin or whatever. I like a lot of edgy humour because the funny thing about the jokes is not the content, it's the feeling of saying something you know you shouldn't. Or exploiting stereotypes for humour. If you know the person telling the joke doesn't actually think that way, you can fully accept what they're saying as a joke. And by definition, jokes are funny and not to be taken seriously. I often say that I'm so pale I make milk look tanned. Is that racist? :p
  9. Interesting question. I can't say I've ever looked at myself and thought 'oh there's that white guy'. I've never really taken much notice of race. Obviously you can see what race someone is immediately but I have no prejudices or anything. I won't look at someone and think 'he's black so he must be (whatever)'. I'll judge people on their appearance and whatever (make assumptions about their character), but it won't be derived from what race they are.
  10. I listened to the stream and there are a few good ones but some of them kind of drag on. Overall I liked it but there aren't as many stand out songs as there are on the earlier albums.
  11. Region locking is an awful thing. Just like Cube, I was looking forward to the next ExciteTruck game as I loved the first one but we will probably never get the chance to play it.
  12. I'm sure they would've been mentioned in the previous thread but the N-E Meet threads and N-E Awards (results) threads should be in the HoF. I am currently too lazy to look for the threads at the moment (and as I said, they're probably already covered) but I'm happy to do it later on at some point. I also think The Gentlemen's Mafia by @Jonnas should be in the hall of fame. It represents a turning point in mafia games, for me at least. It'd be nice to think that some non-mafia players might give it a read.
  13. Majority has been reached! Jimbob (2/2): Nintendohnut, heroicjanitor Things were not going well for Zombie Steve. He was unable to bite anyone last night and was pretty hungry, now he has to deal with being lynched too! He groaned a zombie groan that seemed to resonate on, long after he'd stopped. Within minutes a horde of shuffling zombies had arrived to surround Zombie Steve. The town could not get near him. Zombie Steve escaped! Zombie Steve has left the game. He was neutral. Jimbob is no longer playing! 6 Living Players: @u&\#601;&\#652;&\#601;s&\#654;&\#592;&\#638; @EEVILMURRAY Data lost: Sheikah Cube Dannyboy-the-Dane Animal mr-paul Yvonne Tales Rummy @Jimbob NIGHT SIX Please send in your PMs
  14. Night 5 Princess Peach started out with the best of intentions, protecting her targets in the night, but somewhere down the line things had got all confused. She spent a few nights sneaking around, trying to read people’s mail and she hoped that would be the worst of it. Now she was expected to choke her targets into submission to roleblock them for a whole night? This does not befit a princess! Her dilemma did not last too long though as she was put out of her misery soon after roleblocking her first victim. A cake was baked in her honour. Princess Peach has been killed. She was originally a protector. She was good. Rummy is no longer in the game! 7 Living Players: @u&\#601;&\#652;&\#601;s&\#654;&\#592;&\#638; @EEVILMURRAY @Jimbob Data lost: Sheikah Cube Dannyboy-the-Dane Animal mr-paul Yvonne Tales @Rummy Day Six Majority is 4
  15. I've got some written out but I missed a lot I'm ashamed to say. Last one I posted was round 4... I've not been this far behind ever But they'll be done tonight/tomorrow and you have my word that I'll not miss any more for the rest of the season (sticking to my 2 reports a week schedule) ------ This is my first season in the Elite league but my timing with reports has been far from elite and I humbly apologise :p
  16. On the one hand it's a funny prank... on the other hand, you made me imagine your penis area in far more detail than I'm used to...
  17. Rory and Amy took them all away. I thought the ending was really really poor. Just reverse what happened and everyone gets up and shrugs it off. This kind of stuff doesn't normally bother me but it just seemed really stupid this time. How long were all those people dead for too... Or did I miss something more complicated happening?
  18. Majority has been reached! Tales (5): Jonnas, heroicjanitor, Diageo, uəʌəsʎɐɾ, Jimbob Majority is 5 The town turned quickly on Agent 07 before he had a chance to think. He was not allied with either side and couldn't care less about the game, all he wanted to do was create mayhem. As the mob closed in around him, Agent 07 dropped a cannister and attempted to make his getaway. Unfortunately, one member of the mob did not breathe in the stun gas. Agent 07 was bitten on the leg just before escaping in his fold-out helicopter. Agent 07, Arnold Townsend has been lynched. He was neutral and could switch player's abilities. Tales is no longer in the game! NIGHT FIVE Please send in your PMs 8 Living Players: @u&\#601;&\#652;&\#601;s&\#654;&\#592;&\#638; @EEVILMURRAY @Jimbob Data lost: Sheikah Cube Dannyboy-the-Dane Animal mr-paul Yvonne @Tales
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