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Everything posted by Stewilo2005

  1. I'm on orange. But if it's on t-mobile soon that'd be ok too since the whole merger thing is happening soon. To flameboy, yea but then you'll have it before me and i'll be all depressed then lol, I've had my trusty SE w850 for the past few years and it's falling apart. I cracked it the other week running to uni and it fell out my pocket and bounced off the floor >.<. The only time i've ever done that in the years i've had it. It's my sister who drops phones all the time not me, I feel sorry for her poor iPhone.
  2. Makes me more distressed that I don't have it yet >.<. Does anyone know of the n900 being on another network other than Vodaphone? Say like on Orange or T-Mobile as I really want this phone but don't want to change my network.
  3. I'm still waiting for my mum to get the money together the N900 has been my choice for ages now >.<. The N900 is meant to be my late christmas present.
  4. Too many pages to go through but I found this today, it may have already been posted. Sorry if it has. I couldn't believe it at first then I was like omg lol. HP computers are racist.
  5. Omg o2 and vodaphone's coverage on those maps is awful, looks like they were running short on both blue and red paint :P. I knew there was another reason to justify my hating of o2 other than the fact they tried to rob me blind for a repair. But yea I think it may have changed recently, as if you know anyone on orange they will tell you that it's been bad lately. The network has been going down a lot. The person at orange told me this was down to them upgrading their 3g system ready for the t-mobile takeover.
  6. Dunno, that was just my guess :P, I can't really see it being any supermarket ones so who do you think it might be? I only said 3 because hardly anyone I know is on it and it does seem like a smaller network compared to the likes of o2 and vodaphone. Also what sombody said about orange's internet, yea it is a bit naff so this could back up the 3 takeover i'm guessing. Since 3 have a good mobile internet market maybe Orange want it :P. Also to answer flameboy, I do think orange have the biggest 3g coverage, there are signs everywhere here advertising it. I myself want the n900, I know it's not mainly a phone but it appeals to me xD.
  7. That sounds about right. I recently phoned orange to sort out my mums christmas present off me (Genio). I was transferring credit bought with the phone to her old number. He told me the takeover is happening very soon. He insisted it was a takeover not a merger, I was like wtf ok. He also said they're taking over another network but couldn't tell me as it was still in talks. My guess is 3 as o2 and vodaphone seem too big for orange to take them over.
  8. Mine used to do that when we first got it, ours is a Pre-N router. No idea why it did it but it just stopped one day and has been fine ever since. Have you tried updating the firmware on it? Could something else be effecting it (wireless phone, etc)? Not really my thing routers but if it's faulty don't Belkin give a lifetime warranty on their products?
  9. I actually didn't have any trouble with this one, I was lucky enough to get in a full game with this challenge being on. I'd be glad to try and help you if others can get on to fill the game. I only need one more for my platinum the invite a friend one ... I know it's easy to do but none of my friends have a PS3 ¬_¬.
  10. Looking forwards to the Burnout Night, on Sunday was it? But I'll be all left out as I only have the original copy of it with no dlc :/. I'm hoping to thieve my nephews copy of the ulitmate box this christmas to get the cops and robbers stuff, does anyone know if I can just borrow it to download the stuff then use my own copy whilst keeping the dlc?
  11. Ooo thank you for those, I used the laptop bag one, she'd probably use it a lot more than the cushion. Thank you very much for your help, that's why I like these forums best out of most i've joined, everyone is so nice ^_^ and all help each other out here.
  12. I'd never buy anything like this from ebay, when I said ebay laptop i meant a laptop for ebay as in browsing. It's insane what he's willing to pay for a laptop that's going to be used for basic things. Recently my dad's money is burning a hole in his pocket though. I'm like buy me stuff too please and he's like no ... We decided on Staples, if quidco works it'll be worth it, if not they're not bothered either way that they payed £30 more than Play for next day delivery. These people are crazy, that £30 could buy me a game or two :P. It was £499 on Play and £529 on Staples. My dad didn't want to risk not having it on Christmas day.
  13. Hi, thanks for all your help. I decided to go for the 2030sa, that way if she does randomly decide she wants to play games she can. You never know with my mum, she's a strange one. I can't believe it myself £500 for an ebay laptop lol it's crazy but she lives in a world where you pay like double for something because it's shiny . It's a hard model to find anywhere ... are Play.com good to buy a laptop from? I've found it on there you see for £499. Or should I use Staples/ BT shop? My only concern is that the shipping will damage it from Play.
  14. It's an unforseeable event the gaming thing lol, recently she's gone ds mad and plays it all the time. She may demand I find games for her -_-. So if I did go for the 2030 is it the best out the three? Or is the intel one with the ddr3 ram better? Edit: By better I mean faster sorry.
  15. Hi, my mum is wanting a laptop this christmas. She has her heart set on the HP Pavilion dv6 design. So this brings the price to about £400-500. My problem is that there are so many different models I don't know which one to pick for her. Since she is only using it for ebay I think it's overkill but as I said she wants this design... So naturally I want her to have the best one she can since she's paying so much over the odds. I found 3 that seem ok but i'm unsure as some have ddr2 and some ddr3 whilst some have dedicated graphics and some don't Can you help me please :P? Either tell me the best out these 3 or can you help me find the best dv6 model for the price. Ignoring HDD space as that's negligable to my mum. The price limit is ideally £500 but as in one of the link we can stretch to about £530. Thanks ^_^ http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/uk/en/ho/WF06b/321957-321957-3329744-64354-64354-4011364-4036199.html http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/uk/en/ho/WF06a/321957-321957-3329744-64354-64354-3999443.html http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/uk/en/ho/WF06a/321957-321957-3329744-64354-64354-3872814.html
  16. I'm ordering it tomorrow, hopefully it'll be here by Christmas, the seller is in the UK anyway so it should. I expect myself to resort to my standard behaviour when playing hard games. I usually try many times, get pissed and shout at the game accusing it of cheating :P and then end up still playing it later on.
  17. Here are some pics finally xD, i hate the stupid old camera I was forced to use, the new one's charger went missing that's why one pic is blurry because the old camera sucks.
  18. Lol, i think I shall, I dunno if I can wait like 6 months+ for a release over here if it gets released at all. As long as the online works with my UK psn account i'll be happy. Or will I have to create a US account?
  19. You know what happened, the tree ended up half done then my mum thought meh cba and left it for days half done, >.< I was like wtf lol. Plus I totally forgot I posted here xD my brain slowed this past week :P. I'll take the pics in a min. Edit: Boohiss the camera needs charging :/ i'll do it tomorrow xD.
  20. I have Tron 2.0 PC version xD it is cool. I bought it years ago for like £5. It caused stress if I remember as some parts to me were really hard. Then you had these people on the online mode who had haxxed light cycle skills, me and my mate were like wtf at the speed of some of them. It's not right to have reflexes that inhuman :P. I'm really looking forward to this game and the movie.
  21. Does anyone think that the USA version's online will work with the UK's when we get it released over here?
  22. Is this your own individual assignment? Or a group one?, my uni seem to be giving everyone group ones all the time, which is good but at the same time there are conflicts ...
  23. Np ^_^, I'll be able to play soon when i've sorted out the backup thing. I just got a new slim because I feared for my 60GB's life, and since I don't use any of the other features I figure it was a waste. All I can say is, Thank you to Sony for adding that new copy feature in the new firmware, makes my life easier , now to just get around to doing it.
  24. Nuu, we must not allow this thread to go off the first page and be forgotten like the other one xD.
  25. I think i'll probably end up doing that. I'd never stand the slim up I don't like the look of it standing up, that plus the way my tv cabinet is it has to go horizontal. I really wish I didn't have to but my luck is rotten and I bet mine would die on me. I probably wouldn't use the CF if I got a slim anyway, I just threw it in the 60GB because it was lying around and it was out the way in the PS3. I've been looking around for good deals on PS3's not many though for the 250GB version. But one I found in Comet looks good, what do you think? I have a 5% voucher and quidco gives 3%. Comet Deal There are other offers i've seen which i'm unsure on though which seem good also.
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