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Everything posted by Stewilo2005

  1. Hi, sorry I haven't been on for a bit, been busy, that's ok, I do need a Jirachi but I would be willing to let you use the event Regigigas anyway :) I was considering buying pokemon channel myself for this reason but short on money atm :/


    Also just remembered I have the event Arceus in case you need to borrow it to get a spare, Dialga/ Palkia/ Giratina for HG/SS ^_^.

  2. I agree, although I have really been getting into this election this time around, I was rather pissed that the bbc decided to drag the news thing on for another 30 mins and so I didn't get to see Eastenders >:3. I was like ok David Cameron is PM so put eastenders on now please and carry this on the bbc news channel.
  3. The pidgey one amused me the most since me and one of my friends were talking recently about how it must look since I use a Hoothoot to fly everywhere in my soulsilver atm :P. I said maybe I hold onto it's legs like a kind of Mary Poppins style flying xD. She called me sly and yet she's no better, she uses a marill to surf everywhere, the poor thing :P. The sudden stop on the bike one had me laughing for a while as well.
  4. I found a FB group today and some of the pictures on it made me laugh, I'd post them but there are far too many and some people would not like that. Here's the link Pokémon Pictures
  5. I believe Gordon Brown stays in if it goes to a HUNG parliament. Then he has to get a coalition, if he cannot it then goes to the Queen who will then put the next highest competitive party in charge of the Government or something like that. It's explained on the gmtv website, I was only on it to help me decide on who to vote for, was checking lots of sites and settled on Lib Dem they benefit me more nationally and locally. HUNG Parliament Explained
  6. Just wondering if you still needed that event Regigigas? Is a Jirachi still on offer ;P? If not i'd trust you to return it to me ^_^, I know you posted this ages ago but I've not been on the forums for a bit so I was just reading through the posts. If you're up for it we'll have to sort out when as i'm out tonight.
  7. I thought that at first but I dunno if you've tried this or not. Try going out the area where the rematch trainer is and phone them again, they always request another battle for me. Same goes for gym leaders, I just keep re-phoning them and battling them to lvl my pokemon for pokedex completion ^_^. Ignore this if you've already been doing that :P. I just wrote down the trainers and gym leaders on what days so I don't have to keep switching my computer on the check.
  8. I'd be up for some LBP or anything that gets me away from the stress that is Demon's Souls :P.
  9. Nomura talks about the future of Kingdom Hearts. The next one won't be III but another part of the story. He apparently wants to get a KH game out every year to please fans. I'm happy about his but in a way i'm actually gutted. If too many get released in such short spaces of time the quality might go down and might ruin the shine that the KH series has for me... http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-6894-Video-Game-News-Examiner~y2010m2d17-Nomura-comments-about-the-future-of-Kingdom-Hearts
  10. Mine came the other day (finally, had trouble obtaining a reasonably priced one), i'll start playing tonight probably. I hope it doesn't stress me out within the first few minutes as i'll get really upset and throw a tantrum :P. Then i'll probably end up playing it more later on xD.
  11. Oops my bad :P I know it's way too early, and I can't afford to be forking out for new hardware anyway xD. I remember playing the 1st one and it is still one of my fav games of all time. KH2 was still good but like you I prefer the 1st one more.
  12. I didn't know where else to put it ^_^ since it's unknown which console it's going to be on. The way Nomura is it'll probably end up being a PS3 exclusive but I can see SE and Disney wanting it to be on both the 360 and PS3. Or it could even end up on next gen systems if new ones are released in the not too distant future.
  13. I don't know if it has been posted before or not but I found this today. Either way i'm really excited over this xD.
  14. Yea from what i've seen of the built in browser it would take something good to beat it. But it's a start I guess and it can only get better, I assumed there was limited flash support in FF since they say download the youtube plugin but I don't know. Also how is the battery life of it? I'm still keen on getting this but the reports I hear are that it's charge can sometimes barely get you through a day especially if you're using IM or something about a WiFi bug.
  15. Just thought flameboy and any others with an N900 might be interested in this. http://blog.mozilla.com/blog/2010/01/29/firefox-for-maemo-now-available/ Sounds good to me xD why don't you give it a try and let us know if it's any better than using the browser that comes with it.
  16. I remember buying Blue from a Woolworths in Ormskirk when it came out, was so excited and didn't put the gameboy down for days/ weeks :P. Also remember having my parents harassed when Gold and Silver were due out. If I recall I actually got them to buy me a Japanese version from a shop because I was so desperate for it but ended up taking it back because obviously I couldn't play it :P. I was gutted but eventually got my english copy of Silver xD.
  17. Woo xD, Now to wait till the end of this pointless day and get home to try it.
  18. Does anyone know if i'll still be able to download it? I went on last night and started to download it but couldn't finish it due to internet problems. It's still on my list for transactions in my PSN. The reason I ask now is, i'm in uni and cannot test this myself.
  19. How come most people seem to go for Gold over Silver? I prefered Silver myself, but strangely I always seem to prefer the opposite version to what most people buy, not out of any reason I just do. I was probably the only person out of my friends who was angry that the game corner was removed from our version. They just said to me," you don't even go there much in it", it's not the point, why should we miss out on stuff other people are getting? :P
  20. xD That made me laugh, it's so true, although I will say this, years ago me an a mate of mine just ate KFC everyday for months and strangely I lost a load of weight. We did walk loads at the time though aswell. I'm one of those people who can lose weight when I want to but just cba most of the time :P. I was shocked before Christmas how much I lost quickly when I cut out fizzy drinks completely. Goes to show how all that sugar is bad for me. ... but they tastes so nice :P. I really need to start excercising though as I gained loads during the holidays, just couldn't stop eating...looks at those pigs in blankets... curse all the food for tasting nice.
  21. Dunno if this has been posted or not but the DVR addon for PS3 is meant to have trophy support. Good news for all the trophy whores out there :P. Trophies for watching tv... brilliant lol. Makes one wonder, where's the trophy support for PlayTV :P? http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/01/20/torne_trophy_support/
  22. that sucks, by the time that happens i'll have seen another phone I want. It took me so long to decide on the N900 as I always see the next new thing :P. Looks like i'll end up getting it sim free with a sim only contract :/. How's the battery life on it? I read it's not long, especially when IM's are signed in on it.
  23. I believe they have upgraded the servers making all trophy data load much faster than before. It was so annoying before Christmas trying to sync trophies. I think I was one of the lucky few who managed to get a sync in like every 10-20 tries.
  24. Omg. *Runs out and thieves an N900* I think i'm going to end up buying this sim free or something and getting a sim only contract since It's only really on Vodaphone atm... Hurry up T-mobile/ Orange I want this phone >.<.
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