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Everything posted by Stewilo2005

  1. ok since nobody could help me come up with an idea here ¬_¬, lol only joking, I have decided that I might make a text based web game using probably php and mysql, maybe some flash too. Now could anyone help me come up with a theme for this game like neopets is obviously pets and monsters game is about vampires and werewolves. There's also the chance that i might make this using Ruby as my teacher says it is good to use also. Let me know any ideas. ^^ I was surprised not to get an replies last time you are all usually so helpful. I could just go the other way completely and decide to make a hombrew app using lua on the PSP. But i'm like 90% towards this game idea.
  2. Hi, I have just been asked to come up with an idea for my IVA project in college. I am enrolled on the National Diploma In Programming With Java and .NET course. I have to come up with some idea for a program and make it, I can make it using any programming language including, C++, mySQL, actionscript in flash, e.c.t. But i only really have experience in using Java, Flash and Visual Basic. I can't seem to come up with an idea for a program. Other people last year made mySQL databases and programs to interact with them. They also made web browsers for specific things. I'm just stuck on what to do. My friends are making things like text based games. I did have an idea to make a dice roller and stat recorder for adventure books. This would have been made in java and put on a mobile phone to be more useful. The thing is that doesn't seem like much to do and kind of boring. Can people here please help me and come up with some ideas to help get me thinking? Thanks ^^
  3. kk I forgot about ImgBurn i had it installed a while ago and it was brilliant, i'll give it a try, a dvd-rw howver might be a bit harder for me to get, i'll try to get one though. Thanks for the help i'll try to report back soon.
  4. Hi, recently i have been trying to burn things to dvd+r's that my mum bought me, the computer says it burns properly and then when i try to run the discs in a pc or dvd player if it is a movie the drive it's in makes weird noises like it can't read the disc, which is what i think is happening as nothing loads and windows says there is no disc in the drive. I have used dvd-r's in the past and they seem to work but my drive says it supports + and - r's. Anyone got any ideas what's up and how to fix it? I have run out of -r's and have a big load of +r's. I will get a friend to test one of the discs in their drive but i have a feeling it is something to do with my pc.
  5. i couldn't see a new game option just resume game which takes me to croft manor, but you saying new game made me notice the profile option so i made a new profile instead and that worked just means i'll have to redo croft manor another time when i can be bothered, and it is a great game having only ever played the ps1 tomb raiders this is like woa . Thanks for your help. I feel kind of stupid not noticing the profile option :P.
  6. Hi, i just recently bought tomb raider anniversary. The problem is i have completed croft manor and can't seem to get onto the peru level at all. I read somewhere that when you walk out the music room you have completed the manor but she just stays on that level. When i exit the manor and click resume game it restarts the manor meaning i have to do all the puzzles again and there is no sign of any peru level option. How can i get on the peru level without having to use the all levels cheat? Please does anyone have to answer, sure the manor level is good but it gets a bit boring after a while :P.
  7. This isn't even on, i'm not having it, i mean sure my internet might get limited to 5Mb, but i download quite a bit. I'm phoning them soon to threaten to leave see if they offer me anything if not, goodbye virgin media. Was well better before virgin took over, bring back telewest.
  8. I didn't know which section to post this but go here. http://wii.qj.net/Sony-and-Link-wait-what-/pg/49/aid/83095 What do you make of this?
  9. I have only played, VII, and X properly, played abit of IX and GBA CC, I also own X-2 but haven't touched it yet. I like both VII and X, but VII seemed to have a better storyline. I also bought VII for £2 brand new in a virgin shop's clearance section
  10. I just bought a wii play package with the extra controller from woolworths. There seems to be 4-5 left, i couldn't really tell because they had them on the top shelf behind the till and they weren't side by side.
  11. The terror level has been downgraded from critical to severe, and hand luggage is allowed now just no liquids, although there are limits on size of hand luggage, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4789593.stm but i'm happy now because electrical items are allowed so i might be allowed to take my psp and ds after all:grin:
  12. My thoughts exactly, i'm going to florida on 22nd and i was organising movies and music to put on psp for plane and i was gonna take ds as well, but now i can't have them with me and i'm gonna be so bored:cry: , don't get me wrong i'm relieved that security is upped as i'm scared of flying.
  13. Mines, AMD athlon 64 3800+ 2x200GB Hard Drives Ati Radeon x600Pro 1GB Ram DVD -+ RW Drive DVD ROM Drive 19" Display 4Mb internet (soon to be 10) Windows XP Home 8x USB 2.0 Ports A tv tuner card to get Freeview. Also there is all sorts of card readers on the front and a coolmaster monitor. This only cost about £1000
  14. data execution prevention, a feature included in Service Pack 2.
  15. Recently i installed Final Fantasy 7 for the pc. It also installed the duck coorporation true motion codec with it. Without it the fmv's don't work. Right so here's my problem. When ever i go into a folder with .avi files DEP appears and closes explorer. I've scanned for viruses, adware and spyware and there's nothing there. This DEP problem always appears when i install a new codec that relates to .avi files. Previous times i have just uninstalled the codecs but this duck codec hasn't got an uninstall file. I don't know where it is. Really I want to have whatever codec i want installed without this DEP problem. I've tried disabling DEP for players but thats no good.
  16. Nah, It doesn't bother me, i was just seeing if it was possible to make the videos look better. The sound is fine for me. I might look for the ps1 version on ebay though, only because my mum hogs my pc for ebay and i never get to go on it much.
  17. Never really had any serious injuries. No broken bones or anything. Only cuts or scrapes. I remember about 8 years ago, i was on a metal slide at the park and when i went down my head flew back and wacked on the bend of the slide. (at the top), my head was pouring with blood. Also the other day i was running along the canal and tripped forwards, my knees scraped along the floor and my pants ripped at the knees, i was in a hurry so it took me about half an hour to realise that my knees where bleeding a lot. oh yea and i was using one of those v slicers a few weeks ago and i accidently sliced through my thumb(about a 1/4 of the way) it's healed now but i think that my body has healed it strangely as i can pull the skin apart where it sliced, but there is no blood, just healed skin.
  18. thanks to everyone above. I'll see if they do anything. Also i don't actually have the ps1 version and i can't find it either. The pc version i found in Gamestation the other day, having never played it before and watching Advent Children and getting completely lost in the plot, i decided i'd play it. So long as it's story is identical to the ps1 version i don't care. (it is isn't it?) Edit: I have just read on one of the sites you gave me that the grainy/ pixelated movies can't be helped. Something to do with translation from the ps1 version. Oh well, thanks anyway though.
  19. Has anyone here played the pc version of Final Fantasy 7? When i go into the configuration settings, under graphics it says software rendered. I know my graphics card can handle 3d accelleration. So why can't i select it. Also if i try to change it from primary display to my graphics card, nothing is there, shouldn't it show my graphics card? I just want to see if i can fix the pixelated fmv sequences, other than putting it in quarter screen. I know the fmv sequences on the ps1 version aren't pixelated. Any help would be much appreciated. Also anyone else had this problem?
  20. I don't hate dubbed anime, but i think that fansubbed anime is well better. But i'll tell you now that the dubbed one piece is absolutely rubbish. They replace darts with poisonous suction cups and a knife with a rubber one. The voices are ok ish though. P.s don't hate me now just because i slagged the one piece dub off. Other dubs are ok.
  21. I'm definately gettin the rev, but i'm gettin the 360 this christmas. Also i'll be gettin the ps3 next year. So basically all three consoles.
  22. I dissagree there, i think they should have left all the ones you said plus shadow. Shadow rules. He's one of my favourite characters in the series. Amy rose is just a pointless character as she is too weak. yea so sonic, tails, knuckles and shadow are just the ight amount of characters. Well that's what i think.
  23. Stewilo2005


    I remember lookin at the first edition one last year and i really wanted it, looking at the second edition. It looks really good and i want this even more now, but i doubt i'll ever get it.
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