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Everything posted by Stewilo2005

  1. Update is out next week! So excited!! Here's a video of PBat playing 1.2 pre release if you can't wait till next week. I had to force myself to stop so I didn't spoil too much x3. http://www.twitch.tv/paperbat/c/2982114 It starts about 8 mins in.
  2. I really missed these forums. I haven't been on in a while due to life and other things getting in the way. Most people won't really know me as I never did anything that big for the community but I used to just love hanging here. So I came back recently and someone here has done a really good deed for me. I was like wow ;-; so many feels. I dunno if it counts as a good thing, but I'm back and the fact that someone helped me out after so long really meant a lot to me. I love this community ^_^
  3. Hii, just wondering if anyone has a spare Dead Island key from one of the previous humble bundles? The deep silver one I think. I'm not just after it for free btw. I have all the Origin keys from the EA bundle except Dead space 3, and a few other steam keys. I'd love to discuss it in PM with anyone willing to trade with me ^_^
  4. *hopes for western release & also does not get the random pink crown* http://kotaku.com/5877445/kingdom-hearts-3d-gets-a-special-hardware-release-date-too
  5. I'm torn between the red and black one now like my dslite or the zelda one 8I -.-
  6. Stardust is amazing in 3D I find that I like to kill myself just to get the explosion effect. xD It's always the 1st thing I do when demonstrating my tv to people who have never seen 3D tv's before. I have GT5 not tried it in 3D yet but will be doing so.
  7. What's everyone's opinions on the Desire Z? I really like this phone and plan to get it really soon. I'm not a fan of pure touchscreen phones and do like qwerty phones. My only problem is that hinge. Everyone is complaining about it being loose. I did have a go in the shop and it was a bit loose but nothing that would bother you in normal use, but still it plays on my mind ...
  8. Sorry for the late reply been really busy in uni, whenever you're available really :) not too bothered about anything in return although this nice thing sounds like i'd like it :P.

  9. Thanks for the replies, I will watch some videos and I think I will be buying it. now if only I could convince my friend to do the same.
  10. Hi, I was wondering did you ever get your event regigigas? Obviously I don't need a Jirachi anymore because of the event but i'd hate to think that you are missing out on a pokemon in your pokedex. (Looks at Celebi ¬_¬) If you still need it I can let you keep one if you want as I got 2 one on pearl and one on platinum.

  11. Sorry for this question that has probably been asked loads. What do you get in the paid version over the free one? I'm really considering buying it as the free one seems a bit boring as there are no monsters etc. I do enjoy the free one by building things but other than that there's nothing else to do.
  12. Now I feel spoiled with my 20 Mbps :/ we could also get 50Mbps but that's a bit overkill really.
  13. The Disgaea 3 trophies take the piss. Most of them require you to devote a large chunk of your life playing the game to get them. I mean I do love the game and play it lots but some of them just don't seem doable within a resonable timeframe :P. I read when some people go "oh yea I got Platinum on Disgaea 3" I think wtf you must have spent like 1000-2000+ hours playing the game.
  14. I'm begining to think I made a mistake importing this game, everyone seems to be playing the new european version . I only imported it at christmas as I thought we weren't getting it over here ...
  15. Sounds like a strange problem, could the router be faulty? Try resetting the router to factory defaults and set it up again (unless by hard reboot you meant you already tried this), My old netgear router acted strangely like this, dropping connections and things and it turned out the wireless adapter in it had become faulty and I needed a new router. Hope yours doesn't fall under this. I also have a strange problem with my current wireless router/ internet. I will try resetting it to factory defaults but thought i'd post it here incase anybody else had any ideas. My mum uses ebay a lot, the strange thing is when she uploads more than one picture the internet stops working and the router needs restarting to get it working again. It does this without fail every time she does it, even if she tries one at a time, the 2nd pic always knocks it out. I can't for the life of me think what might be causing this, it does it on all the computers in the house. We've had the router for a few years and it's never done anything like this until recently and I haven't changed any settings. It's only uploading pictures to ebay that seems to knock the internet out, everything else works perfectly.
  16. See I didn't even know this as i'm not that far :P I was only aware of the one at 1-3, the plurals were because I just assumed there would be more. Well now I know that there are more cases. I need to play more of this game, not been on it in a while as I suck so terribly at it >.<.
  17. Yea that's what i meant. sorry if it sounded wrong.
  18. I think you've got it right doing that, some of the later ones in some you can't do till you've done something in the other levels. I'm quite a noob at this game too :P had it since Christmas and I only seem to look good on it because my friends suck worse than me at it xD. Which version do you have? I only have the USA one as I imported it, but I guess everyone here is going to buy the new European version . I only bought it at the time because they said that the uk wasn't getting it.
  19. Want this mini xD. Sorry didn't want to open a new thread for this . Flying Hamster
  20. I'm wanting to get a new tv for my ps3, after seing my nephews ps3 in hd it made me cry that I was still using SD. I found this one it was advertised in my local paper what does everyone think, is it a good tv? I'm after one about this price range, I originally wanted a 37-42" tv in my bedroom but this might be too big and expensive for a full hd one so sticking to a 32" tv will be ok. I thought this was a decent price for the specs but I'm not really a tv expert. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Samsung TV Edit: Just realised, the one in the link looks different from the one in the paper, i'll look around for a pic of the one in the paper or try to get my scanner working :P.
  21. Now I have a job I can finally start to buy things off the PSN and this looks really good. I loved excite bike i'm probably the only person out of my friends who did and the extra stunt things in this make it look even better xD. Oh and btw thanks Matt for commenting/ voting and downloading my track in modnation, I tried to find things of yours to repay the favour but couldn't figure out how to find your stuff if you have any.
  22. True, I wonder what else they'll throw in, maybe a set number of movie downloads or something. Either way I can't wait for E3 xD
  23. It's £19.85 on Shopto I am really tempted now to buy it. I just have to watch, once I start buying on the internet I get carried away xD You could use quidco too and basically get it for £19. My only concern is that it'll be short, how long does it take to complete? http://www.shopto.net/PS3/VIDEO%20GAMES/PS33D00-3D%20Dot%20Game%20Heroes.html
  24. It looks basically like my Pre-N belkin router but it's shiny O.o, and at that price... WANT! xD I'm a sucker for shiny things :P If it is anything like my Pre-N one then it'll be brilliant, and reliable, had mine for years and it's still going. Unlike the Netgear one we had 1st that didn't like being on all the time and burnt itself out, nothing against Netgear btw just my only Netgear router broke. I like how belkin offer that lifetime warranty thing but not had a chance to test it as no problems yet *touch wood*.
  25. http://gizmodo.com/5547248/sonys-psn%252B-service-to-seriously-compete-with-xbox-live Some of the features sound quite good like the access to the PsOne games, but $10 a month is a bit steep tbh, hopefully they'll perfect it. Sorry if it's been posted before btw
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