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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Dude, he's going to get pummelled by that Ukranian hamburger. I don't really know where to watch it though .
  2. This thread makes me feel like I should know more about how the world works. The real world that is, and not the various fantasy worlds of which I have in depth knowledge .
  3. Man, I've already picked up Oblivion GOTY edition, just so I could play Shivering Isles etc, and Just Cause 2, which I heard wasn't even that special, but at £3.29 for a game that came out last year, you can't fucking resist!
  4. Sweet man, lezz do eet.
  5. Man, most reviews of anything are shit because they approach the film or game or piece of music as if it was a product and write nothing more than a consumer report; whether you should buy it, or watch it or not, and give you basic conclusions that any fucker who went into the experience without any expertise whatsoever could come to. I don't want that, I ususally already have my mind made up as to whether I'm going to watch something from impressions gleaned from friends and aquaintences, so what I'm really looking for when I read a review (which is almost always after I've already seen the film/ played the game/ whatever) is a critique, approaching the item in question with a unique angle, with an explanitory power than I don't posess myself, or that crystallises ideas and makes me think about in a way I didn't previously. I don't understand why people look for nothing more than something to validate their own opinion, as if critics are supposed to be nothing but clergymen to their own personal religion fetishising whatever disposable repackaging of some nonsense from geek culture that they've already experienced a thousand times before. Ditto. Apart from the Mass Effect part, which I do think is quite excellent
  6. The psycholinguistics sounds good, but I get that it can be frustrating if your uni doesn't provide the options you actively want to pursue. Yeah, my dad said he'll fund it (secretly he's always wanted me to go into some sort of scientific field), so I'm thinking about it . But I may just go for a masters in Philosophy instead. I'm not very knowledgeable in aspects of decision making, but I'm reading a great book on it called "How We Decide" by Jonah Lehrer. It's good stuff, and really accessible. Shit man, it's the one thing I'm good at so why not keep at it? . Stfu gaysemen.
  7. That sounds so fucking rad man, I've been eyeballing a Neurobiology degree at Berkeley. Whereabouts are you studying?
  8. Oh yeah Phee, dya have the Mad Moxxi DLC by any chance? Been meaning to finish that, but its fucking impossible single playeer.
  9. Haha fuck yes.
  10. A critic's response is supposed to inform the public opinion, not reflect it verbatim.
  11. I don't get rejected, like ever. How does one get rejected by ones own hand?
  12. Yeah man, but nothing is gonna top Mirrored, such a crazy, incredible album. New Gang Gang Dance is also pretty cool, as was Deerhoof Vs Evil.
  13. Sure thang man, or we could run through the second playthrough with our beefed up characters. Although, I've been meaning to try out the siren and berzerker characters, so new characters is just as good =D
  14. You gotta be a grade A dumbshit to give this crap the time of day. Its the same as always, people find/ hallucinate patterns that don't exist, primarily because they neglect to take in all the data that would allow them to come to a conclusion, and instead, come to the conclusion first and then assemble a line of logical fallacies in order to prop up their cockamamie ideas, and then they go and pretend to some secret knowledge of the inner workings of the world; knowledge that they picked up from wikipedia, or some other back alley fictitious website built by an undiagnosed schizophrenic. Fuck all that. These people are genuinely no better than this guy:
  15. True, but back when I got it, the PC online multiplayer was so borked. They fixed it now though, so if anyone fancies shootin some shit, hook me uuuup.
  16. Borderlands is incredible. I pumped 60+ hours into that game, and I haven't even played it co-op yet.
  17. The Fighting Cocks is a great pub. There's this pretty great pub just off Liverpool Street called The Bell if you guys fancy a bit of a boozeocalypse.
  18. Make that 8 and I'm in for the long haul
  19. Alright motherfuckers. Assemmmmbleeee! Edit: Dudes, that only cool if IT WORKS THE FIRST TIME. Fuckers.
  20. Genuinely need more telegraphing there Dyson, at that point yesterday I was asleep in a wine induced coma.
  21. Alright. Now all we need to do is coordinate this ish. How do/ can we set up a private server? And what time is everyone gonna be free to have a good long ass sesh?
  22. The only place I would ever hear this shit is some lousy club in London, probably above an adult bookstore in Soho, where I would not be for the intellectual engagement, let me assure you.
  23. I've not seen it. Shall I take it on your reccommendation that it's worth a shot?
  24. As far as musicals go, I can't fucking stand them, but Little Shop of Horrors is actually awesome.
  25. Checked my grades. Graduated with a casual 1st. Sweet. Now back to TF2.
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