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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. We had this in a Tomb Raider custom level community I used to frequent. There were the people who weren't really interested in getting to know people but liked talking/asking questions about level building and Tomb Raider, and people like me who didn't play Tomb Raider much anymore but stuck around because of the community.


    Can't force people to be sociable, and not everyone keeps up on the recent releases.



    Just like that mysterious rash your girlfriend gave you I'm everywhere.

    But mostly centered around the penis.

  2. Nintendo explained it well with the DSi and it's completely understandable. It's due to differences in network services, parental controls and rating systems

    They explained it, anyway. I don't know about 'well'. :p


    But don't mind me. I'm just mad because we won't get the next Ouendan game.

  3. NO. NO. NO.





    Seriously, I do not like this at all. No one says that. I will not allow that shit.

    Sheesh, you can't even put 'Invincible' and 'terrible' in the same post without ReZ freaking out. :p


    What I actually meant was "ReZ loves anything with superheroes in it so The Cape has to be really terrible if it has a superhero in it and ReZ still didn't like it".


    For the record, I have never read Invincible, but would consider checking it out if I had the money. ;)

  4. Oh, I don't know... You did seem to like the Zelda magnets I posted in another thread, so obviously you have some taste.


    I think you're mostly just disappointed because you want your superheroes to have real superpowers. :p

  5. Aww. And bunnies are so cute too. :(



    No! Get a tortoise! They cost around £100, and to keep them fit it costs another £100ish for a vivarium and the appropriate heat/UV lamps... but they live forever and take very little maintenance. Unlike skittish rabbits who are stupid and scared of everything.

    But you can't pet tortoises. Well, I guess you can, but who would want to?

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