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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. I don't get this, you still have to lean against it in order to get good posture, so it doesn't really stop slouching, there is no support to it.

    I don't get where she's sitting. Is it at a table? Is it at a desk? Why is it so low? Is she in Japan? If it is a desk, she should be more worried about her arms, wrists and neck if she's going to sit like that.

  2. When the gang stages an intervention over Marshall's hat on How I Met Your Mother. While the hat did remind me of The Cat in the Hat, I had never actually read any of Dr. Seuss' books, so when Robin started rhyming, I found it quirky but didn't get the reference.


    Quite some time later, I somehow ended up reading parts of Green Eggs and Ham on Wikipedia or something out of boredom. A few days later, I catch the episode on television, and suddenly the scene was much funnier. I have since watched it with two other people, and have had to explain why it's so funny both times.



    But yeah, Arrested Development is the king of repeat viewings, though I'm sure everyone already knows that. I also quite like watching old episodes of The Simpsons, as I often find myself getting jokes that I missed when I was younger or catching subtler jokes.

  3. This strip is my favorite of the ones I've read, for no logical reason.


    As for criticism, I do think you have a tendency to get a bit too wordy at times. Like in this comic or this one.


    This sometimes extend to the punchline. Telling us what a rickroll is just takes away from the joke. Also, I liked this comic, but I would have loved it if you'd left out the last panel. I think that would have left the joke wonderfully understated (maybe even leave out the "note my/his shirt"). No need to overexplain things.


    I don't know, maybe this all sounds very mean, but that's okay, because apparently you have no soul.

  4. I too have started jonesing for another GTA fix. Though we probably won't see GTA V until the next console generation. But I'll be cool with another GTA: [City Name].



    The Last Guardian makes sense at the top of that countdown, I guess. I keep forgetting that the game exists, though. That's what happens when you announce games too early.

  5. I saw this yesterday and there's so much obnoxious elitism in the comments. Like playing games without music is THE WORST THING EVER and people can't play games the way they want. Sheesh. :indeed:


    I think some games lend themselves better to playing without sound. Games like Advance Wars or Picross, where you're constantly listening to the same music. I buy those games intentionally to have something to play while I'm watching television.


    I can see how you'd miss out on something if you're playing without music in games like Halo or Final Fantasy XIII, but I honestly rarely even notice the music in games like that, so I have a hard time seeing the view that YOU MUST LISTEN INTENTLY TO ALL MUSIC OR YOU ARE RUINING THE GAME that seems prevalent on Kotaku.

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