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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. I too was obsessed with Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers until they stopped airing it over here because it was too violent. It made me want to hurt someone.


    I really wanted some of the toys, but the most I ever got were a couple of cheap knock-offs of the red and black rangers. When you took their helmets off, their faces were painted silver. :(


    Fake edit: Actually, thinking about it, my brother and I did get Goldar and that blue monster, whatever his name was. Goldar was awesome and worked great as a bad guy no matter what toys I was playing it.

  2. Disastrous?


    Personally I loved Super Paper Mario

    It was still disastrous and it still sucked. :p



    This game can only be awesome. Please have Superstar Saga humour, please have Superstar Saga humour...

    Why not Paper Mario humor? The Paper Mario series has always been at least as funny as the Mario & Luigi games, in my opinion.

  3. Picked up a 1tb WD external HDD today.


    Upon buying it the lady in the store then decided to grill me on what content I would be putting onto 1tb. Told her I'd be backing up all of my media/content. She then said it was weird to buy 1tb for such 'content'.

    Couldn't help but say "yeah, but it keeps you in a job".


    Inquisitive staff are annoying.

    She just wanted to have a friendly conversation about porn. There was no need to be rude. :(

  4. I've read comments like the one above complaining about the lack of plot progression towards of the eventual conclusion of the defeating the reapers. That's not an unwarranted complaint, but we've still got the third game, the Return of the Jedi with it's Reapers, Death Stars, military politics and it's legions of dead Bothan spies to do all of that. This was Empire Strikes Back territory, lots of character and world development with multiple arcs spinning off in various different directions, depending on how you played. All of it is brilliant, just brilliant. As a middle act it's essentially perfect at setting us up for the start of the final chapter in a rich, complex universe teeming with stories to let us blow shit up in the most spectacular and involving way possible.

    I agree with this, but strictly comparing Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 to each other (which was what I was doing in my post), I definitely preferred the plot in the first game. I'm sure playing through the entire trilogy, the second game will work a lot better.

  5. My brother will quote jokes five seconds before they happen when we're watching old episodes of The Simpsons, Futurama or Scrubs. It's really annoying. I mean, I've watched these episodes before too, but unlike him I don't have them memorized and hearing jokes before they happen ruins any chance I have of being surprised and getting any enjoyment out of them on a second/third/fourth viewing.


    I've never had any bad cinema experiences, though (that weren't caused by bad movies, anyway), but that might be because I only go to the movies about once a year and generally towards the end of a movie's run.

  6. its amazing check it out. It constantly blows me.

    Aw man, I watch Big Love and it's never done anything of the sort to me. :sad:



    Battlestar Galactica is indeed completely awesome and has a lot of very powerful and emotional moments. One of my favorite TV shows of all time, probably (The Plan was pretty pointless, though).

  7. No Ordinary Family looks pretty dull, but then I've also never been a fan of Smallville, so whatever.



    I'm going to hold off on watching The Cape until I know whether or not it's worth watching. I hate watching a pilot for something that seems promising but ends up sucking and feeling obligated to keep watching it.


    Here's hoping it's good, though. Not that I need another TV show to watch every week, but quality television is always nice. :)

  8. My biggest issue with Mass Effect 2 was that the story pretty much went nowhere. Spending almost the entire game doing nothing but recruiting people (or playing optional loyalty missions) got old fast. The first game had fewer main missions, but they all felt larger in scale and had more to do with the overarching plot. I also really disliked how they turned every mission into a 'stage', with a results screen at the end. It took me right out of the game and felt way too arcade-y.


    I really missed the Mako. Yes, the first game went overboard with repetitive Mako missions, but removing them entirely felt like a step in the wrong direction. Overlord showed how they should have handled the Mako in the sequel.


    Overall I loved both games, though.

  9. I'm really thick and didn't realize that it was supposed to say 13 at first (I couldn't figure out how you'd managed to write 2011 in such a weird way), so I thought it was an odd-looking Z with some sort of symbol above it. And while it's obvious that the n is, in fact, an n, at first glance it looked a bit like an r because part of it is hidden behind the e. After that, I was stuck in my interpretation of the text.


    But yes, it's obvious what it's supposed to say, and this was all just meant to be in good fun. :)

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