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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. I never owned a PS2, ultimately because I still don't like the controller (even after years of using one for pro evo, fifa, a few other games) and because the system never clicked with me. However, I want to play 2 and possibly the original. I've not heard good things about 3, though, onwards.

    You should play 2 and 3 and skip the original instead. It's kind of adorable in its PS1-ness, but the story is so badly told that it's hard to take any of it seriously.


    3 is actually pretty good (and makes sense of the story in the original), though it's not quite as atmospheric as 2.

  2. The first season of Breaking Bad was a victim of the writers' strike, hence why it ends very suddenly halfway through the season.


    It does get better as it goes on. After the first season, the episodes pretty much stop being 'Hank uses science to save the day' and they're not as stand-alone anymore.

  3. I played the first four chapters tonight, and I'm really enjoying the game so far. As Mike says, the trial and error may get annoying later on, but so far, restarting as only meant replaying a minute or two.


    The story is also really intriguing, and I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.

  4. Spider sense makes total sense. Spiders are always tense.

    Spider sense makes total sense:

    Helps him fight with great defense.

    Web shooters? That's common sense.

    Web-swinging adds much suspense.

    Sex with model - so intense!

    Saved his aunt at great expense.

  5. But surely that's because they can feel when their web is moving? Which isn't really anything like Spider-Man's spider sense, which can somehow analyze if something is a threat to him and warn him.


    But to be fair, I don't recall if the movies ever really addressed his spider sense, nor if Ultimate Spider-Man did either. If they didn't, I think that's a much better way to go about it. Have Spider-Man get out of harm's way because he has fast reflexes or something, instead of trying to create some sort of power that doesn't really fit the spider theme anyway, and which only works when the plot calls for it.


    Mostly I'm just bitter because most of my contact with Spider-Man these days comes from occasionally checking out the newspaper strip, in which his spider sense will warn him one day, only for him to get knocked unconscious by a man without super powers (or a brick) the next.


    To sum up, I hope they don't mention his spider sense in the new movie.

  6. I always preferred the organic web shooter idea as well. "You get all the powers of a spider! Wall crawling ability, super strength, incredible balance ... what, web? Who knows a spider for it's web, anyway? You're gonna have to figure that one out yourself, buddy."

    "Spider sense, because apparently spiders can sense danger, hence why they're nearly impossible to squash."


    Of course, the spider sense only works when the plot calls for it anyway.

  7. It's more a matter of not remembering because it's been years since I read it. I just remembered that the explanation was better than 'boy genius creates genius thing'.


    Actually that epiphany thing doesn't sound so great, either. I'll have to reread it, I guess. :p

  8. He still "invents" it in Ultimate Spider-Man, only it's SLIGHTLY more realistic in that it was actually an old project of his father's.

    I know, but I still found that better than the original explanation. Like having spider powers made him understand what was wrong with the chemical compound, or whatever the explanation was in Ultimate Spider-Man. I still prefer organic web shooters, but at least it made a bit more sense.


    Regarding 'grounded', I was mostly referring to intelligence. Ultimate Spider-Man feels a lot more realistic in that regard. I don't think a lot of teenagers would be able to create something like the web fluid from scratch, genius or no.


    Never mind the fact that the supposedly genius Amazing Spider-Man is the same person who made a deal with the Devil and who spends most of his time in the newspaper strip yelling at the television and getting hit in the head with bricks. :indeed:

  9. Yeah, having it completely unrelated to the spider bite doesn't really make it any better.


    So a radioactive spider bites a kid in high school, and then he thinks, "you know what? I'm going to create this web-like substance that no one else has ever thought to create and it's going to be SUPER AWESOME and I'm going to put it in a machine that I'll put around my wrist so I can shoot it all over the place! This'll go perfect with the super powers that I also have now! Well, I'm off to work on my PhD now!"


    I guess I just prefer the more grounded Ultimate Spider-Man. :blank:

  10. It never made any sense to me that the spider bite gave Peter the power to create mechanical web shooters, so I actually liked the organic web shooters in the other movies.


    Oh well.



    Its confirmed yo.

    I didn't know this. That's actually kind of exciting. I always preferred the Ultimate version of Aunt May over the perpetually dying regular one.

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