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Posts posted by Magnus

  1. I got that achievement within the first ten minutes. Pretty much the only thing you can do with people right at the start before you leave the castle is shake their hands.



    I tried to get the achievement for getting twenty friends last night, but I kept losing friends faster than I could make new ones. My counter would go up to 14, and when I made a new friend after that it would go up to 12.


    It probably has something to do with the high rent in my property empire, but I need that money to save people. I wish they'd realize that. Finally I just gave up. I'm done traveling all around the world digging up junk for people. If I hadn't been a shining beacon of goodness up until now I'd just let them all die.

  2. I don't miss the expression wheel, but that's probably because I've always hated interacting with the non-plot-essential NPCs in the Fable games.


    *Patty-cake* "Get this item for me" "Yay, now we're friends!" *Cluck like a chicken* "Lead me by the hand to that place over there" *Kiss* "I have never loved anyone like I love you"


    I feel like I'm taking advantage of mentally handicapped people.

  3. Think once you start and get hooked, it stays with you forever. 4 years later and I feel the same as I did the day I decided to stop.

    Haha, what a terrible thing to say to someone who's going to try to quit smoking. "It never gets better." :p

  4. Which kind did you get - the inhalators or the ones that look/act like cigarettes? My dad has one of those, as does a friend. The end lights up when you inhale and you breathe out some water vapour that gives a realisting impression of smoking. From a distance it looks like a real cigarette... which only serves to make people think you've actually lit up indoors, for example, so they give you stares of contempt and staff are likely to come up to you and threaten you before you have to reason with them. Time and time again.

    It's not going to feel like a real cigarette unless people are treating you like a pariah and you're standing outside in the cold with it, anyway.

  5. Scoop posted about how much he hates MegaTokyo (apparently more than Ctrl+Alt+Del, but that's surely just an exaggeration!) at the beginning of this page. It's seems pretty terrible, but luckily I've always had the good sense to stay away from it.


    I don't like this thread, only because it has given me too many things to read that are awesome :)

    Enjoy reading Ctrl+Alt+Del!



    Other awesome webcomics: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal and The Non-Adventures of Wonderella.

  6. I second Scoop's recommendation of Shortpacked! for anyone who's into toy collecting. Or even if you're not, because David Willis is just that good a writer.


    What I do want to do is plug Gunnerkrigg Court, which is pretty amazing. It's a long form dramatic webcomic with twinges of Harry Potter that's basically about the clash of science and magic. And did I mention it's awesome? It's better than lots of published graphic novels (well, it itself is published now), and apparently Neil Gaiman is a fan. The art starts out good but not outstanding, but gradually gets brilliant:

    I really need to read Gunnerkrigg Court. I remember checking it out when it was new, and now I keep hearing great things about it, so I kind of regret not bookmarking it back then. No one likes archive trawling.

  7. I believe Demon's Souls has something to say to Dragon Age fans.

    Is it "Hi, I'm a completely different game and while I'm focused on strategic combat, Dragon Age is focused on story and characters"? Because if so, I agree. ;)

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