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About ArtMediocre

  • Birthday 11/13/1987

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  • Occupation
    Graphic Designer


  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    N64, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, Switch, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced SP, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL
  • Other Systems Owned
  • Favourite Game?
    Mass Effect series
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
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  1. I'll likely do the same. Haven't used my switch in ages, so it all depends on the upcoming library and price.
  2. OOOF That's such a long wait for the direct! Looks pretty good tho, and I guess its time to upgrade to a new system this year. I'm interested to see if there's any new features, or if its just the same as the Switch 1.
  3. Finally, thanks @Ashley ♥️
  4. Oooh, Red Steel 2 was an absolute banger! Thanks for the nostalgia. No announcement yet, is a Thursday reveal likely off?
  5. It fits too much, haha. I messed up the sizing, so I'll be finishing this one off proper, sell it off, and then print another one I'll keep. I might go for the Dread helmet though, seeing as this has a weird shape to the neck and the Dread fits better as a helmet. But it's all just for fun, and the prime design is so pretty too. I'll update when I've finished the helmet later, but it will take some time .
  6. Getting ready for Metroid Prime 4 in my own way.. https://www.instagram.com/p/DEDi6jluQrU/?igsh=MXVhN25qbDlwcW1xYQ==
  7. They should probably call it the "Switch U", to make the circle of life complete.
  8. Great minds think alike ;D
  9. I hope they have Mario Party 64. Imagine spinning the joystick 😂 I still remember the blisters
  10. My selection from the Steam sale: Celeste Mass Effect Legendary Edition Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition The Void Rains Upon Her Heart (Thanks @drahkon :P) Horizon Zero Dawn Stray God of War I guess it's finally time for me to experience some true PlayStation classics! Can't wait to sink my teeth into GoW and Horizon
  11. Thanks for the write up. I might just do a youtube watch of the story points, as I don't really feel like playing through it. I love the world, the characters and the atmosphere, but it's been a chore to get through the story. I kept hearing people say "you have to see it, it's the most gripping story" etc, but I honestly can't believe that. I've played the likes of Xenoblade 3, which made me ugly cry for 2 hours straight. Now THAT's a story I will forever remember. This on the other hand, I can't really recall what happened unless I do a recap and start to play the game. Hopefully a youtube walkthrough of Ending C will shed some light, and then I won't have to deal with the game being in my backlog all the time 😛
  12. I'm in the fact same boat. Going through C now, but its been a three year journey, haha.
  13. Weird to see so many of you share my views on the game. I thought i was in the minority, but I've played the game for probably 100-120 hours, and then just... stopped. I still haven't fought a 3 headed dragon or Gabon, so I have no idea how the game ends. Weird, because I usually religiously play Zelda games until it's 100% done. I've done all the tears though, and I miss a linear story driven game. So many characters I think could've worked amazingly well within a smaller scale. I'm unsure if I'll get back to it, but we'll see. I guess I have to finish it one day.
  14. Congrats! I always dread doing larger upgrades, haha. Next time I'll have to upgrade my CPU, which means new motherboard, possibly new RAM, and why not just add a GPU as well. Hope you enjoy the new build! What did you end up buying?
  15. I do the same, even though I'm Norwegian For me it all depends on what language is set on the game or book I'm writing notes of. So if I'm listening to a Norwegian lecture or book, I write in Norwegian. But games, films etc. is all English. So English it is.
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