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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Go ahead and follow me tonight. I don't care. I still think it's smeagol and maybe aqui1a.
  2. Eenuh; castling! If you haven't moved either the castle (rook) or the king, the squares between them are unoccupied then you can move the king two squares towards the rook and place the rook the other side of the king - ONLY if the two squares the king passes through are not being attacked by the opponent. You'd think it's the offside of the chess world, but actually there's the en passant (passent?) rule which is slightly harder to follow and not generally one that ever occurs! Time isn't massively relevant! We can have time limits of like 2 hours maybe, or a day, or whatever.
  3. You can! I believe EEVILMURRAY is the best at that.
  4. If you don't already know waht the other piecesdo then tbh it's probably not worth giving it a go :P
  5. So who here plays chess? I was thinking of organising a chess tournament, perhaps on yahoo.com (or chess.com, which is free to join and also has a good facebook app). Would people be interested? As current reigning chess champ, with a billion wins and only one loss to fellow forumites (the loss was to letty!), I feel like the Apollo to a potential Rocky out there. The cape and everything.
  6. Three editions of the same book (20) Was hoping someone would automerge prevent All the GBP sterling coins from 2008/2009 which make up the Royal Shield of Arms, plus the £1 (20) plus a bonus £1 with the old royal standard on it Myspace pose (10)
  7. For the camera/mirror one follow peep's instructions as it's his bish.
  8. Gizmo; sounds like your heating is on a timer. Check that shit! Oh you're in halls or something. Ha!
  9. It's a giant money holder, like 4 times the size of a regular drinking container, and not made to contain the drink
  10. Just walked 8 urban miles. My boots are hardcore. I'm zooming past everyone else as their feet fumble. The best advantage of the snow? It's much more reflective so I can see where I'm going in teh dark! Huzzah!
  11. Poo Bum Wee Wee.

  12. Wanting to make the essay stand out aesthetically? If you really want to, you can create a background image for your headings - like a website header, only it should be extremely subtle. For an old product design write-up I'd have a box the width of the writing field and maybe an size-20 sort of height that was a light grey net design. Helped break up the monotomy, perhaps. Are you allowed to insert images? And are you sure it's even necessary. If he's only marking 4 papers then I wouldn't worry about being memorable too much.
  13. FYI I'm deleting any beiber posts from now on. There's a fucking topic, and that ain't it.
  14. I've read a few of his books. The Dark Tower is extremely engrossing! I don't think you should wait to have them all before you read them - start now! You'll be forced to buy them as you go. You can read the first book in one sitting, and you won't regret it. Aside from that I've only read the Shawshank short-story and the Dead Zone. Saw his new book in the shops and was Oh So Tempted. I suppose The Stand aught to be next, I dunno. But yeah - start with Dark Tower. It's the core of all his work that came before and after, and it's his self-admitted best work. Oooooh actually Green Mile was the first book of his I read. Fantastic stuff.
  15. Equilibrium is not a terrible movie. WTF.
  16. I type with all digits on my left hand and none on my right. That hand is too busy flipping the bird constantly at the screen.
  17. You can target me all you like, as I've said I have no night power. At all. I distrust smeagol still.
  18. Ok, so five LARGE drinking containers.
  19. "Hey lady, I'm here to fix your sink" Bom chikah wow-wow
  20. You have litre glasses :P How about 10 DIFFERENT household glasses! Apologies for the heinz one. 5 different soups of the same brand will be fine
  21. EW&F is fine dazz Danny; I'm afraid that myspace pose isn't right!
  22. Aaah you shithead. I wanna see 30STM Go away. Hope you're mafia now.
  23. Just checked the ever reliable wiki, and yeah it says s02 is 13 eps Yummy. No sign of when.
  24. Gone a step further in attaining this census job for march - also got a volunteering job lined up for after xmas! Progress.
  25. Probably next Fall I haven't checked or anything, but I suppose it'll be 12 eps minimum the next run, at least!
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