Personally I think less players per game solves all problems. Games are over quicker, take less time to get heated, don't get inundated with pages of walls of text and are easier to catch up on.
I also personally prefer games to be staggered -- I guess we were 'lucky' to start two intense games at once, but I'd've personally preferred one starting half-way through the other one so that I could properly remember which is which.
Personally I'm finding I have a mere 3-4 hour window to myself on worknights, minus a couple of days when I spend the evening at my girlfriend's house.
But as I've so obviously stressed circumstances are different for everyone. I do genuinely think smaller games means a higher turnover, which encourages people to be mroe selective about their games. Sure, people want to play in every single game everrr and not miss out on anything... But hey, there you are.
Ultimately it's up to the GM to define their game's rules and structure and for players to decide whether they accept those terms or not.