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Everything posted by scubahood

  1. Got mine pre-ordered from shopto.net for £30. This is my first time using them after reading about how great they are on the xbox forums.
  2. Having same problem got home from a club last night and to my joy Mario Bros is on there so I buy it right away and to my horror mode not supported. It does look like its trying to change the screen resolution before it loads what to I don't know as the only thing i've found my TV can't do is 1080p and the wii doesn't even do that Update: I've emailed Nintendo waiting on a reply and I posted on another forum and they say its my TV.
  3. This time of year with work partys and various other partys we are being told to watch how much we have to drink. Theres also those TV adverts warning us not to drink and drive but none of them actually ever tell you the legal limit. Other people I talk to don't seem to have a clue either some say its 1 unit of alcohol others tell me 3. Anyone know the correct amount I'm not asking for purposes of me watching how much I drink its purely out of curiosity
  4. Anyone got working links
  5. Are there actually videos showing the hanging? Would of clicked the links but im eating a burger at the mo
  6. So far i've addred Davidredge, darksnowman and moria will add more soon.
  7. Hey guys finally got round to finding out my console number. If anyone adds me send me a private message so I can add you if I haven't already. Looking forwards to seeing your Miis
  8. I decided to pick up games own brand one yesturday does make things look a lot clearer it is really noticable on the wii channels screen.
  9. I still don't fully understand it either its so odd
  10. Quick someone call the forum police!!!
  11. Someone else has been arrested now
  12. Was gonna post his myspace page pretty funny how they had it on the news that he was a myspace user. This has been a very interesting story as Ipswich is only a half hour drive from me and I have many friends that live there. Its so unusual to have all of these things happening close to home we've had the murders and there was a shooting in a nightclub which surprise surprise was done by some blacks from London
  13. She hasn't got the best grip in the world Link? She can't be much use when it comes to using her hands then
  14. Agreed i'm really surprised the media have jumped on it but you know what they say any publicity is good publicity. I really don't understand how anyone can let go of it I have played sober I have played pissed at 4 in the morning after a night on the town and it never came close to leaving my hand. I think you'd have to be really special to let go of it
  15. I'm not really to bothered about getting a replacement as I don't think i will let it fly out of my hand. But as all it takes is an email i figured i may as well
  16. Heard about it on the news yesturday then read about it in the sun today they listed an email address but i've forgotten what it is anyone know where i need to email
  17. Just sell the extra wii play on ebay job done
  18. Very pleased that I changed my Wiiplay order from Play to Game. Not sure if anyone remembers but I found out I could save myself a fiver with Game and guarentee it for launch this was about a week and a half ago. I got a bit of stick from people saying I was silly etc and my chances of getting it were slim but hoorah it got posted this morning
  19. Yep games as well and all came in a big box on launch day.
  20. Just to let you guys know that last year with the 360 launch my status on Gameplay didn't change till about midday on Thursday
  21. I only have 400 stars used the ones i earned on that Pokemon link up thing and Zelda collectors thing
  22. Can you still get points for logging on daily?
  23. Fucking great day Wii pre-order gets confirmed then girlfriend breaks up for me. Amazing how you can go from such a high to such a low
  24. YAY good news lads got bored of waiting so phoned Game the guy was really helpful checked out my details and said he 100% has a console for me then asked if i wanted any games i then said zelda and wii play as my online orders haven't been dispatched and he said that they can't 100% guarentee those. I spose he was asking so that i get double reward points for pre-ordering. My store is opening at 8 so my new plan is work at 7 get all the newspapers and magazines out do returns then sprint to game estimated time of arrival 8:15
  25. Gonna phone them in 20 mins i need to know
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