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Everything posted by Sarka

  1. I had a wonderous drea last night. Well, first off I was doing a maths test, very fun indeed. The person I am currently obsessed with then came to the front of the class and spoke for ages, which was fun, like the test. I was then suddenly digging holes, like in the book 'Holes'. I was Stanley and I was digging a hole with Zero (if anyone has read the book, it'll make more sence). X-Ray had fallen in a hole and we scrapped him out, when it happened a big cave of wonders was revealed. We went in and it turned into an animated Disney film. There was a great big orchestrial song while this bad guy was chasing us on a cart (similar to the ones on Donkey Kong Country). Twas super! Then I had a pet sparrow and bunch of theives (I think it was Team Rocket) dressed up as squirrles were trying to steal it from me, but I escaped. Then I woke up. Can anyone decefer this dream?
  2. I'll add my name to the list, althought the chances of me getting done are slim... oh well! Chine up! I'm 5"11, 14 and a pic may come soon..
  3. Muahahahahaha. Living in Scotland... is an.. advantage? What? This concept is completely new to me... Jonathing Ross, games program, sleep. Sounds like a good Friday night to me!
  4. I'll do youre name an dI'll do it good. A little to long, but you gotta love pa er Nintendo characters, shame about the II though, couldn't you not have just gotten paperwario? Anyway, 7/10
  5. It won't unzip, if you could e-mail it to me that'd be fantastic! Me e-mail is [email protected] Thanks
  6. I mean, I got MSN 8 beta and using that patch it ain't working. I hate 7.5 and I want to get 8 ASAP.
  7. When I try and unzip the file (on the http://www.msgshit.com/ page) it won't work, it says it's not valid or something... damn! I hate MSN 7.5!
  8. Well, I can't seem to find any tapes to teach Germna, or any language. They're all about losing weight or giving up smoking damn them!
  9. Is thre something in IUceland happening so that we will have one of the coldest Christmas's ever? Or something..? Anyway, this is the first yea rI'm asking for aquite expensive big presents, but only 1 or 2. I'll be getting DS games from not close, but still family. So, I'll have all the games I want form them leaving Santa to give me good stuff. Jazz shoes, camcorder (a crappy one at that) and MP3 watch.
  10. Cool, I'm gonna have a closer look into it, I'd love to learn German.. even though I'm learning it at school.
  11. Anyone know those tapes you listen to while you sleep, and it teaches you things. I was wondering if they actually work? I was thinking of picking one up, to learn a language or something, since I don't do much while I'm sleeping. :wink:
  12. Dose anyone remember.. um.. Bitz, there were three women... and it was really good. That's all I remember.
  13. Well *strokes chin* no, my empathy is far to high. If I ever stole something from someone I'd feel so bad and cry myself to sleep about it. I felt bad when I gave 55p on the bus instead of 65p... I can still remember that and it was months ago. I just realised a wrote a paragraph answering a joke quetion... oh well!
  14. At the moment I'm personally thinking that I will do some accountancy course after I leave school and because a hideously rich finance director, or somehting. I got my first test results back for Account's and Finance an dI got 100%, yay! Go me!
  15. I like the White Revo with the Black background, I'm using it as myu background at the moment as it's SO good!
  16. It's nice but I repfered the old one, I guess this one more suites the Chrismtas spirit. There's something about the colour that I'm just not quite getting, the blues in your blue picture were nicer. But still, it looks fantastic, and I give you a 8/10
  17. Sausages Beans Sweetcorn Little potatoe things 9/10
  18. I hope they lock this one, like they did my one.. *cries* Anyway! I love Christmas! I'm gonna get jazz shoes, a camcorder, Ossu! Thingy! Thingy! and some cash for Electroplankton and Zelda: TP.
  19. BLUE SPRITE!!! Has any of you tried this? I believe it was exclusive in some scandinavian countries, I had it when I was at Faroe and Denmark, ahhh, I was so high...
  20. I dance! Yay! I also enjoy socialising, composing tunes with friends, not on my own of course, badminton and... um... dance...
  21. 9/10 for you Retro Link, imo one of the most recognisable RE members + the best sig on the forum makes me see you more and more! JonSt, you beat me to it, I'd give you a 7/10, I see you around alot, but I can't think of any memorable posts really... apart from the great JonST giveaway.
  22. 6/10 I recognise your sig immediatly, but he name doesn't click as much. I know you post alot.
  23. In our schoolw e don't really get predicted grades so we predict them from your end of unit tests. I wish we did get predicted grades though, it'd make it far more fun!..... Of course I'm not a nerd! Sheesh!
  24. Mario RPG! Can't wait! Earthbound! I can't wait!!! Apart from that the other news ain't to exciting.
  25. And Platinum games are $20 in the US! That is SO cheap..
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