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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. A track by Radiohead that I haven't listened to... despite having all of their albums? what new devilry is this? Seriously... is it off of their recently re-released albums which they added tracks to, if so that explains all, just looked at the tile of the song and thought "wait a minute, why haven't I heard of this track" that's all. ------------------------- Mmmm Debut by Bjork is even more enjoyable through headphones it would seem, such a stunning album that leaves me feeling happy... violently happy.
  2. Awesome, the good thing about Peej though is that she's very versatile and while I agree - to a point - about White Chalk she has done loads of other songs that are more upbeat and just plain excellent to listen to. This... Idk how I missed out those two, good call Chair. This too... damn, I've only recently gotten into Peej and love her music but it seems I still have much to learn.
  3. Haha, agreed about Dave Grohl, he is something of a legend. OK, how about some PJ Harvey? you might be initially turned off by this suggestion but she has some pretty damn good standalone tracks - not to mention whole albums - some are more 'Rocky' so maybe try a few of those such as O Stella, Sheela-Na-Gig, Kamikaze, Who the Fuck?, 50ft Queenie and Man-Size also check out her duet with Thom Yorke in This Mess We're In. I reckon there's a good chance you may like at least some of her tracks.
  4. Nice comeback there Stuwii... Stuwii... Seriously! please stop being a tit.
  5. Exactly... I don't hate him as such, I'll listen to him if he happens to be on the radio but yeah, nothing amazing; hmm when you say you're looking for new music, do you mean recent or music that's new to you? Idm suggesting some stuff if you like... Either way, as you've discovered, Foo Fighters are a good fall-back plan because you can always rely on their music to be enjoyable Imo.
  6. True enough I guess... Stuwii... please stop being a tit.
  7. Yeah... I've heard him on the radio, not through choice, had to wikipedia him to be sure of who he is and really... he's ok but mostly forgettable from what I've heard of him. :/
  8. What the f**k is this s**t? Seriously, it's yet another f**king pointless thread that serves no purpose or meaning, I mean why would anyone want to be a tw*t and show off all of the 'offensive' words that they know, it's a load of b******s! Stuwii... stop being a tit.
  9. Anyone remember Quad Damage? 'twas an egg sammich of epic proportions, well today once again four eggs needed using up and so I present to you... Quad Damage II yes the eggs look a bit more of a mess, but damn... four eggs, four slices of toast - two of which were crusts - a healthy dose of pepper and to top it off a dash of Chilli tomato ketchup, it was nom.
  10. ... .. . Yes... Yes it is! are you happy now?... Jussssst kidding but seriously afaik all peripherals are region free, hope this helps.
  11. Yeah, 'tis a difficult thing to judge at the best of times, let alone on your test but it's worth doing if there is time... I don't blame you on the reverse parking lol it's horrible :/ I wouldn't choose to do it either but it's all about showing the examiner that you can do it even if you don't plan to do it ever again afterwards. It's ok to feel upset and let it all out at least and at least you feel better for it now just try not to take it too hard on yourself, you did your best so you should have no regrets and can be looking to the next test when you're ready... the diazipam might not be such a bad idea though, wish I had some for when I took my last test, I had to make do with a paracetamol to settle my stomach, haha. Also that was nice of your Mum bless her, a fry up must have tasted really good after that ^^ damn I'm hungry now though lol a couple of fried eggs for lunch I reckon.
  12. Never mind Raining *big hugs* at least you tried your best and as the instructor said, your driving on the whole was really good so it was just nerves really, that happened to me on my first test and my second come to think of it... >.> About the right turning, I believe you are allowed to ask them to confirm what they meant, so if you aren't sure which 'right' you're supposed to take then you can ask, 'this right or the next' and they won't mark you down for it. It's not easy but just remember that there is always next time and at least you'll be more prepared for it, I mean I'm sure you would have been prepared this time around but nerves get to everyone, especially on a first driving test, so please try not to take it too hard on yourself... I did and I wish I hadn't in retrospect. :/
  13. I love Quicken the Heart but I think for me A Woman A Man Walked By is probably my favourite album this year... though I need to listen to it more to be sure really, Lungs is certainly a strong contender as well
  14. I love how they've paired up the wrong sofa's with the wrong colour tables, the black would look better with the black sofa surely? Anyway yeah... black.
  15. I agree with this tbf... though it's still good as a single though maybe not as representative of the album as say Drumming Song? ------------------------------- Moar CD's arrived in the post today! Bjork - Medula, Post and Volta. Tori - From The Choirgirl Hotel, Strange Little Girls, American Doll Posse and Scarlet's Walk. Oh and I just got Drawing Restraint 9 for 99p off eBay.
  16. I thought Lungs had maybe lost its charm for me as yesterday I only listened to the tracks I wanted to on my iPod, those were Rabbit Heart - Raise it up!, Howl and Drumming Song. But today I listened to the album in full through headphones and it rejuvinated my love for it, I think it's much stronger as an album but I'll refrain from listening to it for a little while now as it'll be that much sweeter when I come back to it.
  17. Get lots of rest so that you're fresh for the test, try and treat it as if it's a normal lesson but focus on doing your best, as long as you do that I reckon you'll be fine. We all have faith in you Raining, go out there and make us all proud(er). *Mahoosive hugs*
  18. The Rip because I love it, both are decent tracks though tbf. ---------------------------------- Also as a sidenote, will there be any more 'Music Warz!' after this one is over Paj?
  19. Wow, I wondered when this would be officially finished also I found it amusing reading my slightly ignorant post from 6 months ago when I was unfamiliar with Peej but now fuck... We Float would still get my vote but because I do actually love it now.
  20. Am I the only person to think it's pure awesome given your username that you have a job that involves digging holes? ... Yeah that's pretty much all I wanted to say... >.>
  21. Haha that is pretty fail, I mean come on, what kind of 'corrupting content' is gonna appear in a 12? :/
  22. Actually on top of what I allready have atm I have owned both Uncharted and LBP but sold them both because I couldn't really see myself going back to Uncharted - not even for trophies - and I had no real desire to 'make' anything with LBP. Edit - er... apparently I still have Uncharted... but it's in my 'to sell' pile so if anyone wants to buy it for a tenner or something - it's the original so has the NON-crap case - then let me know. :p On the contrary, it's completely backwards compatible with all USA PS2 games and before people say "wtf USA? lol owned!" most USA PS2 games are often cheaper than PAL plus there are many titles that were unreleased in Europe that I can play if I choose to, plus I got the MGS essentials pack - USA only - for £17.99 new.
  23. Each to their own and all that but their are plenty of bands that are better than the Artic Monkeys Imo and as for Muse if we are talking about Absolution here - as Stuwii referenced - then it only has one 'inbetweeny bit' that being Interlude which is exactly what it is, apart from that, it's straight into the next track with only the second-long gaps you get with most albums. ----------------------------- Bjork : I listened to Debut last night in full and I enjoyed it a lot, hearing both Human Behaviour and Violently Happy in album form only endeared them more to me; I also enjoyed There's More To Life Than This due to the different way in which it was recorded and Like Someone In Love which was just a really nice track. ----------------------------- Dry gets better and better with each listen.
  24. Even so... Tales of Symphonia for £5 is a steal!
  25. S.C.G


    I guess that depends entirely on what you choose to do with the other hand...
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