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Everything posted by S.C.G

  1. Cheers for the games tonight @Jimbob, it was fun and good to get a few quests done too. We showed that Tetsucabra who's boss in the end as well.
  2. N-Europe 'new' Nintendo 3DS XL Image Gallery : peace:
  3. The difference is the opposite for me, my old XL Circle Pad was starting to seriously wear out but both the New 3DS and New 3DS XL feel infinitely better to control, in fact it wasn't until going back to check my old XL right now that I realised just how bad mine had got.
  4. I'll open up a party on the PSV a few minutes before 8PM and I'll set up a room around that time too.
  5. Probably around 8PM if that suits?
  6. Sticking with using PSVita so I can use cross-platform party chat with anyone who owns a PS3/PS4/PSV, using my Xbox headset, all so I can play a game with chat on a Nintendo platform. Next gen! I don't think there's any distinction in the full game, it's just for the demo.
  7. I'm roughly in the same position as you, only I went with the Velocidrome(?) armour, I've yet to play it online yet though but was hoping to jump into it tonight, what time were you thinking of playing from? I could join you seeing as we'll be evenly matched in HR level as I mentioned in here last night I'll have my Vita set up for party chat to make things easier. Anyone else is welcome too of course, I enjoy hunting with everyone regardless of level. : peace:
  8. Wow... I thought that we'd already had our whole season pass worth of DLC but we're getting the chance to play as Gannon in addition to a new mode plus other enhancements too? Best value season pass ever! Now all I've got to do is actually play the game more...
  9. If anyone wants to play this online tonight, let me know. I've got a PSVita set up for party chat if that helps as well - pretty sure you can cross-chat between PS3/PS4/PSV which is handy - finally a use for it! I'll be grinding away in single player until then. : peace:
  10. Well I suppose it's always possible that they'll have a 'Unsung Heroes' sale of some kind later on down the line featuring all the Punch Out!! games plus a few others - I use the term 'Unsung' in reference to franchises that are underused and not often in the spotlight - then they could sell it for a week at say... £9.99 something like that would be fine as it'll just be its £17.99 RRP the rest of the time. : peace:
  11. But what about Punch Out!! though? Is anyone honestly going to pay more than double the going rate of a physical copy in order to have it digitally? I don't wish to start an argument over this, I'm just genuinely curious. : peace:
  12. @Sheikah that's very true, it's also why if they had to stick with one price for all then I would have preferred it if all of the digital Wii games were £8.99 as it would even out more being that Punch Out!! would only then be slightly overpriced and Kirby would be the price that it really should be anyway for a digital copy. It's surely better to sell twice as much digitally at half the price than not nearly as much as half that at double the price? : peace: As it stands I'll probably be picking Kirby up in the sale, as much as I like to support Nintendo where possible, they have just had a lot of my money - and loads of other peoples as well - thanks to the rejuvenation of the 3DS market, not to mention amiibo.
  13. This is what I originally posted in another thread, now I can see why Nintendo don't want to reduce Kirby at least not right away due to it being a valuable title still - I know that didn't stop them with Metroid Prime Trilogy but that was one of the introductory games and I think it was a good way to generate some excitement - but I still stand by my quote for Punch Out!! as that can already be picked up incredibly cheaply on disc for around £7 or less so that doesn't seem like a good buy to me. I'll probably wait and see, if this ends up reducing the price of the physical copies significantly I would probably go with Kirby on disc instead being that I don't have it already. Even if I can see the convenience of having it just 'there' is very good and the collector in me wants to just 'buy them all' anyway.
  14. @Glen\-i I've added you! : peace: @Dcubed as well, you must have had me provisionally registered, could have sworn I already had you added... must be on Wii U, oh well you're there now. @Jimbob consider yourself added!
  15. There's certainly a lot of potential for the latest incarnation in The Legend of Zelda series which has been adored for a significant amount of time now. Over the course of almost the past twenty-eight years - suddenly I feel old - we've witnessed Link go from pixels to polygons, through different graphical phases and even to different places. Each entry has managed to bring something unique, offering new styles of play, setting different tones, even taking us on spectacular voyages via a range of strange transportation which we wouldn't have thought possible within such a title until witnessing it first-hand. If I had heard in the nineties that a future Zelda game was going to be styled like a cartoon featuring a talking boat, I don't think I would have believed it and yet now it seems like the most normal thing within the context of games in general. Whether it was originally the intention for each Zelda game to surprise its audience in all manner of ways or not, it's certainly a series that now has a reputation for it but for a series which is noted for doing so, I would have thought that there was the possibility of us ending up with the exact opposite of what we as fans actually wanted. It's interesting to see Nintendo opening up to the idea of having a Zelda game with such a grand scale but lest we forget that it isn't necessarily that this is the first time the idea would have occurred; indeed Shigeru Miyamoto originally had the idea with the very first game being geared towards this style before it has gradually become something of a modern-day trend. Now though there is enough power to make something like this a reality, clearly it was at the very least attempted with Twilight Princess and certainly implied that it was to be the game set within this vast landscape where you could travel seamlessly between places across a presumably huge, interlinked overworld unlike any we had seen before. Ultimately what we ended up with was a reworking of the template set in Ocarina of Time with a grander scope and a graphical style which seemed to sit somewhere between that realistic fantasy flavour of Lord of the Rings which was still popular at the time, mixed with the darker flavour of Majora's Mask which for the most-part is a fusion that works really well, only it lacked that charm which was there in abundance during the N64 games even if it still has its own moments of brilliance. After seeing the reveal of the latest title, the potential for the majority of our dreams to be realised with regards to Zelda becoming one of the best adventure games of all time once again are almost within reach, no longer will it be significantly held back by the hardware; traditionally this is a series which has made the best of the platform it's on but I always got the impression that especially on the Wii there were times when I have thought to myself, nice as the art style is it's clearly held back but seeing The Wind Waker HD in motion and the last in-game footage we have witnessed belayed any fears I might have once had. Beyond the look of the game though I for on am excited to see how things will rapidly progress from this point forward as 2015 will surely be a pivotal year not just for Nintendo but for The Legend of Zelda as a franchise. We know so far to expect a title which has a beautifully blended style featuring the protagonist we've all grown to love but in a different guise, riding a horse across a vast world using items and moves of which some are familiar, while others are new, fresh... untested. What's exciting however is what we don't know, but rather than speculate I'm just going to enjoy the wait for E3 when surely the title will be fully revealed, hopefully it will surprise and delight us all. Heroes are reborn but legends never die. : peace:
  16. Seven heart containers, Six masks acquired, Five gold rupees, Four cycles played, Three warp points, Two fairies saved and the First Temple beaten with ease! : peace:
  17. Nicely done @King_V I'm surprised Argos still had stock of those two games as I'm sure they both came out around the launch of the machine, DOA is a good fighter but I honestly can't remember the last time I played it; good trade-in for both the games though? : peace: Is anyone conditioning their New 3DS battery? I've heard there are various ways to do this but I always went with discharging what's in the battery out of the box, doing a full charge, running it down completely, then doing another full charge and then just plugging in the charger whenever required. I could be wrong though, it might not even be necessary, I was just curious as to what peoples thoughts on the matter were given that battery life for all 3DS units has always been something of a sticking point. Mine took around 3 and a half maybe 4 hours to do a full charge last night.
  18. So you'd need to spend around £15 in order to complete the game in a reasonable time frame? Honestly I don't know why they just don't have two options... Free - pay for credits and all that stuff Unlocked - pay £15 for the game and not have to worry about extra costs Even £15 seems too expensive for something like this though being that it's only a digital release but then this seems to be what Iwata was talking about in regards to having more quick free to play games and easy ports I suppose? It also makes it difficult to review unless Nintendo want to send points cards/codes to reviewers because it's not something I'd consider paying for being that it doesn't see that compelling plus I know that I could just play a little bit of it and finish it eventually; even if codes for eShop credit were sent out for reviews it would be too tempting to just spend it on other stuff. I'm really not sold on this concept.
  19. I'm confused as to why the transfer is taking two hours for some people over local wireless? (this is the option of transferring between two consoles yes? If you mean transferring wireless to a PC or something then I understand) I understand if it's because of not doing the Micro SD card prep in advance - even then it shouldn't take that long - but really it makes it so much easier. Pretty sure it only took me about half an hour to complete the transfer process to my New 3DS XL yesterday, half of that was trying to get the back off without scratching or breaking it. There seems to be a fair amount of force required in getting the back casing off the XL in comparison to removing the faceplates from the standard model, thankfully it's only something I'll ever have to do once. : peace:
  20. No idea, I don't think so... I just transferred over to the Majora's Mask XL in any case and I went to the theme shop to get the Moon theme, there was a price on it so I'm assuming not. I realistically won't use the digital version because I have a physical copy... unless physical and digital are deemed to be separate entities? By which I mean let's say for arguments sake that I finish the game three times on the physical version but want to start again without erasing files then the digital copy could become useful then if it were to give me 'extra' save files, though I don't think it works like that; I've heard stories of people accidentally erasing their progress when deciding to go from physical to digital and vice versa... there is a save transfer tool, I know that much. Anyway I'm going off at a tangent but the Moon theme is worth the money in any case. : peace:
  21. Nope... sticking to my 'no doubles on display' rule despite preferring retro styled Wario.
  22. I'm at around the same point as @RedShell I think, only played for about an hour last night but I will be putting some more time in later today after I've transferred to my new 3DS XL so hopefully I'll be ready for online either tonight or sometime over the weekend. Glad to hear that you're all enjoying it though. : peace: I can't wait to see what it looks like on a bigger screen.
  23. When did you redeem the code? Sometimes it will take time before they inform you that you can claim your statue, the game only officially came out today, I'd wait on getting an e-mail from them. It's not a question I can answer because although I have an Ambassador Edition New 3DS, it was @Aneres11 who kindly purchased it for me via his Club Nintendo account after I paid him the money via PayPal so any offer regarding the statue would be for him. Incidentally if you wanted the Skull Kid Statue Aneres and have received the e-mail then by all means go for it, all you need to do is buy Majora's Mask from the Nintendo store. : peace: Did you receive the e-mail about it after you were picked to buy the Ambassador Edition? Or did you buy one off someone else the same as me? If so then that's probably why, I wouldn't worry though, I'm sure Nintendo will make sure you get one; anyway they technically already have haven't they? You stated that you received two Skull Kid statues but no console, so either the console is still in transit separately or they didn't send it and will surely ship it to you following you getting into contact with them, then all is well and you might still end up with an extra statue after that. So the hinge on yours moves left and right slightly too?
  24. Hmm I think the hinge having a bit of 'give' to it was the same on the original XL model, however my MM New 3DS XL arrived today and not only does it have the normal movement on the hinge but it also moves slightly to the left and right as well... did yours have this as well? It's only when significantly tilting the unit far left or right, probably more than would be used in game so it's not a huge deal but I just wondered if it was a thing with all of them or just mine, if it's just mine then I may consider going with the Monster Hunter one instead if it has a sturdier hinge... but the gold, is so shiny. Also noticed before I turned it on that there is - again as this happened with my XL unit - a very small, minute defect in the screen, as in barely noticeable, it's nothing like what I had with the XL as this isn't visible when I turn the machine on so it's not a dead pixel and won't ruin my enjoyment of the system as it did with the XL but still, just small things. The actual system itself is magnificent!
  25. Was just about to give Monster Hunter a go but there's something about a software update? Anyway each time it tries to download, it fails, I assume it's not important though and can just start the game, the update will probably be working later or tomorrow I assume.
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