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Everything posted by Wrath

  1. Hey Long time reader, rare poster here. Bought myself a new TV a while ago, and currently (very) slightly annoyed at it. (It's an LG 42LE5300 Edge LED Full HD TV 120Hz) When sitting at an angle from the television IR reciever (conveniently placed at the bottom right of the TV - furthest away from my computer) I have to aim so carefully with the remote control to mute/change channel when i'm sitting by the computer. (Yeah, i know, why don't i just sit in the sofa in front of it?) Yes, i sometimes browse the web while skimming past some channels. (Analogue antenna cable tv, no separate TV Box, such as Sky, Canal Digital etc) so i use the TV remote to change channels - retro! Derailed slightly from the topic there. What i'm wondering is if there's a cheap, smart solution to somehow either move or extend the range of the infrared receiver to better accommodate my lazy ways of not sitting on the couch. Any ideas or am I just grasping at straws here? I guess maybe a universal remote or something with a stronger IR sender (maybe some gizmo IR amplifier that can curve the Infrared rays and whatnot :P ) To be honest, even when i'm sitting directly in front of the TV, it doesn't always feel like responding to my expectations. Thanks in advance, i guess. Forgive me if i'm making a (not very) big deal out of something trivial
  2. Went into GAME today, and it was £69.99 !! I was surprised, but i still bought it, bit expensive imo.
  3. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Guitar-Hero-Legends-Wireless-Controller/dp/B000X1BF2S/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1195661667&sr=8-3 Hmm, If you scroll down to the comments, they say the sound is in mono? Is this true, and if so, recognisable you reckon? Mind you I dont have surround sound at all, just the TV speakers, but wouldn't mind a confirmation. I've been over the moon since they revealed it was coming for Wii, and even better on my b'day, but this has actually set me back, as i own a 360 also, judging whether i should buy it for that. Still very tempted to get this on Wii anyway, seeing as the wiimote sounds and rumble must be great to have whilst rocking away
  4. I am really looking forward to this game. I have played GH1 on PS2, i have played GH2 on Xbox360 and even though i loved every second of it, i have never gotten around to own one of these. Although this version i most definately will buy, and even better is it comes out on my b'day ^^. As for the song discussion, It is possible developers make some sort of deal with Ninty to allow specific music to be dowloaded from Shop Channel for use on GH only. But I'm happy with the song list it will have from the start, many houts of fun ahead of me
  5. Ketchup. Brown sauce goes well with sausages, but I prefer the red stuff. =)
  6. guitar hero & guitar hero II would be awesome.. I wanted a Ps2 just for that! I love that game.. *sigh* Correct me if i'm wrong, but didn't NGamer Mag mention this in the Feb Mag edition? I would love a music game as I am a musical person..
  7. what the hell is this crap? :| one of the most crappy songs/music i have heard..and i've heard a lot of crap. :P
  8. My hair is simple. No products. Used to use wax/gel style it though when I had it short, but can't be bothered anymore.. :P It is always straight, and just grows and grows.. I used cut it monthly, but I'm now letting it grow for the first time since ages, to see how it ends up looking; So far so good
  9. Very nice wallpaper/theme you got there tie.nano. :wink:
  10. I take it these are all European launch dates? :P
  11. Code= 3841 6875 0057 8753 PM me if you add me. And I will likewise.
  12. Yup, done all that.. I just don't get it, why won't i recieve it? Surely it doesn't take more than two days.!? Thanks for the help though..
  13. I've left it over a day at least. Still no signs of it showing up. where exactly should it be? with that message board thing right?
  14. I am trying to email my Wii from my GMail account. I have the address when I added my GMail on my WiiAdressBook and got a msg from my Wii with its address. I send emails from my GMail to my Wii, but I never get them! Why? :-/
  15. Yeah i think so.. But RedSteel is only on Wii..
  16. Well, tesco in coventry had NO wii play's whatsoever. and no extra remotes.. Gutted.. no multiplayer for a while.. *sigh*
  17. I'm 5 and a half hours in and right at the end of the forest temple. As soon as you finish the fishing bit it all speeds up from there. The remote and 'chuck works fantastic together, 'tis so comfortable and easy to use, and still accurate and a lot of fun. Definitely a must buy game. Anyone know how many dungeons there are? Or maybe i dont want to know :P
  18. Just WOW at every thing. Opening it up 1 hour past midnight at home, holding the magical machine in my hand,.. just wow. I've waited a long time for that moment, and when I first started up the machine, created a few Mii's, it was even better than I expected. The menu system is great, the options are great, the games are awesome (got wiisports+zeldaTP). Only one negative thing; the light doesn't stay on all the time, I was gutted.. Now 5 and a half hours through Zelda and nearing the end of the Forest temple, and the controllers are just a hell of a lot better than I expected. Controls in game are awesome, and I am basically having a Wii-kend of gaming. Anyone who are thinking of getting a Wii, do it. You will not regret it at all. Trust me. : peace:
  19. Tesco's Coventry, no pre-order, 8 hours of queuing and Bang, I have a Wii+Zelda. Man am I happy worth the long queuing and nintendo DS-battling. Sitting down in Isle32 and chatted about Ninty stuff to strangers, Great stuff.
  20. I'm trying to get hold of the fishing rod at the moment, but i can't find the damn place, but then I haven't tried much. Eating Pizza now so I will have another go at finding the damn rod. Any hints?
  21. You'd have to enter the WEP key right? Just working on it now. Will Edit this post and add my Code. EDIT:My Wii Code 3841 6875 0057 8753
  22. Any news on Asda on-the-day purchases? Hopefully they will have some instock either midnight thursday-friday or friday morning.. Try Asda/Tesco(that kind of shops)?
  23. I didn't Pre-order it, so I am hoping to get my Wii from ASDA early friday morning before I go to college.. *crossing my fingers*
  24. I'm planning of getting mine from ASDA early on Friday morning(as they don't do pre-orders so first come first serve) and will hopefully post my ecstatic happiness of brand a new Wii-console-owner guy on the 8th. If all goes well I am hoping to catch a short vid of the opening of the white box of gaming on Friday afternoon. I will keep looking back to this thread+forums for some interesting stories + first opinions.
  25. many thanks for reply Owen, looking into Wii preorders now.. Woolworths seem to be the best option, but will look into Toys r us too. So theoretically, if i preorder a Wii from Woolies online, then collect instore, i can be guaranteed a Wii for launch day? I will call them on monday and ask. Thanks
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