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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Donkey Kong 64... Clearly!! Starfox Adventures, Starfox Assault, Super Mario Sunshine... actually thinking about it there are LOADS!...
  2. Course it's on-rails!
  3. There are two camera's I've been using lately. The Panasonic DMC FZ18 8.1 megapixel, 18x Optical zoom. I used this when I went to Silverstone as the zoom, high stutter speed, motion tracking etc... is required there. Bought it for £200 almost a year ago. But the camera I used in London and use for everyday pictures is the... Samsung s1030 It's actually a pretty standard camera [now anyways]. I bought it over two years ago now for around £120, but have kept it because it produces such great quality photos and because it's an easily portable option. It's 10.1 megapixel, but only a 3x Opical zoom... why it's an everday camera, but it has great clarity and colour in the photos. It's since been updated numerous times, with the latest in the range being the... Sansung s1070 - £80 on amazon [probably cheaper if you look around] http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h__0_11?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=samsung+s1070&sprefix=samsung+s10 For a travel cam it would probably suit you perfectly.
  4. May aswell post these here as well now that I've uploaded them: My trip to London...
  5. There was also a bit of a scary protest going on in London, something about China I think? but there was a riot van and police van driving alongside to keep everything in order, but don't think they're too uncommon in London actually... Few more of the London Eye...
  6. Yeah I'm certainly looking forward to seeing more cars on the grid. Seems they are set on 26 cars [another 3 teams] for the near future. Wonder if we'll ever see F1 return to the older days of up to 30-40 cars on the grid!Seems crazy when you think about such numbers now!
  7. Went to the opening of the Ferrari store yesterday, which I've written about in the F1 thread. Seeing as that ended earlier than expected I decided to do the tourist thing, because... like Chandler says in Friends... 'I've seen these places before, but I've never really seeeen them!' There was quite a lot of Barca fans around aswell and they'd hijacked Nelsons Column! Photos'...
  8. opening of the Ferrari store wasn't as good as everyone there had hoped for... Day started off well enough, I got to Regent Street bang on 11.00am and was met with 6 Ferrari's in a line waiting at the lights as they made their way towards the store. Some 355's an Enzo, a 430 etc... and they parked up in a pen for the press in the side street. Not long after I got to the store Kimi arrived from somewhere, no idea where, he hadn't been in one of the Ferrari's cos I checked as I'd passed them on the street [and if he had been would have probably thrown myself in front of his car at the lights]. Anyways, he got in a few of the Ferrari show cars, sunglasses on and his gangster style team cap... and he actually seemed in a really good mood, actually smiling! But then he was bussled inside the store, there were ALOT of press/photographers that were in front of the fans, and he only signed about 3 autographs on his way through for anyone just lucky enough to have found an opening. Then stood infront of the shop, I was at the front now and in absolute prime position for an autograph or what have you, but as bad luck would have it he didn't come back out the front did he... no, he was driven away out the back!... even though after walking the streets I actually can't see a back but still!... ah well! As it turned out he was really just there for the a press opening, as the interviews were conducted in a set up 'studio' just inside the doors and stayed for the hour that lasted. Saw him walking around inside the store once or twice, but us true fans were held back while this absolute ugly, fat, rich business man [and some fit women mind you!] who obviously had some connections with Ferrari/the store were handed special passes that allowed them inside to sample the champaigne and buffet reception. That's what pissed everyone off because the only people getting inside clearly didn't give a damn about F1 or Kimi, they were just there for the show! Anyways, so it was rather anti-climatical, but I did get to see him at least! Just turns out it was more of a press event than a public event, shame! Though I did somewhat meet Jackie Stewart [ meh!]... but didn't speak to him as I didn't have anything for him to sign other than my Kimi cap, and he ain't signing that! Oh and there were plenty of VERY fit Ferrari PR girls [handing out stupid passes], so...!! The one on the right of this photo was stunning!
  9. That would be awesome if I just handed him a Magnum! haha... love it! Too tempting!
  10. nah travel tickets. Hope there definately is an autograph session; taking my Ferrari cap and camera!
  11. I'm going, tickets booked!
  12. Yeah it was almost identicle to that rooftop fight in the Red Steel 1 debut trailer... which looked amazing, but then turned out to have been pre-rendered or something.
  13. Where do you live Goron? would it be possible for you?
  14. After a bit of googling... From a post on the motorsportforums
  15. Hmm that's rubbish, the Regent Street store isn't even listed on the Ferrari Store website, maybe as it's not 'officially' open? Long shot but do you happen to know anyone who works near it, that can get a phone number or info? Ferrari stores do look good:
  16. Just read on the Autosports forum... Damn I'm tempted to bus it to London!!
  17. Wait what?... so what colour are you saying? Grey?... but then you say those who said grey suck! This is the point! It was sold as black, listed as black on Nintendo's websites... whether or not it now looks less black compared to other black plastic or newer products! But hey... just a bit of fun!
  18. Looked AWESOME and all, but I can't help thinking it's another somewhat bull' Trailer! That sword fighting bit was way too similar to the rooftop fight at the end of the Red Steel 1 trailer, that visually looked almost movie like and turned out to be quite different. Still, the 'cutscene' parts of that trailer were obviously running off the game engine and were very nice, so I'll juts wait to see more. Excited though!
  19. Umm... You can go and join S.C.G... he's sat with the Ents, while they too take eternity to make their minds up! 'Hmmm...... Blaaaaaaack? or Greeeeeeey?" I knooooooowww, weeeee Ents deeeecide Chaaaarcoooooal! "That wasn't an option Dammit" "Oooooooooohh! Hmmmmmmmmmmm......"
  20. Nah surely he'd have to be Gandalf the GREY!
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