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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. They didn't mention the icicles on the wires, which is strange considering how overboard they go :p My concern about the brief footage is that I can envisage that level being linear - albeit you can go to the sides for slightly different routes. Nothing yet says open exploration.
  2. It's so weird that battle mode was so much fun on the N64 and yet never again replicated! If anything now it seems like the N64 version was a complete flute it's that baffling. Would be fantastic to see it return the way we all want it to. With the two item pickup, I wonder if there's any chance we'll see Double Dash mode as a selectable option?... It fits in with the whole Switch thing :p I personally wouldn't want two character karts to be the only option, but two championships would be cool.
  3. I loved 3D Land on the 3DS, I didn't like anything I saw of 3D World on Wii U. Funny that. Mind you, both had distinctly different art styles, and obviously 3D World rubbed me the wrong way. Perhaps the stylistic choices just suited the handheld more too.
  4. I think the portability of the tablet has to be questioned too. Is this a viable replacement for a handheld? It's always going to require its own carry case/backpack. Is that why we don't know for sure what the future of the 3DS is? Can we realistically see Japan replacing their 3DS/Vita's/PSP's with this on the train?
  5. Thanks aren't working, but you get one.
  6. 3D World was the Wii U one. Yep the 3D name was stupid.
  7. I don't get it, so it's yours :p
  8. Reading Nintendo talking to IGN, I'm not sure I like the name Switch.
  9. I'm getting the impression it's leaning more towards 3D World at the moment tbh. Perhaps also with the console being portable for multiplayer.
  10. The X-Men films always seems to be shot in a particular way that I don't like... not sure what it is. Liking the vibes - but this could go either way.
  11. That first shot looks like it could be a fixed camera entrance to the level and you're guided down the street. Really not feeling the Mexican theme. Almost as off putting as seeing Mario run around the human like Isle Delphino in the first Spaceworld trailer. Hope to see more of Mario soon, otherwise I'll just have to play through Galaxy again :p
  12. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about the rediculously small controllers. They're gimmicky Gameboy Micro small and also have reduced functionality at the loss of the shoulder buttons - will drastically limit what games you can use them for in multiplayer surely... Also whilst the wiimote nunchuck combo was ergonomically friendly, these look a bit flat and flimsy. They need Will Smith backing this... "SWITCH..."
  13. The logo on the switch pro controller gave me Gamecube vibes. Please not anything related to Sunshine though. Would cry.
  14. I mean, Holy crap... What a gorgeous game. That's all I need to see. Media blackout maybe now.
  15. To me it looks like there are bungie ropes along the top of the buildings. Gold rings, means Sonic is the bad-guy. I'm concerned by the resemblance to 3D World in the graphics and dust trails as you run and jump etc... because I really don't like the aesthetic and style of that game.
  16. Speculate...
  17. Mario didn't wow me. No motion controls? What about Splatoon? And when you are holding a single Joy-Con controller on it's side... Shoulder button?
  18. They didn't show any touchscreen elements but there probably is. Yeah @dazzybee, that was my worry about Mario too. Sure I can see a tightrope in the town. Joy-Con is stupid. Why is it called that and not just the Switch controller?
  19. Could be that you can use it like that. Or that's the Joy-Con charging dock?
  20. Easy Allies just spotted car peripheral in the video. Attaches to back of headrest so can play in the back on roadtrips.
  21. I'm buying it. Luckily I have small hands though. I bet some people are not gonna like the size of JoyCon controllers.
  22. OK, it's pretty cool. I'm concerned at the size of the detachable controllers. They look TINY when playing with one. Thank god. Console and Handheld games now combined!!!!!
  23. lol. Why not :p Turok the face of the NX EDIT: YES @Ashley ^ Nice.
  24. I'm fine with different. I'm less ok with 'quirky'... there's no need.
  25. I'm gonna watch it with the Easy Allies... https://www.twitch.tv/easyallies
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