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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. You can't make chicken tikka masala out of chicken shit. There's only so many training cones you can get McTominay, Fred, Shaw, Dalot, and a few others to run around before you have to admit that they haven't got what it takes at the very top level. Ten Hag is a great coach, but every player has a limit. We've got too many players with low skill ceilings. We just need better quality players, or to stop persisting with the same ones over and over again who have run out of chances. Saying all of this, it has to be recognised that Brighton also played very well and have a great coach who has got a tidy set of players who can play great football. They full deserved the win.
  2. Awful first half performance. I think many of us were excited to get some new faces in this Summer so we'd never have to see McTominay and Fred in midfield again. They hide. All the time. We can't play out from the back, because those two hide in midfield. We can't create chances, because those two can't move the ball forward and quickly enough. The engine of the team isn't working. We're not good enough to carry passengers and that's exactly what we're doing. It's the right thing we need to wake us up. We need to go out and get some midfielders quickly. Should have done this already but have really fucked it this window.
  3. I'm going to print out every one of those pictures and make my own flipbook. I'll voiceover every part myself. And hum the soundtrack. And make the sound effects. WHACK! POW! BAM!
  4. Oh Christ, I hope we don't see any more of those messages this season. "Hai fans. Am sorry. Will try harder. PlEaSe HiT lIkE n SuBsCriBe!"
  5. A cuppa tea and Match of the Day. Ohhh yeah! Hope United do the business tomorrow and get a victory. Annoyed that we'll probably be starting with Fred + McTominay in midfield again.
  6. I really liked GTA V. Had a lovely time playing it. Not sure if making it smaller scale is the right thing to do, but the idea of more side jobs and hustles is a great idea. I've always thought Shadow of Mordor had a wicked mechanic that would work really well in GTA games. The nemesis system. It works amazing in Shadow of Mordor because you basically start from the bottom and work up through the ranks by killing other warriors until you're in charge of your own little army. When you attack and defeat your enemies, they come back stronger and with little perks. E.g. if you killed someone by thrusting your sword into their chest, they come back with strong armour next time. The idea of working your way from the bottom until you have your own gang, which you can then use to take on rival gangs is one that just seems like a great fit for a GTA game.
  7. This is out now on Disney+. Official trailer below: I saw this last night and thought it deserved its own thread. (fuck the megathreadssssss) Oh my absolute god, what a film! It far exceeded my expectations. It's a damn good film in its own right. GORGEOUS cinematography. The fight scenes were superb and...it's just an overall very satisfying film. Holy shit, we got a legitimately great Predator film. Can't quite believe it. Everyone watch it.
  8. Interesting game for Arsenal tonight. Saliba looks like a great player for them! On the whole, getting three points and a clean sheet in your first match, which is also away, is pretty good. Annoyingly so.
  9. It does seem very messy, for the reasons that you say. The Koulibaly signing is a good one, a bit similar to the Thiago Silva signing. Only downside is that it's not really one for the long-term. However, Chelsea will just go in the market again next season and bring another one in. They do seem like one of those clubs now that will bring a player in for a few seasons and then move them on. It's not really seen a club for youth players, but rather players in their prime. The Sterling one is a confusing one. I can't believe City let him go. All logic says he should do well at Chelsea, unless there's something Pep knows that we don't. Overall, I can't work out how Chelsea will do or what the football is going to look like. On the one hand, it's exciting to get signings. On the other hand, for a club that finished third last season (City and Liverpool dominated, so Chelsea were the best of the rest) it looks like the team is being dismantled. Still issues up front too, with Lukaku going and Werner not really looking amazing last season.
  10. I must've watched it about 30 times. All I kept thinking at the end was:
  11. I'm going to be all over Prey tonight, once the football is over.
  12. I just can't be arsed. Endgame was a great jumping-off point and all of those films seemed like they led up nicely to that finale. I've been at the buffet, I've eaten everything, so I don't fancy going back for more. *looks around suspiciously* I wonder if we're ready to have that conversation yet that, individually, the Marvel films aren't that great. They work well in a continuum which is leading up to something, but I'm not finding myself that tempted to go back and watch Thor: The Dark World or Iron Man 3 again.
  13. Had a brilliant time watching Obi-Wandalorian. It's funny that after all of these years, all the fans want is Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. Yessss. Just give the fans what they want.
  14. I'm having a wicked time with this game. I knew very little about it, other than it has a cat in it. I have a ridiculous situation at home where I'm playing a game where I control a cat, whilst another cat sits on my chest, and the other cat roams around the living room. I spend half of my playtime hitting the meow button.
  15. I was slightly surprised at first that Liverpool were going to let Mane go, but it makes more sense the more you look into it. 30 years old, so Liverpool have already seen him at his best and he's already won everything he can with the club. Think it'll be a good move in the long run and the timing is right. This is an interesting signing: Have to say that Chelsea's approach seems very scattergun-like in this window. They seem to be after everyone. Easily going to go over the £200million mark.
  16. Anyone else been following this story? The 'gotcha' moment from the lawyer is simply amazing: He comes across as a really disgusting person and the lies that he perpetuates are just grim. Hope he gets what's coming to him.
  17. Yes, bruvvvv. I've thrown Jesus in, which is a pretty solid transfer from Arsenal's point of view. Wouldn't be so surprised if they got into the top 4 and can imagine them having a good season. Feel like they're one or two signings off, but there's promise within their team.
  18. Hello and welcome to all! New season starts tonight and the transfer window remains open...which United bluddy need to invest in! I've also recreated The Great N-Europe Fantasy Football League for you to join. My team is ready, which I have dubbed "The Slabhead Express". https://fantasy.premierleague.com/leagues/auto-join/29p58w Merry Footballmas.
  19. Today's result and performance are both the worst I have ever seen. The performance was embarrassing. Couldn't defend, couldn't pass, couldn't tackle, couldn't find a system, couldn't stick to the system, couldn't discipline ourselves, couldn't motivate and couldn't inspire. It was abysmal. Very unprofessional.
  20. I gave Kanye West's Donda a listen to yesterday. I thought it was finally time to take a deep breath and give this a go yesterday. I'm not going to give my thoughts on every individual track, because there's near-30 of the fuckers, and nobody has time to read that.The first track is...I don't even know what it is.The first minute of Jail actually had me feeling a tinge of optimism that there may be some good in this album. But then, it just doesn't go anywhere. There's a good song in there somewhere, but it sounds like he jumped into recording that when he had, say, a quarter of the song. He had idea 1, but should have waited for ideas 2,3 and 4 before finishing it. It's the most frustrating thing on the album for me because you're waiting for something to happen next, but then it just doesn't. The ultimate insult is that there's a part 2 to Jail, which...is another 5 minutes of nothing. The frustrating thing is that it could have been something. You're about a minute or a minute and a half into the song and you have the inclination to believe that it's going to move on, or the drums will kick in, or some other new exciting element will be added...but nope.Unfortunately, I found the rest of the album like that. It's...just very dull. There's no movement there. It's quite empty and doesn't really have a place. There's no catharsis there, no singalong factor, no ability to dance to it or nod your head to it, and other special moments. There are small ideas littered throughout the album, but no "whole" ideas.I have to talk about the amount of writers and producers because...it's utterly, fucking ridiculous. Jail alone has 8 writers and 6 producers. How?! Hurricane has 13 writers and 7 producers...The section on the album's wikipedia where they list the writers and producers is like an essay! When you take all of that into consideration, the amount of people, talent, and how expensive that must have made it to put together, this is nothing but disappointing. You would expect a lot more than what is on the record. I wouldn't even class it as minimalism or stripped back. How can you have that amount of personnel working on an album and class it as minimalism. It's failed extravagance.I had huge reservations about the length of the album and the amount of tracks before listening. My thoughts on the album length and how this hinders the replayability remain the same. I'm in no rush to go through all of that again, for seemingly little reward.
  21. Very satisfying. Completely trashed Leeds, who are lucky we didn't put 10 past them the way we played today. Bruno and Pogba were just unreal. The unveiling of Varane before the game was also just absolutely fucking awesome. What a day. Wish I had Groundhog Day-syndrome so that I could experience this over and over again.
  22. That is Rockstar's logic. "If we release GTA III in 2001 and then again in 2021...that's GTA III + GTA III which makes GTA VI!"
  23. Nice try, Rockstar. Just drop GTA VI on the table and leave quietly.
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