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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. I'm tempted to vote for Ine. That watch thing does seem to clinch it. Hmm. Sorry babe. Vote: Ine.
  2. There may be plenty of protein in it, but it's not going to taste anywhere near as good as chicken and shtuff. Chicken is the food of champions. I couldn't live without it.
  3. Dude, you need your protein. Animals give you muscles! They are dying for your biceps. Remember that.
  4. I HATE YOU. YOU WOBBLY. Lets have a match. A battle-match. Where we fight.
  5. Lame thread is lame. This is a bad stuff thread. Not an arguing with Mad Monkeys thread. I propose a threadrip. THRIIIIP.
  6. Haha, aww. Thanks. We hardly said a word, though. She was knackered from getting no sleep at our hotel, and I was recovering from sickness. I think we looked more awkward than you did!
  7. Nobody would have. Because it's not possible to win everything all of the time. Nobody can do that. Ferguson and Wenger have only survived this long because they have a good board behind them. They know that these managers can bring success and results. They have faith in the manager. I feel sorry for Carlo Ancelotti and Mourinho when he was there (or even Avram Grant). They did the best they could, but there's too much interference back stage. It's a farce. The manager doesn't control the team, Abramovich does. Anybody who takes that job is either really brave, really needs the money, or is really foolish. They made a massive mistake in getting rid of Carlo anyway. He's a decent bloke.
  8. How long before this one fails to win the Champions League and gets sacked? 2 years, I reckon.
  9. Good man. I'm worried that there might be something more to this Yvonne and Dazz thing. So, killing off Dazz now seems like the best move to make.
  10. It's not a trade, though. Giving a woman a gift or taking them on a date doesn't directly link to sex. You can give a woman a gift and then get nothing in return. Sex isn't expected. If you get it, it's great, but it's not a guaranteed thing. Like...here...here's a toy. I'mma go missionary on you now. Doesn't work. Paying a woman for sex is prostitution. It's a direct trade. Money for sex. Also, I don't think it's awfully nice to refer to Ine as a prostitute dude.
  11. What the fuuuuck?! Paris was totally my idea. I said we needed a holiday...which ended up being Paris. Therefore, my idea. Totally my technique. I used some amazing skills on you. And they worked. I cast level 3 seduce, which you were unable to protect yourself against. I lowered your HP before getting your blooood pumping with my level 10 hot dickings.
  12. Haha, no wai. It's just a reeeeeally expensive first date. No sex is guaranteed. Unless you just happen to be awesome, and then it just happens.
  13. We are. But neutrals are in it to win. They will try steal the win off the town or the mafia. They're just as much of a threat.
  14. Flirting? Fuck that. I take my victims (yes, victims) to Paris and let Disneyland do the rest. There's enough magic between me and that place to seduce any female. It also has a 100% success rate. I recommend.
  15. How did you know?! Wait...screw you, bitch. I have high standards. Plus, I've gone continental now. You Brits wouldn't get a look in.
  16. What the- Why are have we still not lynched Dazz? I do find it odd he didn't continue...but...he's neutral. We need to lynch him. What's the point in letting him live? We're wasting time. Let's move on.
  17. Same thing happened to me, as well. I wanted to go upstairs and touch you too. Wut?! Even moar embarrassing because you are a girl and you know how to play chess. Which is amazing because it has been scientifically proven that girls only have half the size of a brain when compared to a male. It shrinks even more so as you get older.
  18. Ahhh, I thought you were neutral. A good cover with that role post before. You were trying waaay too hard, though. That's when I thought: aha, mafiaorneutral.
  19. What the fuck? You can't play chess? How embarrassing.
  20. That's a pretty awesome power, haha. That is actually believable. It could be like a makeshift investigator type role.
  21. Diageo, what exactly is your power anyway?
  22. I don't really know who else are the protectors in this game, so I'll watch out for you. Otherwise I could leave it to others and maybe focus on someone else.
  23. I don't trust your story, Dazz. Something about it and the way you're acting screams un-town to me. You're either mafia or neutral. I think neutral. Vote: Dazz
  24. Dazz, you are in danger of being lynched. Giving your role might help save you. Who are you? I have a feeling you could be neutral.
  25. I'm not accusing Dazz, but am going to say that leaning over something and working: Could be Boris working at his terminal? It's a possibility. Innocent til proven guilty, though.
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