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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Cmaaaan. Don't boolsheet me. What do you like? What do you do in your spare time? What gets you going? (be clean!)
  2. Not really, vague. "Vague question, are you asexual?" "wtf?!" "kthnxbaiiii." As for your profile: What sort of things interest you?
  3. Orrr somebody who is hot. OR BOTH! I believe that friendship is the key to a relationship anyway. A relationship is basically the best kind of friendship you can have anyway, with the addition of intimacy and...more intimacy. So, it's not really Friendship vs Boy/Girlfriend but Friendship vs Girlfriend + Friendship, I guess. Both are important. It's great having close friends or even just friends who you might see every now and again. Combinations are important. But, having that closeness of somebody there nearby, it's almost unrivalled.
  4. I did protect myself, yes. Nobody asked for protection, and nobody seemed that grateful having it (Ese didn't even say thank you, pfft). Peeps, you asked, so you'll get it tonight. Also, I know nothing at all about an enhancement...Dohnut didn't PM me to mention it.
  5. If that's all we have on him, are we doing the right thing?
  6. I've had similar experiences. Wandering around the mansion thinking "shit shit shit, low on health, need to save!" You become very nervous about what's behind each door. I was literally holding my breath during the door opening sequences thinking "please be safe, please be safe." Then, when you get to a typewriter and find yourself in possession of a ribbon, it's just such a release. I don't think I encountered anything like that during 4. The set pieces of great, but that feeling on anxiety, I don't think it had that. An awesome game, but I prefer the earlier games.
  7. Basically, Paj, you start off with something like 3 ink ribbons and they are scattered throughout the game. When you're saving, each time you save at the typewriter, you use up an ink ribbon. Therefore, if you save every 5 minutes, then...you're fucked. It forces you to use your items sparingly. Makes the situation much more tense. You'll feel happy when you find some of the ribbons scattered around, you breathe a big sigh of relief.
  8. Oh wait, are you saying 100 today or 100 per post? If it's per day, then my apologies.
  9. Heroic, Ese has you there. You're writing nowhere near a 100 words. You can post a lot more than you currently are.
  10. That's a very good point. I've been aware of this, too. He's had all day and hasn't cleared anything up, so I'm willing to bet he's avoiding on purpose. Vote: Arbitor.
  11. I've been too busy talking about myself and forgotten about getting the mafia. We seem to have got loads already, provided that Danny was mafia. I'm willing to put a vote in, it might even help prove my allegiance.
  12. It's not pointless. Diageo and Yvonne both asked for protection earlier in the game. A little help would just be nice. I think I'm actually in a worse position since they're dead anyway, seeing as both said I was safe.
  13. McPheel The Rhythm! McPheel The Rhyme! Get on up... It's Bobsled, time! Happy Birthday, 'Phee.
  14. I liked 4, but I didn't love it for some reason. Too much action, and I don't think it redefined Resident Evil in the right way. As a result, we've ended up with 5, which many dislike. My favourite Resident Evil is probably the remake on the Cube. I just loved the dynamics in that. The controls are excellent in 4 (wii version in particular) but the look and vibe of the first game is much more to my taste. It's a bit more creepy. Actually, I think I may even prefer Zero! Loved that. The train level, particularly the climax is one of my favourite moments evaaaar. The films are awful. Not even funny/so bad it's good awful. They're just bad. Trash. But, I can't help but watch the first film whenever it's on. Damn my addiction to trash. That scene with the lasers where Colin Salmon gets sliced up. Aaaahahah.
  15. I don't know what you guys want from me. I have offered protection, yet only two characters have taken me up on that. I've given you my character's name, I made myself known that I was a protector very early on. If you want protection, just bluddy ask!
  16. *Tries really hard not to answer that*
  17. I'm amazed, too. I'm also amazed that I lasted the entire Gentlemen's Mafia without being killed and had very little protection. Whatever the mafia choose to do, they do it, I don't understand why I'm still alive or lived in that game.
  18. Well, it IS worth it because, as far as I can see, all of the pressure is being put on me to protect. If there are protectors, why aren't they helping me out and protecting people? Also, I came with my protection power very early on.
  19. Also, I don't need to "build up my defence" since I have nothing to hide. Nobody bothered to ask who I was, so I didn't say. If people have asked for protection, I've given it to them on that night.
  20. ...Seriously, are you reading my posts/have you followed my actions this game? Diageo and Yvonne would've died much earlier if it weren't for me protecting them, seeing as how it seems we have no other protectors in this game.
  21. Does anyone actually know the answer to my question? Who are the protectors?! Was it just me and Diageo? There has to be more, surely?
  22. Who are the protectors in this game? Was it just me and Diageo? (did he actually have a protection power because I never received a PM or anything saying he did).
  23. I'm hoping somebody has actually seen the Man with the Golden Gun and knows about my character. He's Asian, very helpful, quite good in combat (which is how I protect my targets) and wears suits.
  24. Well, who are the other protectors? I thought we had some, but maybe I am wrong. You're the first person to ask who I am. I'm Lieutenant Hip, a suave-looking helpful agent who helps to protect Bond.
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