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Everything posted by Fierce_LiNk

  1. Ashley was obviously the glue that held GAME together. He left, and look what happened. Meltdown.
  2. You guys are completely missing the point. There's massive differences between GAME and Gamestation. GAME is light. Very white. In fact, I think I've been blinded on occasion by walking inside there. Gamestation is dark. Sometimes, I don't even know what I'm buying in there. It's most likely any old crap. See. Completely different. What a sick world we live in if we can't have both.
  3. All of this talk of Brightonia makes me happy. I miss that place. I've had a good few weeks in work. My topic with the kids is Ancient Greece, so we had two days where the kids dressed up in Greek clothing. They were given materials and made their own clothes out of it, learning how to sew in the process. Then, we spent time making weapons and shields out of cardboard and decorated them. On the Wednesday last week, we made Greek Salads and homemade ice cream, which both tasted fucking deluxe. On Thursday, WEAPONS TRAINING and obstacle courses. We trained as Spartans and learned about the Battle of Thermopylae. It was amazing. We took some photos to go into their books and will be used for display on the open morning. Then, our class assembly which we did recently got put onto the school website, as the headteacher loved it. To round it off, I had a lesson observed yesterday by one of the Governors, who came in and watched a Science lesson based around the Archimedes Principle/Theory (water displacement, so we did lessons on volume) and I got awesome feedback from that apparently. Deputy Head said the Governor was really happy with what she saw. Oh yeah!






  5. Velyooooo! Velyoooo will tear you apart! Agaaaiiin! I'm just doing it for the roffles really. I know I'm going to get my head kicked in, but any chance for the Dragooooo to run their mouth off! GRACIANO, wooooah ohhh! GRACIAAANO, woaaaah ohh! How we'll laugh to bits, When he gives your team the shits!
  6. Sounds good, dude. As for this talk about whole body exercise: I prefer to exercise certain parts separately. I don't think this "whole body workout" is for me. I like being able to go in and target specific muscles and push those. It just seems to work for me. There's no way I could go from a bench press to squats and then to deadlifts or something. I wouldn't get a lot out of that. It's probably an idea to start off that way though, with light weights, if you've just joined a gym. But then, I'd personally move to training specific muscles on different days. Like, Biceps and Back one day, Chest and triceps another, etc. But, everyone is different. You live and learn.
  7. Hmm, well I'm not expecting us to go there and crush Spurs. They're a difficult team to predict a result against, as they're very dangerous. I'll be happy if we come away with a 1-0 or something, and I think it'll be a close game. As for the subject of people leaving matches early: One of my housemates at uni went to watch United play Villa in the league a few seasons back. With the score at 2-2, he and his Dad decided to leave the game. I think they were in the car park when they heard of Macheda getting the late winner. Seems a very stupid thing to do. It's like leaving a concert before the final song of the night.
  8. Cmaaa, DuDeee. You can take Bay-urn Brew. Bay-urn. Aha. One of the best parts of that first live draw.
  9. Haha, wow, that's commitment. How come you're working on that three times a week? I wouldn't have the energy. Do you just do full body workouts now, or is it solely just deadlifting and some back training? What do you have access to? Gym? Or do you have a bike? Any sport, etc. The main thing that will make or break this is your diet. Eating the right kinds of food in the right amounts will go a long way.
  10. Yeah, man. Totally agree.
  11. Daft, your post the other week was what motivated me to up my game. I'm determined to beat you in Squats and Deadlifts. 120. Jealous.
  12. Smalling looks to be in a bad way. Reason number 24512 to "love" midweek internationals.
  13. 12 rep sets? Fuck that. I do pyramid sets, whereby I increase the weight but lower the rep rate. I do a warm up set with around 40-50kg, at about 8 or so reps, maybe less. Then, aim for between 3-5 actual sets, lowering the reps, increasing the weight. I don't deadlift consistently, as my gym schedule revolves around work and life. But, I did it last week I think it was, and managed my highest yet which was 110kg for two reps. Should've probably done more, but didn't want to push my luck. Did 100 for 5 or 6 before that. 12 reps is way too high, imo. I'm determined to improve with the amount of weight I'm putting onto the bar. Today was legs day, and managed to break the 100kg mark. Leg pressed for 170kg after that too. It's been good for me lately, piling myself with carbs as I need the energy to lift more, and it's working.
  14. In that case... Madpool: Let's give these people what they want. This is our cup final. Go easy on me, holmes.
  15. Off topic: When does the league start? Do I have enough time to set up a friendly before then?
  16. Ah, there we are then. Majority wins. Lose the beard, Danny. Clearly your beardface method is failing as right now you are talking to a man with an ageing Resident Evil sig, rather than swimming in a sea of breasts. Just try it. I guarantee somebody will notice and will have something positive to say, and maybe this woman will like it. It's a beard, you are not defined by a beard.
  17. From what I remember, ExciteTruck had some form of rubber banding, but it was done right. If you were the best racer, you would win. You wouldn't get a cheapshot inches from the finishing line. But then, that game didn't have weapons. Surely it's the weapons that is the problem? Weapons that will target the person in first, and punish a person for leading a race. Mario Kart should have a mode where weapons can be de-selected, or just a race only mode. Like in Brawl. Does 7 have anything like this?
  18. Cmaaan. Lose the beard. Do you know what will happen if you shave? Will Satan come from beneath the ground and pull you down to the Underworld? Will Chickens start to lay eggs inside your testicular bag? Will a million little spiders burst out from your nipples and prepare to engage in an act which can only be described as "milking a Dane"? No. You know what'll happen? It'll grow back within a week.
  19. I'll have it. At N-E Meet 2012, Beard is coming off. DANNYBOY'S BEARD, WE COMIN' FOR YOU, NIGGAAA.
  20. Word. We have a few options: All Reset or Some reset or We just carry on. If we all reset, may as well do it now. What's the point in playing for a few more seasons if we're going to reset anyway? It will just mean that everyone will play their strongest teams all of the time without developing, and the game will become lame. The fun is about developing players, so if it just becomes like a short term thing before we reset, all that emphasis on development will go. There will be no point in anybody buying youths, because they'll never see them come into fruition. Preferably, I'd like to just carry on with how things are now. I don't really want to reset, as we've just had an awesome lower league season that was really competitive.
  21. M-A-D D-O-G


    With a nicknack,paddywack, give a dog a home

    WHY DONT MADPOOL Fuuuuck off hoooome?

  22. MY OLD MAN










  24. I'm still banned from the Spoiler thread. Also, I'm used to this one now. Don't make me move, master. *sadface/forever alone/multiple chins* It really was awesome. Threw me off completely. After the tadtones, I was expecting a quest of that type from each area, where you just collect objects to prove you are awesome. But this, brilliant! Should've had more sections/variety in the game like that. Just to add suspense. Also:
  25. I recommend that all of the teams higher than Dragooooo wipe out of all their existing teams and start from scratch. The time of the Ganja Farmers is now.
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