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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. Oh you meant pop as in popular, not "pop" as in random bozos picked by record companies cuz they have a face/body that will sell records. Thats ok then.
  2. Aggressive advertising, thats good.
  3. Constantly discriminating religion indiscrimantly. Random acts of violence and vandalism (but not anymore) Flinging my bitch sisters dead pet mouse off my skateboard a few years back Burning myself with hot water just cuz it feels good Rampant alcoholism To be continued.... EDIT: Fixed spelling error
  4. More embarassing? All of their albums have gone platinum at least once. Follow the Leader 7 times. And the self titled album is hailed as one of the best rock/metal albums of all time and would be respected more if so many bands ripped off their sound and pooed all over it. EDIT: Pop? Are you seriously comparing them to boy "bands" and Will Young?
  5. http://www.realtechnews.com/posts/3000 Thats extraordinary! I hope this wont affect Nintendo in any way.
  6. Metroid Prime Thwii. Lay off the coffee, its bad. If you get past 12 cups a day like I did its hard to get back to normal.
  7. I love that. The World war 2 one aswell. Dont think it would go down well in America though, unless they have a good sense of irony.
  8. If you listened to it and didnt like it, fair enough but dont bash it just cuz its KoRn. I suggest listening to more. They are stereotyped as an always screaming band but they are far from it. Coming Undone and Twisted Transistor are from See You on The Other Side (latest album) Falling Away From Me from Issues (4th) and Thoughtless is from Untouchables (5th). You might not like the heavier songs but the others might appeal.
  9. Fair play to the fucker, over 6 million hits now. Have fun buddy!
  10. http://music.aol.com/videos/sessions/sessions_flash.adp This is amazing. If you like KoRn or not, check it out. No flamers please I want this to be a peaceful thread. Im drunk.
  11. Wow that PSP guy is a dick. The name pretty much sucks but so does having to pay $500 for a graphic update. Wii (dear sweet satan) will change gaming. I hope now anyway, this name could seriously hinder it.
  12. Its nearly at a million already! His girlfriend will eat, among other things, her words.
  13. Theyre less newspapers and more journals of opinion. Everything is biased one way or another, you cant get news with a slant on it. Then theres the celebrity bullshit they waste so much paper on.
  14. It happened to me twice. Its so retarded especially as one of them then went out with one of my mates just before she found out I liked her. Shit happens more than once.
  15. Shame I dont have the brains to be a surgeon Ive been playing games since I was 5.
  16. If they put Sonic in he would be my punching bag. Like Pikachu, Pichu and and Jigglypuff are now. No Third part characters and no more Pokemon.
  17. Can someone sum all that up? I really cant be arsed to read it all.
  18. Isnt there a thread about this already? Meh, sounds good but like it said its more basic.
  19. I have no job and the cant get one since I'll be gone in 2 months. Most of friends from school have abandonned me and my band is now defunct. My family feel more like aquaintances than family (though thats not surprising). And I have a shitty choice to make: Continue the way I'm going and join the Navy at the cost of all the things I like. Or stay, get a shit job and probably end up living at home till I'm 30. Ah well, at least I have my driving test and Download to look forward to. Oh yeah my gecko which I've had for years has gone blind so she cant eat. She will be dead soon and my dad is giving away my terrapins when I go. I need a beer.
  20. They are not legally obliged to get it to you any time before 6 PM. So if arrives at 17:59 you cant really complain. Sucks I know. I get my mail around half eleven with the usual post lady, later if they send out the replacement (sometimes around 2).
  21. Who wants to bet these games will be sub-par?
  22. Nice one, I hate that wigga prick. Does he actually think hes cool?
  23. WIth the set up Ive got I can put it under the TV (with NES, N64 and GC) or above it (with DVD player) without seeing the wires. The reason the consoles are below is because of the controller wires, not a problem with rev.
  24. Hilarious. Wouldnt an emo penis be down all the time though?
  25. True but alot of the time the people who reform through religion become bible quoting hypocrites. I dont know about Fish but my hatred for organized religion comes from my hatred of being lied to. Apart from that OR kills more people than it saves, even before TV brought it into the spotlight. And the atrocities done in the name of "god" today are tame compared to the old days. I would go deeper into my hatred but the semi final is on soon and I cant be bothered to type that much.
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