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Everything posted by MunKy

  1. Dethklok - The Dethalbum, buy it. Awesome, epic music with comical lyrics. Its the Cartoon band from Metalocalypse. Plus its got Gene Hoglan on drums which is always good.
  2. Its been out for ages now but I bought "Kill" by Cannibal Corpse. Its fucking brutal. I also bought Ziltoid the Omniscient by Devin Townsend (haven't listened yet). I'm looking for Necroticism: Descanting the Insalubrious by Carcass if anyone knows any shops that have it. !Just successfully downloaded Dethklok's Dethalbum! No more waiting for Amazon to sort their shit out. Still buying itm just couldn't wait anymore.
  3. I think its kinda lame. Its just gonna be another New York bomb scenario. I really hope the other stories take priority.
  4. No. I hate that generalisation. Its actually worse than saying every rap song is about weed and "ho's". Death, Thrash and their various sub genres tend to be about death whether it be killing, being killed, the study of death and the consequences. Sick as fuck lyrics too, shit they could never do in movies. Power metal can be about demons I suppose. Theres also many songs about battles and whatnot. I'm not a fan of Power metal so Bard would be better to talk about it. Alt/prog/math/metalcore can pretty much be about anything but each have themes that usually get lumped with them. There are way too many subgenres to into it further, check out wikipedia for the rest I suppose.
  5. Thats because Metroid is good.
  6. That is quite possibly one of the greatest things ever said.
  7. Seconded. Especially as most of the popular bands these days seem happy to rehash the exact same vocal style over and over.
  8. Could Sulu's killer be Hiro? Not the Hiro we all know and love but a future Hiro whos been fed false information and been misguided? I don't know, the killer looked short and so is Hiro. Noah was bad ass! I was really pissed off at the manager guy, I fucking hate people like that!
  9. Good man. I'm thinking of buying tix for Plymouth pavilions and Birmingham. It all depends if I'm in the country or not. Probably gonna buy both then sell if I'm at sea. KoRn for life.
  10. I keep thinking about having a bunch of cuddly toys hanging from nooses in my room but I never get round to buying the toys or little bits of rope.
  11. Love the way shes gone cross eyed. Zombie must be doing something right.
  12. Fair enough. Hobbz chill out, is it really bothering you? Block his posts from appearing if its so bad. I didn't see him "desperately trying to talk... about private festishes" All he did was post a couple pictures. To each their own.
  13. Needs help? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean its wrong.
  14. I think its safe to say that a one day trip to Rokhed land would be very educational. I smell a money making scheme. In other news, the wankers at Bravado sent me the wrong T-shirt!
  15. Damn man most I did when I was drunk and 16 was vandalism. Quite a bit of it but thats not the point. At the end of it all at least you'll have a good story to tell a couple years down the line. As for owning up to anything, its only a crime if you get caught (for crimes this small).
  16. Whats the difference between a truck full of sand and a truck full of dead babies? You can't unload a truck full sand with a pitch fork.
  17. Why was "brain child" used as an insult by the "very concerned grandparent"? Chalk up more points for right wing morons who will blow this further out of proportion.
  18. Just got the latest Despised Icon album. It rules, they may have just got me into Deathcore. Depends if theres loads of shit bands crowding the genre which I've heard is a problem (like Metalcore and "Nu" metal before). If anyone here (maybe 3 people) is into Death metal or Hardcore, check them out. http://www.myspace.com/despisedicon
  19. I prefer Whisky and Rum. Vodka is kinda just there. You can make good stuff with vodka however. Look up the 44 thread I made ages ago.
  20. That is fucking awesome. The funniest thing I've seen in weeks.
  21. I bought this bottle of Vodka purely because it was shiny. I don't even really like Vodka. Behold the power of shiny goodness. Its disco ball booze!
  22. Why, why must I be at sea when this comes out! I want this game so bad, Mario is impossible to grow out of.
  23. What do you call a female Peacock? A Peac*nt. Thank you George Carlin
  24. Man the Dragonzord looks a right 'tard with it's barely movable arms. I can't believe I watched this when I was a kid.
  25. That won't scare them! Even though you probably won't like it, throw on some Slayer. They won't know what hit them. Chav purging is a worthy cause.
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