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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. I like the way your font takes over most of the sig, quite out of the ordinary, and the subject of the sig is pretty awesome. Colour scheme works well, and nice curvy corners. 8.1/10
  2. All we ever did was practice papers every day for maybe 2 months. Crash course ftw. I was ruddy sick of looking at them by that time. That and struggling to catch up from moving from a Scottish school in P6 may have made a difference.
  3. Awh Suppose it gets you used to exams at an early stage. Some of the girls @ work have kids doing their 11+ now, and they start studying for it so so early. I remember doing the papers into p7, like a good month or so into it. They started theirs at the start of p6. Talk about pressure o_o
  4. Looking good mr dyson ^^ The shorter hair is definitely more suited to you
  5. How'd you manage that one ell? I got an A and went to a secondary school anyway, because it felt like a nicer, more down to earth school.
  6. Peanut butter, odd o_o A lot of them sound really really yummy tho.
  7. northern ireland still does the 11+ too ^___^ I think its on the way out tho?
  8. My uncle isn't doing so well, I just heard there that his kidneys are starting to fail. He's only just started treatment, so not looking very hopeful. Edit: my dad just came into my room after I posted this, he's somehow managed to melt the fan of his graphics card, the fool XD
  9. Yeah I have to say its a fantastic way of getting experience. You can get lucky and get someone to keep you on for a while. Sometimes you can get very badly treated as a temp (I know there's quite a bit of elitism with a lot of places regarding temps) and the pay is shit. But its the only way to get anywhere these days. =) Employers do generally pay a lot more for temp staff than they do the contracted/official ones. But its good news for temps.
  10. Totally. agency work is fail. Thing is, it's gotten a lot better for agency staff than it has been in the past. And it's horrific at the mo. Agency staff weren't entitled to annual leave until a few years ago. I don't think they get paid public holidays even still? I used to be an agency worker in the place i'm working in. Got paid 4.99 an hour, worked out around 160 a week. edit: also if an agency worker gets X number of pounds per hour, so does the agency. So basically the company pays double.
  11. Now trying to dig yourself out of a hole are we
  12. Directions is win! I've tried Special Effects and I don't like it as much, I dunno it isn't as bright or something.. Thats the blue colour I have on my hair atm. Even when its fading its not going any brighter, whereas the directions does, and looks a lot better.
  13. Congrats on getting the job moogle ^___^
  14. Gets! Bleach: the Blade of Fate [DS] DQM: joker [DS] both £30, buy one get one freeee! Full Metal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy [DS] £8
  15. Good job trying to catch the suspects unawares reZ!
  16. LOL what else would it mean? I have a weird habit of saying "lol" pronounced lawl, in real life. XD Also I add like onto the end of most sentences, I think that's a ballymena thing!
  17. Yay that is so awesome! I bet that's a big load off your chest, just the results to wait for, i'm sure you'll have aced them all =)
  18. All the assignments/coursework done and dusted eenuh?
  19. *looks at everyone else suspisiously*
  20. I think your right, but I use my index finger to scroll with personally ^^ Today I had a subway, and I got totally owned in eba multiplayer, kudos to darksnowman. I don't think subway is a very good place to play it though! XD
  21. I quite like the white background, the black stuff makes my eyes funny XD Its a winner!
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