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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. hahah oh the pictures!!! I want ol' becks to find out, she's so ANNOYING. Paul torturing himself with flashbacks of lynn. LOL.
  2. Good on you, getting your foot in the door! Congrats on the job!
  3. I saw a whole pile of depressing threads and thought, KNEEE needs to be happier. Awh, thanks NW, your pretty schweeet too
  4. Northern Irish for teh win. But I was born in Scotland.
  5. *sigh* I am aware of teh rules. I forgot this thread existed. kkthxbai.
  6. I'm awesome because I fail at creating threads:awesome: That is all.
  7. Yay, be nice if it started as soon as. I'm looking forward to this one!
  8. So I keep seeing all these threads about being ugly and whatnot.. I think we all need some feelgood timez! Tell KNEEE what you love about yourself... For me, it's being tall, and my generally crazy/whacky/strange behaviour! Embrace eeeeet!! g0!
  9. Wow... I wish I had the time and patience to have hair as long as that XD
  10. My day gets -600/10 My skin looks grey, wtf, srsly what the hell is wrong with me.. My body is producing sickness symptoms (coughing, sore eyes, sneezing) but I really don't feel unwell. Stupid cacky immune system! Can't get an appointment with dermy till mid august... Oh great. Another long wait for meds I really need. I hate looking at myself in the mirror, just one of those shit days. Again. BLERGH.
  11. Wow that is an epic head of hair you have there Sir <3
  12. I thought this thread was about Bebo... LOL... OT: I'm going through a bit of that myself, I suppose all you can do is embrace those changes and try and find something that can still make you happy! Good luck with it!
  13. Heheh I know what you mean. Over here especially its frowned upon, and I have enough bother getting a job with having a skin condition, not to mention that. And my nose piercing keeps falling out at night... RAWR... Also I wanted to ask people, is it common for piercings to close REALLY fast? My first nose piercing keeps closing within a few hours, if not less... I've had it well over a year, so its fully healed.
  14. Yeah mines going on the backburner.... If I need to get a job (which may be likely ) I'll probably need to be a bit more appropriate..
  15. Your humour is awesome girlfriiieennd Don't you ever change! ^____^
  16. I looked at myself in the mirror today at work, and for the first time I wondered what the hell I'd done to myself. Maybe I'm just feeling shit ¬_¬ I dunno if I could bring myself to remove my lip piercing (would have to be a pretty good reason) but I could probably get rid of the rest of them without much thought. I feel my "teenage rebellion" was a little late at 21/22 (wait a minute... could it be I'm actually maturing somewhat?!)
  17. Oh that sounds like it could be fun! *puts on judging hat* Right boys line up for judgement!:awesome:
  18. Today! I was on the phone at work to someone that had called a few times before and got me each time, asked if i was the only one working, I said something along the lines of "well there are other people here" then paused maybe just a little too long, to add "but they do work!" I dunno, people don't get my humour IRL
  19. That's not a bad site at all I'm really getting sick to death of my piercings, I have nothing but bother with them, and I may go in a manic frenzy and rip them all out sooner rather than later ¬_¬ And the whole "losing my personality, people only seeing the piercings and hair" thing is really getting on my nerrveees
  20. I used to be so addicted to coffee. Mine was strong, milk and a couple or three sweetners, dieting days, fun times. Now I only drink peppermint tea. I find all tea/coffee terribly disappointing, it smells so DAMN good, and just doesn't hit the spot whatsoever. Booh.
  21. I love them all the way they are... The only ones I hated were the peanut ones... BLEH i say! Evict noooonnne
  22. LOL I was waiting for that. Bet you'd be rooting for more than one pic of eenuh eyy? :P
  23. Hahah! lets see, bluey, letty, nightwolf, buttons, me... (I think that's all of the regular girlies, ne?) Thats a guaranteed 2 months each. Get in. :awesome:
  24. Joined! \m/ If any of you guys want to add/shout me feel free: Raining_again =)
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