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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. And a couple of them don't really post any more so yeah... that's like molly and myself.... Uh oh. And buttons is taken
  2. Happy birthday Arthur ^___^
  3. I have a £50 overdraft. Just in case some bills come out towards the end of the month - and it means I wont get the stupid £30 charge. I always keep a reasonable eye on my money, but its nice to have that little margin.
  4. I was 15p overdrawn once and got charged £30. >_< Its shameful really.
  5. then that person should be doing it for THEMSELVES not for anyone else.
  6. I agree with Jordan - what the fuck is the point if a man (or woman!) has to be who they aren't?
  7. To hell with it I'm not typing all that essay out again.
  8. I was out on my driving lesson and my instructor -who was also buttons' instructor- commented on how BRILLIANT she was passing with 2 minors! (get you misses ) She keeps mistaking me for her, calls me Catherine a lot xD
  9. Whoever wrote that must have liked you, your name is first mentioned and a lot of the pictures have your stuff in them! Woo :3 Congrats miss Ine. Your drawings are really awesome *nods*
  10. I bet it felt bloody good to get that off your chest With a little luck (or if they never employed anyone in the end) you may get a second chance - who knows!
  11. I'm beginning to think that I'm the freak for not having finger toes now
  12. That's not abnormal whatsoever - I know lots of people with "finger toes" I can crack my jaw on demand, its really loud too, my sister heard it from the other side of a room EDIT: I've just remembered another one - both of the tops of my feet have like painless (and permanent) swelling. I can't wear fitted shoes.
  13. BLAH. I woke up at 5.30am and somehow couldnt get back to sleep. Now i've got the rest of a WHOLE day to think of something to do.... >_< It's not like i'm even tired enough to go back to sleep...
  14. Or maybe TD will lend you his dating self help books
  15. that was fully comp. I don't really know how much it would be for me as a secondary driver on my mums car... But it wouldn't really be feasible because she needs her car during the day and I need a car to go to work. And she would be rage if I stole her car all day
  16. I'm female and 22 though (i know its sexist blahblah whatever).. Adding my mum on scores another 100 pound too. (with a £750 excess o_O) It's not really the comparative cost... Its as S.C.G says - adding EVERYTHING together makes it seriously expensive. Edit: that's for just you buttons? crazy. o_o
  17. My day was going just great 'til I found out it will cost me £750 to insure my mums puny 1ltr Yaris when I pass my test. *sadface*
  18. I usually go for the "how is <family member's name/work/study> doing these days?" then they go off on a talk about that. Cue some nods, laughs and smiles.
  19. To be honest... I think most women are like that. Any of my female friends have been - it's an ego boost with their friends. (oh look I can get a hot bad boy, that makes me officially awesome) Its a completely alien idea to me.. I value personality over anything.
  20. Fuck yeah, I no longer has double vision My last glasses had a prescription that was waaay to strong. My right eye was +2.something and now its +1.5. So that must have been causing all the problems. Yay for improvement!
  21. Yeah a good cut sometimes does wonders for your hair! You definitely suit it shorter anyway
  22. Pashminaaaaar. You REALLY suit your hair that length... and it looks like its in good condition... whats your secret?!
  23. Is that a contact lens or some sort of funny light reaction in your eye? Its really creepy
  24. Goaferboy - that's a pretty incredible tattoo!
  25. I have a lump on my hand from where I had blood taken. They must have punctured the tendon. It rises when I move my hand. My other hand has a scar from all the needle pricks - I have one single good vein on my entire self apparently!
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