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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Thankyou ^^; So true, tea is awesome. I'm in love with Earl Grey, sooo soo good. Also QOTSA yyeaaah \o/
  2. Dear god, I thought that had died a long long time ago Anyhoo, I feel much better today - I was having panic attacks and migraines, my brain kinda left me for a while. Thanks for the concern guyz. ^__^ Tea makes everything better
  3. There really are no words to describe how shit I feel. Plus drinking alcohol seems to create an emotional car crash in my head. Back to bed i go..
  4. Eenuh, that's a bold suggestion!
  5. Aww thats really bad. All you can do is be there for when they really need you.
  6. I think you'll find that it is: In biology, moulting (or molting, also known as shedding or for some species, ecdysis) signifies the manner in which an animal routinely casts off a part of its body (often but not always an outer layer or covering), either at specific times of year, or at specific points in its life-cycle. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Molt
  7. The rules say nothing about double playing, and we don't want the game to die, so: Molt
  8. Not really. Aye. T9 is useful once you get used to it - and have all your words added on. The intelligent ones that remember the words you use more frequently are pretty awesome. E.161 multitap just annoys my arthritis so I tend to avoid it.
  9. I had a horrendous nights sleep last night. >_< Its a fantastically sunny day today... I might go out for a nice walk later on.. maybe that will perk me up a bit ^^
  10. QWERTY isn't practical, but saying that I still like it. My phone has both QWERTY and T9. Best of both worlds.
  11. Giant?! It's almost a mile wide! Edit: dam slowness :P Holy Moly!
  12. Where's the rule book?
  13. Ell, I think they said that you are cute
  14. Well its not like love is something you can put in a glass and measure... "Bingo! 10 litres - it must be true love! woo!" If someone has the answer, I'd just love to be enlightened
  15. My first love would probably still go out with me if he could >_> I think its more a case of desperation for ANYBODY than wanting me.. Way to make someone feel awesome. I hate his guts I mean I dunno, in hindsight I probably wasn't in love with him, but I sure thought so at the time. How do you even know if you are in love?
  16. I went into town with teh magic buttons today ^___^ Now I have Sultana Bran. Fuck yeah \o/ Raining_again is happy. The end
  17. What sort of sadist are you that enjoys a root filling - waaaht! It can get messy removing a wisdom tooth... Depends if/how rotten it is. And it can take time to heal too. A lot of people go for a removal rather than a root filling if its severe enough. Its also the chance of something going wrong in later years with a root filling as opposed to just getting the thing pulled. By the way - wisdom teeth will give you problems - mine were pretty horrendous coming in. Its not abnormal for that to happen because they grow in pushing against your teeth.
  18. Foook sake. Halifax and amazon.co.uk have decided to go their seperate ways, and I'm gonna get issued with a Halifax card instead of the Amazon one I have. But I already have a Halifax card. Mannnnn >_< And my statement came in - £50cr. I must have overpaid?! I don't even bluudy know tbh. xD (so I was absolutely broke last month for noooo reason - joy)
  19. I'm not spying, just cause you would, don't assume the same of me, lol It would be funny if i didn't have a splitting migraine. Damn fooking air pressure.
  20. Its thundery over here, bucketing down. The air pressure is bringing a migraine on ;_; My next door neighbours are also having sex. ¬_¬
  21. Happy birthday England
  22. I've been out of the love thing for a very long time (5 years get) so I think I've gotten accustomed to being alone. Doesn't really bother me in the slightest tbh
  23. Back in the day Amazon's delivery service was uber. Its still good now but i've definitely noticed a change over here. Maybe cause they have both grown in popularity. I've never used play...heard a few bad things about the delivery so I stuck with what I know. Amazon all the way, baby! \o/
  24. What you after?!
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