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Everything posted by Raining_again

  1. Well if you buy a rubbish one, poor quality, cheap price (whatever) and intend to push it to the limits, its far more likely to conk out than a better quality one. PSUs are something that should have a decent budget and plenty of research imo =) They are firing electricity into all of your components and if something goes wrong it could have a knock on effect, something I wouldn't like to chance it to save a few bucks :P
  2. and IDE cables are a bitch to fit as well =P
  3. is it one of those really sickening drinks that are full of sugar? God fucking dammit - we don't have Morrisons in n.Ireland. Fuck. Now i'm disappointed
  4. Banana....bread.....beer? A combination only someone could think of if they had been smoking pot for like a week solid! "Hey lets put beer and bread together, oh hell and some bananas too!" (sounds awesome though)
  5. my gulping does nothing to person that I gulp... (never thought I'd have to say that)
  6. You want recommendations of new drives - is that what you are saying? =) this one is just a reader writer expensive! >_< (btw liteon drives are quality - i've had a few of them in the past and they've always been top notch) You could probably shop around and get cheaper prices
  7. That is too easy to do, it sometimes takes considerable force to put the buggers in! =P
  8. if you clean it be super super super careful - static WILL trash it completely if it touches the wrong place. Don't touch any of the circuity stuff at all. Blow the fan gently/spin it and remove any bits of dust that are stuck. Good way to de-static if you don't have an antistatic strap (best piece of kit i own tbh) is to touch a radiator before you work on it. And don't put it down on carpet when you are working on it
  9. You can only use certain slots for dual sided ram and it wont accept any more ram in the other slots, that is correct, and there is no way around it. You CANNOT use the other slots (at all) By drive you mean CD drive? I'm finding it hard to find your second question...?
  10. Yeah, I had mine on a usb extension cable, attached to the wall at an exact position, and if it moved the signal fell on its arse! >___< I would go wired on a pc myself every time, but there can be practicality issues. I'm lucky my dad is very technically and DIY minded (having a network admin and ex-raf pilot engineer in the house is very handy ;P)
  11. Yaaaaaaay arab_freak is back in his image gallery! =D
  12. Well i wasn't meaning to accuse you ell my dear =P I just stated who I targeted. I know its not easy for everyone to get involved (especially when they don't get info or have a useless power for information) I was just being nosey... ;P
  13. There are tonnes of them on amazon. If you are concerned about the signal maybe get one with an external wifi base thinger (good terminology right?!) Always worth have a search, checking prices, reviews etc. I had a usb wifi dongle a long time ago, was a Belkin one.. and the thing would just refuse to work - windows disagreed with the software, the dongle disagreed with windows wifi settings... Absolute nightmare. And the usbness just makes it slower. A card will start immediately (being internal) and you wont have to fanny around as much.. I ended up getting my dad to route a 15 meter cable through the entire house by the end of it... he's a NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR and couldn't get the bloody dongle to work ¬_______¬
  14. Could possibly be, I mean I didn't use my "swallow" power last night, but I did target someone - so it still could be relevant (sorry my power is kinda complicated and confusing - thanks rez!! ¬_¬) I targeted Ell last night because I've noticed that he hasn't been massively involved...
  15. Aw poor Diglet I'm afraid i've got absolutely nothing to share today..
  16. Don't get a dongle - its nothing but a nightmare. Card is the best way to go and if its a good one, the fact that its on the back of your pc won't be relevant.
  17. you must taste test it naow! ¬_____________¬
  18. ooooh only 40 calories too! that's decent! Is it good?
  19. oh-ho its the diet police.. a proper diet allows you to have treats on a rare occasion... if you don't its basically a fad diet and thereby not maintainable..
  20. if you buy a quality PSU you should have no problems. Just don't (for the love of god) buy a cheap one!
  21. mm pink french fancies <3
  22. Try the suggestion by caris, then if that makes it no better get a custom fan (that's if you are on a pc as opposed to a laptop) Fans don't generally have a huge life. so if your graphics card is any considerable age, chances are the fan is buggered (this is why i love fanless graphics cards =P) oh and check the req settings for ts3. may be a case of needing a graphics upgrade. I know my 8600gt (on my laptop) struggles with ts3 on a heavy load and will get quite hot..
  23. urggh i know the feeling - i'm starting to feel that with my parents. Not only them arguing but us all. I think a 3 bedroom semi is a bit small for 4 adults ._. Need to get out asap, was actually speaking to someone who was looking for a room share but it didn't work out in the end. *looks for rental properties* if only I could afford to buy =(
  24. fuck, one of my colleague's dad died... He tripped on carpet and smashed his head.. massive haemorrhage.. nothing they could do at all. He was fit and healthy too, not a thing wrong with him - complete accident. Brutal.
  25. I'd say the fact that narutos spans over 100 episodes gives it the edge for being the worst. At least there's SOME canon episodes between bleach filler. I think the fact that I watched all of the Naruto fillers in a row made it killer... I was up to date in the 50ish episodes of bleach, so it was only week to week episodes of filler that I've been ever watching - which made it somewhat more bearable than a week/fortnight long marathon of the Naruto ones. On a somewhat unrelated note; I'm pretty disappointed in the shippuuden episodes of late. Bit of sasuke development but other than that its a bit...meh. Feels like there's little left to explore in the plot (aka its been stretched to its limit ) Suppose it has been spanning since the beginning, thats 220+123 = 343 episodes. On one plot...... I think it feels like bleach has been broken down into arcs/plots a bit better. Annnnnd; really enjoying 7 ghosts (aka 07ghost) its just screams lovely animation ^___^ Hmmmph. Not much else for me on the anime front. Been watching brotherhood, but I dunno - just not feeling it lately... Could do with something new to watch if anyone has any suggestions?
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