to be honest martin is not the only one finding it hard to follow... and nobody really had any hard evidence on DB, nor did he get lynched in the end.
if i found out someone was good i would hold onto it unless it was crucial that something was said.. Maybe thats just me?
hahah oh this is so true.
My mind races, its always on and i've never found a way to turn it off. I'm not often stressed but when I do stress its about really petty things that shouldn't matter and the stuff that does is just like.....-shrug-
Arhghghghg i'm obsessing over something really unimportant now... its always the unimportant things i obsess over rather than the stuff thats right in front of me. >_>
oh wow very nice shorteh!
looks either pretty new or well looked after! (i don't know you lots reg number system to even hazard a guess)
Yeah should be a dream to insure, my 1litre car is only £800 (for my first year of driving! and northern irish insurance too).. group 1 insurance ftw =P
it was originally son of a gun, but has morphed a few times, including sacrifice of a goat and other funs.
Happy birthday soggy!
(as his wife to be pointed out, it's his last one as a "single" man!!!) =P
and it isnt that slowly paced when you're watching anime only (yes the filler can be dire) but when you know the plot already it is going to seem very slow :p
Yeah I thought it was.. didn't want to stir any problems (re thread) but I missed the odd shippy discussion that went on. Theres been a few good canon episodes lately, so I created the thread..
I fear we are soon heading into filler though
Exactly, in a hospital environment your immune system is weak and its crucial that it is super clean. You just don't get MRSA or C Difficile spreads in the home environment.
but surely by squeezing the soap you are going to wash your hands and therefore eliminate the germs on yer hands? No?
The only place where that would be important is in a operating situation where EVERYTHING has to be clean but they already have systems in place to do that.
Utterly pointless.