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Gaijin von Snikbah

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Everything posted by Gaijin von Snikbah

  1. Celebrate Katie day come one.
  2. Get the hell out of here. Consider me interested.
  3. Id be a naked old man with a long beard living in a hole in the ground. I will never speak nomatter how much anyone tries. Sometimes I will be chased by an angry mob.
  4. Here is from SpOnG.
  5. See the terrifying images here:
  6. Can anyone show me where it says exclusive to Wii? Like a image or something?
  7. You forgot Mario Kart for SNES. Its better than the N64 version. I dont think I have played a better co-op game than No One Lives Forever 2 co-op mode. Its a stealth first person shooter with lots of character and great gameplay options. If you havent played this game then you have missed a true gem. Other than that, Timesplitters 2 co-op was fun, although a BIT frustrating.
  8. Thats more like it. But alot of cool games wont have an adult rating. And Pokemon is not very adult.
  9. Its probably warmer at Hellfires place. Im rooting for Portugal. Deuce poah!
  10. Im up for some Isketch!
  11. Correct. Your move.
  12. I know the following lyrics from start to finish. "I cant see, somethings all over me. Creepy insomnia, please release me, and let me dream about making mad love on the heath. Tearing of tights with my teeth."
  13. Enter Shikari - Anything can happen in the next half hour. I didnt cheat I swear!
  14. The humour of this forum never cease to amaze me. Try removing the disc matey.
  15. This could become a great advertisement.
  16. Haha haha hah hahaha hahaha.
  17. Whats going on in this region? That man said "there are NiGHTS games in production". Will the Xbox360 and PS3 see a version as well? Or maybe the DS?
  18. Batman Begins. The bestest Batman movie ever. Fun from start to finish. 10/10
  19. Yes you have a point. And at the same time, the drought is no worse then what Xbox 360 or PS3 is experiencing. And lets not forget about the wonderful Virtual Console. It could be temporarily. Next year could be much better. And this fall is going to be great. Cheer up mate.
  20. Whats wrong with my humour? I was thinking that someone could find that information useful.
  21. How about an option for neither? There might be some who wont download any of the games. It could be interesting to know. Ive played both games and especially Zelda to bits. I still remember the first time I walked through the waterfall to upgrade my boomerang. It was a special moment.
  22. Im thinkin Nintendo called it Wii and not Nintendo Game Thing, to make it easier for companies like Sega to release their games on it. Kinda like a friendly gesture.
  23. No. Dont lock it. Or my sarcasm will have failed!
  24. My sarcasm was directed at the nonbelievers of my previous posts regarding this subject.
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