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Everything posted by seamus_aran

  1. Yamauchi was a small fish playing in a big pond. Nintendo is making its OWN pond... I'lve said it once or twice. And I'll say it again. Satori Iwata; Salvation of Nintendo.
  2. Trebuchet MS all the way baby.
  3. Check the sources on Wikipedia. Last time I looked, very accurate.
  4. I like the sound of this actually... got some good staff there, and as long as nothing goes horribly wrong this should be a solid game.
  5. Strike up a friendship with Apple. Let them use GB/GBA/GBCSNES/NES/N64 games for the iPhone (if they can handle the latter), allowing them to put online support in if they really want. Let them have creative control over it. But we would gain is an iTunes compatable DS and Wii with downloadable movies/music and probably games. In turn it would be able to compete with the mulitmedia offerings from Sony/Microsoft without too much effort on Nintendo's part. Would mean a new channel ("iTunes"). Would come with things such as docking with iPod and the such and synching. You get the idea... Get Mozila working on the browser. Put more memory in the Wii so it would be a viable release platform for the online browser. While we're at it, put Thunderbird on there as well - allowing for emails and what not. Again, not too much effort on Nintendo's part. Link the Mii's on the Wii with the DS - and codes. keep the individual game codes, but allow an 'address book' to download everyone you knows onto your Wii if they dont' want to increase capacity on the DS. Then make them streamable over the net. But all these individual features with regards to people could be easilly solved with a 'gamertag' service - but take out those STUPID challenges and score. Simply let people see when you've completed things on certain difficulty. Then let them see the games you have (on DS and Wii) and your able to add those people to your games. Availabe in game? Perhaps... could be difficult to implement. Release a keyboard for the Wii - allow for easy data entry. Also go to PC develoeprs and get them to release older classics for the Wii - starcraft, civilization, simcity, CS ect. The outdated graphics could be put up to higher Wii standards but rebranding and some tweaks here and there would save the developers a lot of time and give the consumer something that the other consoles don't have - proper 'mouse' play (you'll understand what I mean anyone who has tried using the controller for FM07 on the 360). A faster online shop please. Re release some older controllers with Wifi built in please - I personally would rather control MK64 with a N64 controller than the classic controller. The movie viewer would support more formats if it was linked to iTunes. The picture viewer needs some work personally - or perhaps it isn't needed? I dunno... its nice to view y our snaps on your Wii, but they should only be used as an avitar, or perhaps certain uses in games... I dunno. That ones hard to fix. But I know its not perfect. It is all I can think of at the moment... if I were attempting to make the Wii perfect.
  6. Don't RUIN it for me...
  7. *just got in from going out* WE BEAT BLACKPOOL! I saw us losing 1:0 and thought "we're done for", but then Darren Huckerby does his Neo moment; "no". Back in the game! Bring on Chelsea. We all know who's going to win... I mean, Drogba VS Doherty. Doherty will eat him for breakfast!
  8. Its great news for the Wii but I disagree with the people who talk about "make or break for Nintendo/Rockstar". Call me a perfectionist but if Rockstar put out a piss-poor game then they should accept the poor sales that should go with it. And if it just so happens that the game is on a Nintendo platform then I have lost all faith in humanity if that means that they will stop developing for the Wii. But if the game sells poorly but is excellent, then by all means pull support. If we don't appreciate it then they have every right to ignore the Wii.
  9. That time of year has come around again when a bunch of us should be applying to University. I was just wondering what everyone was planning and if they're having any problems, perhaps we can solve them here. My main problem is that I don't know what I want to do. I've already taken a year out. I'm good with computers but thats such a cliche... I'm pretty good at English and wouldn't mind being a journalist... I supose the only thing to do is go and see my careers advisor - which I'm doing on Tuesday.
  10. I can play Lttp more than I can play Oot. Lttp pwns all.
  11. Simcity The 1989 classic Miner VGA
  12. *imagines Golden Axe Streetwise. Dies of shock* They had better try their best not to screw that up.
  13. You can't really blame the people who come up with the theories though... if we never questioned anything then we wouldn't really have freedom would we. Then again that can be argued against with the fact that none of these people are educated enough to make these theories. But that is their choice isn't it. I am aware what I believe and there is enough evidence for the event to go down in history as a tragic event - not a conspiracy.
  14. Yeah... that Cube probably doesn't work - its not loading up a game is it. My Cube is broken as well but I'm not quite sure what to do with it...
  15. I'm still so annoyed that McLaren got the England managers job... Beenhakker is a tactical master and would be easy to get. Couple him with a good organiser of men (like Scolari/O'Neil) and the two in charge would do great! But no. We have to have a "advertisment of English football". Funny that. I thought what with the whole team being English people it already did that...
  16. If they did that though they'd have to make it so he attacked everyone and only lasted a few seconds - so as to not give a huge advantage to some characters. I'm all for Olimar to be in. His Pikmin attacks would rock. I just really want them to find a way to implement online multiplayer... but I get the feeling they'll deem a fighter to suseptable to lag and leave it...
  17. Yeah but theres been so many little rumours, dodgy staff members confirming it I wasn't too sure whether it was still on. But we have a definitive date now so... tis all good.
  18. Your going to get beaten on opening day. Never underestimte the power of Norwich City. We need a quality striker to go with Earnsahw and maybe that Luton midfielder we've been after. And a centre back... and a full back. Oh **** it. I've already resigned us to mid-table with that clown in charge.
  19. Electro-magnetic field "could" work. Like the magnetic field created by the power plug turns a dynamo in the piece of equipment and creates power. Though any other kind of electrical equpiment would get ruined like HDD's. And wires inside electrical equipment would move due to F=BIL. Wireless power is hard to create. We aren't anywhere near the technology to create it. If we were then rockets wouldn't need that big ass tank of fuel attached - the electrical energy would just be transported to it.
  20. I agree, their advertising approach is changing definately for the better. An sheer stroke of genius was the advertising on Channel 4 in the UK. It attracts the kind of people who could potentially enjoy the Nintendo DS.
  21. Lttp > Oot > LA > MM = OOS/OOA > Minish Cup > Zelda 1 > Zelda 2 While it pains me to say it, the first two in comparison to the rest pale. But then again the advances in computer games, coding ideas and the size of games means that you are far more likely to create a master piece these days.
  22. Sin and Punishment. Sin and mother ****ing punishment.
  23. I quite love my Cube as well but many compare it to the trend-setting N64 and the sublime SNES. While certainly not the worst around the Cube had a very hard reputation to live up to following these two critically acclaimed consoles. Many stopped buying Nintendo games after the SNES or N64 and didn't believe they were missing out witht he Gamecube Well now your just nitpicking. To the general consensus it was now all right to own a Playstation and you weren’t labelled a geek for owning a console. The Virtual Boy? I'm pretty sure many have erased that fiasco from our minds.
  24. I enjoyed tonights episode. It was differnet but in a very good way. The Torchwood reference (and Bad Wolf reference) made me sit up and take notice though...
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