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Everything posted by Philthy

  1. I went along the lines of levelling just three characters past level 20. (Now at around level 64 with my main party) Since all the characters get LP the other 3 characters will have thousands spare later in the game which means that you'll be able to equip them with all the powerful weapons and status upgrades yet be at low levels. Combine that with accessories that give double EXP and these characters will take no time in levelling up being able to battle easily in areas well above the recommended level. Anyways, I'm really enjoying the gameplay of this game but right at the end of the game I still don't feel anything for any of the characters or plot so far which is a great shame. It would be very sweet to build the next MMORPG along these lines though... grinding is actually fun in this game. (also would be sweet if the next FF online allowed you to have a couple of AI controlled characters....)
  2. Graphics are pretty decent - draw distance is great and it's really , really fast. A definite step above the likes of Hero's but not quite the same as Sonic 06 (which is a good thing in my opinion). Don't think you can turn the music off although you can however change the language to Japanese and have English Subs which dramatically improves the experience
  3. I'm in agreement that it starts slow but IMHO that's a necessity to ween you on the controls. Before long Sonic gets incredibly fast and all those issues go away, plus you can turn on and off various speed and movement enhancements to suit your own play style. All in all after 1 days play I'm extremely happy with this game and it really is the best 3D Sonic by a country mile.
  4. Hmm I'd say either are great but Excite Truck is just more fun. You can't make a wrong choice though
  5. Just picked this up and played the first couple of levels. Is pretty fun so far and the music isn't half as bad as I'd have thought... Got it from ASDA seeing as the last few games I bought were cheaper than everywhere else (Excite Truck, Koro, FF12 etc). Thankfully I think it's been the case again as I only paid £34.96!! Back through town I noticed everywhere else was charging £39.99 so I'm pretty happy
  6. For those worried about the £35 price tag - It looks like ASDA are selling this for £27.97... I may yet have to pick this up
  7. You aren't wrong in saying that VIII had a great love story but I think there was more to it than just that. The plot was intelligent and required some deep thinking and was multi-layered throughout. Of course again that is important, but for me the most important thing is the characters and personally I can't think of a better set of characters than Squall and co. Also damned fantastic was the whole "SeeD" concept where you were part of an elite military unit - loved it. Oh, and the soundtrack is easily Uematsu's finest ever. To this day I still don't understand the hate for this game that so many people seem to have...
  8. Also - only focus on the two judges... take them out and the others are no longer an issue. Have to agree with many of the comments about this game. Here's my overall opinion 30 hours in... Story, art/music direction and characters just aren't Final Fantasy. They've kept as many elements as possible to make it seem like a FF game, best example being the two massive FF themes in the opening sequence and also the victory music after bosses (which seems odly out of place). I do however love the battle structure and the MMORPG ish elements make it very addictive to just grind and hunt for rare items, weapons and monsters - far more so than other RPG's. The gambit system is genious, the license board less-so. I'm not fond of the lack of a true main character and the fact that the main plot is much more politically driven than character driven. Vaan is very, very irritating though so it is nice that I can swap him out for Balthier rather than being forced to keep him 90% of the time. Overall I'm really enjoying this as a great RPG, although I don't "feel" that this is a Final Fantasy game. This is a cross between FFXI, Vagrant Story and Phantasy Star Online which isn't a bad thing by any means, just not what you'd expect from a flagship FF title. For the record, my fav FF games are: FFVIII, FFVI and FFVII. I'm really hoping that stylistically, FFXIII is more along the lines of VIII which had my favourite characters, plot and world.
  9. Just a heads up that ASDA are selling slimline PS2's for a measley £49.97 all day tomorrow... They also should have some discounted PS2 games to go with, so if you still don't have a PS2 tomorrow's a very, very good time to get one. (No excuses for not getting FFXII on Friday... )
  10. 700 across the chain so I'd say that most larger stores/supercenters for sure good luck on the Wii hunt
  11. No such thing as too much Wii Golf my friend
  12. Just thought I'd give you all a heads up - lets just say a little birdie told me.
  13. Zelda Mario F-Zero Resi - 4 Tales DK:JB SSBM SW:RL2
  14. Well I picked up a Cube.
  15. Namco is wearing Sony's hat made of money.
  16. More than happy to help out. Will get started on a poster and may be able to help you with the site itself if you need help with it. Drop me a line, [email protected]
  17. This is an interface that covers all the old options, but adds so much new functionality and extras that no other controller can compete with. That expansion slot is the key to a lot of greatness.
  18. Looks like we may actually get some positive coverage from the multi format gaming mags this time around.
  19. Frankly I'm shocked.
  20. Not to mention that we haven't been told of the online components that Iwata was so keen to point out during the e3 press conference. I get the felling there is a whole lot of info we still don't know at this point which keeps everyone guessing and keeps the hype building. It also gives Nintendo the freedom to hold press events/shows at key times to throw a spanner in the launches of the other two consoles.
  21. Totally agree with that. The reason why they didn't want to show the games yet is becuase this was the controllers show. They were very careful to not show games and I'm in agreement as they still have an easy ace card to show at another time such as before the 360 or PS3 launches. They wanted us to focus on the innovation and try to imagine ways of using it ourselves.
  22. I'm sue that Rev will be awesome for FPS and Metroid style games. I wonder what Zoonami are working on?
  23. Hey, hey, I'm not meaning no support! I'm just saying I'd rather take the new unique Rev software than sloppy ports. Of course the ports will be around and I'd hope that a lot of games are ported over (maybe RE5 and MGS4). If that's the case though it would be nice that they try to include some features exclusive to the Rev version.
  24. Basically what the title sugests... I've heard loads of comments about the Rev not getting ports etc etc. I'm pretty much of the opinion that this is a great thing, and lets face it, who wants boring ports of games for other systems that don't use the unique features of the Rev controller? (Of course we all know that Rev will be able to use GCN controllers and the controller/shell add-on so there is no issue with ports anyway...) On the flip side however, how many cool rev games are going to be able to be ported to the other consoles? What this means is loads of exclusive Rev games and less mediocre ports. Something I could never be dissapointed with.
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