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Epic fail

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Everything posted by Epic fail

  1. yeah you have to get past the T.V but how...... I cant renember *Gestures towards fused&
  2. The wii wont read my disc i've still got a few mini quests to do and now the whole thing is gone i need a new copy a.s.a.p
  3. Hang in there dude hang in there It'll all be worth it in the end
  4. Hows the game goin for Soag and Ashley?
  5. Forget metroid Forget pheonix BUY IT NOW!!!!
  6. OMG the ending *faints*
  7. HAIL TO KING EPIC!!! Completed..... today Hell fuckin yeah!!
  8. little bit late fused
  9. If you dont enjoy it you have no soul
  10. In case the Prof layton one was close Pandora's box?
  11. 3 - Nighttrap
  12. Okay i havent seen/read any Naruto since around S2 area but i know a bit about the Sharigans so does anyone if theres a place where i can pick it up again without going way back to where i left off
  13. It's what i do best yeah anyway it looked like thee speedometer in flatout
  14. Final guess 2 Flatout
  15. Game 6 - Price of persia SOT Not sure how i came up with stuntman
  16. Even if PS3 games are more expensive you dont have to pay to play them online so in the long run PS3 will cheaper
  17. oh i dont have a clue then
  18. Not sure if this will work but here goes Basically one person says two words lets say they were A dog then the next person would carry it on A dog sat on then the next person carrys it on and you end up with some weird story Try to make it two words only To start things off four guys
  19. Game 1- Fila Decathalon Game 2 - Stuntman
  20. crap hes right coulda got that
  21. Ive played it its pretty good but the bit where you get your gun licence i renember hating that bit dunno why
  22. Is anybody up to date with bleach manga? is getting good again needs more keigo though
  23. Shame on you for not already owning it
  24. Im gonna buy everyone i know a copy now
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