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Epic fail

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Everything posted by Epic fail

  1. This could be used for any scenario
  2. Devil may cry 3 was stupidly hard FFII on the DS the boss battles are nearly impossible and i was probaly the only one who found super metroid hard
  3. yep coz i love pandas Would you take a bullet for a stranger?
  4. i think N-gamer has something about this in its latest issue
  5. That be the one shouldve of thought of google really thanks:)
  6. done my part
  7. This seems a good place to ask this What is that song where the lyrics are "Its not your fault but mine and it was your heart on line i really fucked it up this time didnt i my dear"? I've had in my head for ages and i cant think what it is
  8. I'll swap to Nicholai if u need me to
  9. ive put it in now when i can be bothered to finish my sig pic it will be awesome Zelda Top 3 1 Majora Mask 2 Ocarina of Time 3 Twilight Princess
  10. Just finished reading the first couple of chapters of code breaker and its really good it has the same sort of theme as death note as in peoples ideas of justice not sure if its out in this country yet as i havent seen and ive only read translated online versions
  11. I may have to use that in my sig
  12. im gonna have to go with the majora mask not just the best Zelda game possibly the best game on the N64 i recently brought it on virtual console and it still seems awesome
  13. could i play? dont mind who i am
  14. she looks like a cross between billie piper and catherine tate
  15. I saw the sound of drums pt1&2 i think the master was a really good charachter im looking forward to the xmas one now thanks serebii and dante for tellin me who he is
  16. i can see why you think Tellyn that considering my name and what ive just done are identical but oh well it was just something to try so i shall sink behind a rock and hide my shame and Goafer its not meant to
  17. really you can get those i want one it has no real reason for existing i just felt like starting a thread and see what happens
  18. I hope not and really i think not i feel that the wii has still more to offer and more revelotionary things to come like the wii vitality sensor mentioned at E3 that monitors your heartbeat during games and will affect how the plays such as how many enimeis will be unleashed and when plus new games like Zelda are i think going to up sales as the franchises have such big fan bases.
  19. He sounds pretty evil i think im gonna try and watch the episode you mentioned btw whats the significance of someone picking up the ring? does it have something like timelord powers in it?
  20. Im not an avid watcher Dr Who but i saw the newest one and in the next ep preview it metioned some called Master then in the children in need bit it said hes back can someone tell me who master is?
  21. I thought i would start this because sometimes think up little things that i think are cool and wanna tell people. Things like the other day when i was in the shower i thought i can never get the temperture right it either too hot or too cold so i thought why not have a dial where you can set it to your prefrence so its the right temperture every time. It dosent have to be an invention just whatever you thought up post it here and see what people think
  22. Qwaser of Stigmata "He is a Qwaser a being who can manipulate iron and draws his power from breast milk" is this for real? whoever thought that up must be pretty perverted
  23. i see ur point about wolfwood his death and FF7 clouds death r the only anime deaths that made me wanna cry
  24. anyone ever seen Trigun it is amazing i wasnt taking it seriously tho till episode 12 cos i thought it was really funny. Amazing series but dissapointing end LOVE LEGATO
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