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Epic fail

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Everything posted by Epic fail

  1. I meant i wanted a remake of the first one
  2. what happens if you wear a hat walking past the smoke detector It might not detect you
  3. not to sound stupid but what is that? Mr Mosquisto strangley addictive need more
  4. Another billy hatcher and the giant egg would be orgasmic
  5. Buy a new one?
  6. Tbh i think you should be upfront even if she says no for whatever reason if you get on that well youll still be friends and there maybe a time she says yes
  7. I didnt know that I shall have to give Rebirth a purchase
  8. super probotector has had sequels but i dont think theres been a console one since the 90s
  9. I downloaded sin&punishment and it got me thinking theres gonna be a new one of this so what other games should be remade. Personaly i think they should remake Toejam and Earl The Adventures of Alundra and Super Probotector What does everyone else wanna see?
  10. ahhh but you dont know what he does thanks everyone
  11. ok so i did what you said charlie and now it says unable to save image instead
  12. Im really confused with this
  13. Number thirteen
  14. Ive been trying to use this as a sig but it keeps coming up not valid. Ive checked the image size and that fine so i dont know why it wont work. Aybody know?
  15. Today started out all right, got up at 6:00 got out on time, but i started feeling pains im my side about 9:00 then 2 and a half hrs later i still had it, so i got checked up at my local clinic then was reffered to my hospital, i had a scan and somehow ive fractured my ribs
  16. X-factor is a show where the public votes we're supposed to analyze and judge them
  17. i dont think it matters who won in the end cos i bet olly and stacey end up with an album anyway
  18. That dosent mean anything people voted for leon and where is he now
  19. Im on the verge of naming 2 i know ive heard it before i cant think where
  20. Game 7-chrono trigger: something turigo?
  21. The Adventures of Alundra Old ps1 game that obiviously takes inspiration from the Zelda games. I love it really i cant find much fault in it i even like the story the bad thing about is it takes a while to really get started. The best thing is probally the interaction you can talk to everybody, you can go in every house eventually and its not free roaming but if you want a break from the main quest then you can wonder about looking for treasure chests 9/10
  22. lets go for A
  23. i once walked home from school desperate for a piss and considering its a 45 minute walk i held on for a long time but eventually i had to go so i went to a nearby bush and as i started a girl came round the corner so i quickly covered myself and pretended i was getting some paper out of my pocket. I hope to god i never meet that girl again
  24. As long as we never see a Links crossbow training again i dont care what its like
  25. i will pick C
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