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Everything posted by dazzybee

  1. Undoubtedly Pikmin 3 will follow Animal Crossing : CF's line of evolution and be the same as the Pikmin 2.........
  2. I sold me DS version LAST WEEK. Argh!!! Oh well If I get it which I undoubtedly will, even though I dont want to ( ) and i dee it as a major wasted opporutnity; I'll have to build it up from scratch!
  3. Also to the original poster, I dont want to make things worse, but Mad World is out Spring 2009 in US, so prob even later for us Europeans. This E3 was a bit depressing, he words from Reggie afterward made things worse, Miyamoto made things a bit better; but if you dont want or like Animal Crossing (though that may not even come out here) than you have to look to 3rd partys for Wii games!! It's really gutting, especialy as Nintendo is in complete control, and they could have really pushed on with the market, for me they HAVE the casual market, its in the bag, they need to concentrate on the gamers now, bring out more games to convince them its a console the need - instead they have gone after the market they already have and convinced the already unsure gamers that the Wii DEFINITELY isn't for them. Very frustrating, very surprisingly, and I imagine Nintendo will have truly fucked this one up.
  4. I know exacyly, I've been in bands for 10 years. I love it! I love playing, always bringing out the guitar at parties and everyone joins in, I've always love "music" based games from Parappa the Rapper, Donkey Konga, Rhythm Tengoku - all of them, I've even got the DS taiko drum master, both Oendan games, Jam with the band. Hell, I've EVEN got Jam Session I love music software, I understand all of these pieces of software (yes, even Jam Sessions ) but this game....I just don't get it. I'm buying it, don't get me wrong, the drum kit bit looks great so that'll be a laugh, but it's such a waste and I think it will get stale quick. I just don't see the fun in creating something you have no control of, I want to be able to create all thesongs ive written with these crazy instruments and play them with my friends! All I ask is for the power to select which notes I play and that I CAN go out of tune; non musicians can still mess about and play what they like, but.....I'm repeating myself. Forget it And also about the games aimed at me, seriously, I couldn't love casual gaming any more. I own all three consoles - I own a handful of 30 games, a couple of PS3 and about 40 Wii games - I love this shit. I train my brain, get fit and even cook with the new cooking guide, I love these new experiences, and you know what i UNDERSTAND these new experiences, every single one of them, I see their point...... Wii Music.....I just don't get it!! What is fun about pretending to play an instrument while not having much control of the song?
  5. WHy can't they take EA's approach (NEVER thought I'd say that) and have both, this insultingly easy mode where ANYONE can play; AND a mode where you do have the control, it is challenging etc. Wii Music All Play!!!!! And the theory is just flawed, do you kno how popular Guitar Hero is? Thats popular with my family and friends who have never played a videogame before! And its a game and you feel good. Rock Bands the same, we feel good playing together creating music - some go on easy and some of us on expert, we all have fun and play at a level suitable to our skills EVERYONE PLAYS TOGETHER!! This is not a game, its insulting, patronising and offers no sustained enjoyment as far as I can tell. It is fun CREATING music, not slowing music down and adding in a few more notes, thats fun for 5 minutes!!!!
  6. I would agree completely - IF YOU COULD DECIDE WHICH NOTES YOU PLAYED AND CREATE WHATEVER YOU WANTED, BUT IT SEEMS YOU CAN'T!! You just do stuff and the game decides how to interpret it, or with the songs already on there, it just plays it!!! How is that rewarding!?!??! It will be fun for a few minutes
  7. What a crap hands on, it's positive, which is good. But they say you do the same things....and then it's a bit evolution of the series. But how is it? It being in a different location isn't a big evolution, it's different setting. How is it a big evolution?
  8. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/890/890213p1.html Game completely as I expected then...... And to think it couldn't get worse.
  9. Stop being so contrary It's obvious this game is the same game they've released twice already. http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/890/890136p1.html
  10. Well I use photobucket but my friend uses this and has pictires he wants me to see, but I cant get on.....
  11. I can't access this site and I have no idea why. Any help? It says this: Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a request header field exceeds server limit. I have tried many times many days......
  12. There really isn't. Lets hope they start to peel away the game and unveil lots of exciting new features. I doubt they will, but I can still hope.
  13. This has been the highlight of the whole E3 for me, I love style!! Thats why the Wiis tech doesn't bother me. This game looks amazing! Love the voice over!
  14. So what the hell do you freestyle? Whatever the game decides? Brilliant!! It's like electroplankton then, you create music....yeah, great concept but the game gets boring after 10 minutes.......I worry for this....and I shake my head at the loss of what awesome potential.
  15. Keep playing the DS version then.... I have loved the GC and DS games I really have, but I can't do the same things over and over again, I just can't. I won't get the same buzz of collecting all the different trees.... Or making friends with the 'same' animals.... or digging up a fossil....... I still going to the cafe every saturday evening though
  16. Firstly I was joking about refusing to read anything about the game. I read the press release, etc. And watching the developer do a bit of a feature walk through and seeing the trailer is NOTHING like listeing to 5 seconds of an album. Maybe 10 seconds of EVERY song. Fact is, surely Nintendo would be trumping the games features....which is voice chat and a 'few' more shops. If you think this game offers a signifcantly different experience, fine; for me it looks 98% exactly like the ds game. I hope I'm wrong, I really do, it's the only proper game Nitendo are releasing this xmas, I need something to play
  17. If there is a freestyle option where I can actually decide what notes I play, THEN I'll take everything back. I mean, why can't they have an option where different buttons are different notes and just turn it into a game aswell as all the improv do what you want side to the gameplay. Why not have both?
  18. But you can't CREATE music, you 'play' along to a song already there, you can just mildly manipulate the arrangement of that song...it's bollocks. The only thing that looks amazing was the drums, but I wonder how you hit different drums....press buttons, all through motion? Who knows but it's the only thing that looks remotely intersting. You know that "game" Guitar Hero 4? Thats a game, that feels like you playing music, oh, you can also create music on it. Thats what this should be. I want to play games not mime playing a recorder.
  19. This is the best thing to come out of the conference (is devs use it that is). I hate headsets also so at least this will be more fun and inclusive. At least something positive
  20. How is it? It's not a game, you don't do anything, there is no winning or failing, you just jam to a music and can add or take away notes, its a pure gimmick - "oooh, play the wiimote like this and replicate this instrumnet....." I thought this game looked incredible.....if only it was a game...... Drumming looked great though.
  21. Huh, you do that in the DS version. Take clothing and such and such to the residents. Just watched the trailer....it's even more depressing. It's like watching the DS version it really is, even the animals are the same, same shops, same things you do, I didn't see ANYTHING new in there. Oh boy.......
  22. Right, I don't want to read fact sheets or see anything, because it looks shit, sounded shit on the conference and I'm pretty pissed off to be honest. But can anyone tell me what differences there are to other AC games. It seems the same and I want to explode with fury - what are nintendo playing at, I can't understand, what they been doing with the series since the DS version? Please tell me I'm wrong and there's loads of innovations!!! Please!!!
  23. Making the motion more sensitive will make it a lot better. Have you played the Wii? It needs it Also, you give ONE example of how 1:1 won't work. ONE. But what about all the other exampleswhere it WILL work? Also, your argument still doesn't really make sense because the synch won't go if you hit something, when you remove you arm in place it can still track that!! The animation during the "hitting something" phase won't be exactly where you're at, but it won't take long to correct itself.
  24. Yeah, really bizarre why they took it away. I mean, how would it weaken the package in anyway? Unless they (or Nintendo) have better plans for it......
  25. Completely agree with this. For a long time I TRULY didn't like EA, just released yearly updates, never took risks, monopolised the sports industry through paying for exclusivity (MS learnt a few things from them); but although they are still doing similar things, the class, ingenuity and risk-taking should be applauded; especially as a Wii fan. I'm really looking forward to their games this year and can't wait for some more announcements, really excited about their take on Wii Fit. I think Nintendo know how important EA are, and I think their relationship will only get stronger. As an extra note, reports have been saying how incredible Tiger Woods controls have been, imagine what they'll be like with the new add on
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