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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. They have their reasons, they don't need to divulge those reasons to the fanboys. If they did go back to on-stage presentations you'd just complain about how painful and awkward their speakers are.
  2. I disagree, floaty platformers are almost never a good thing. DKCTF felt stiff and floaty in equal measure. Nice game but give me Mario style precise platforming any day.
  3. I think it's a little soon for that and they seem to prefer to just focus on games and nothing else at E3, well and amiibo now, obvs.
  4. Well, Wind Waker is my favourite game of all time, Pikmin 3 is incredible, Captain Toad the perfect little puzzle game, and MK8 the best Mario Kart to date… But it has to be Mario 3D World for me. Platforming perfection.
  5. Awesome, loved the Virtual Boy bit (and the Captain Toad victory tune)
  6. Not till Wii grows up to the age of consent.
  7. Regardless of the troll, would he be a huge loss if he were ever to leave? I'm genuinely asking, seems a nice guy etc
  8. I imagine the training part of the tease is just relating to the Youtube video they're going to release at 5pm, similar to last year's one but this time with Reggie training in the gym or some such...
  9. Fixation on fashion? If anything its use fashion are another indicator the game's aimed at the Nickelodeon market.
  10. What a strange suggestion, them maybe announcing a game today. Whoosh.
  11. I don't think so. The UK trailer showed nothing about the game whatsoever, I actually thought it was really poor. People will watch it and go wtf is this. The US one is far more likely to get me to buy the game, even with the terrible voiceover not aimed at me.
  12. Fair enough, and my estimation re: Marth sales figures just used common sense. I don't think it's a stretch to say that Mario could sell one or two dozen times more than Marth.
  13. I totally agree they're not coming out of this smelling of roses. I think it's a bit of both, they want as much money as possible but at the same time probably aren't against the notion that sold out signs increase demand, just as it did with the Wii. When Mario probably sells 20x more than Marth does, why focus on restocking Marth when you can restock Mario. Would people be as chuffed with their Rosalina or Villager amiibos if they knew they could find them in plentiful stock everywhere? I don't think I would be, I like the fact that I managed to find a rare one. Increases the value for me (I mean personally, not resale wise). I'm not excusing the supply problems, I think they're ridiculous but I'm not quite as outraged as a lot of other people are.
  14. 5 and 9 year olds shooting people online in COD? WTF has modern gaming become!! I have a nephew who's 7 who'd appreciate the Splatoon ad I reckon.
  15. I'm sure if Nintendo were able to manufacture enough to keep up with demand, they would. I doubt they're just sitting on their hands and thinking meh, whatever, let's not make as much money as possible. Obviously the manufacturing part is proving a challenge, considering this is basically a totally new sector of the market for them.
  16. I don't see what's so terrible about that ad, it's aimed at 10+ year old kids, and shows off loads of cooler action moments. Obviously we're not going to appreciate but I think it fits that market pretty well. There'll also be ads aimed at an older market, which frankly all they'd need to do is swap the audio for something a bit more grown up.
  17. Probably wouldn't sell as well if there was plentiful supply. Nothing wrong with making a few of them rare and hard to find.
  18. A new Paper Mario sounds good, I hope it's more like Super Paper Mario or Sticker Star than Thousand Year Door. There, I said it. Come at me...
  19. This seems like it'll be a million times better than Yoshi's New Island.
  20. Training for E3 could maybe just mean another Smash Bros tournament
  21. Amazing. I would happily buy loads more amiibos in various colour combos. Probably best for my wallet that doesn't happen though. Can we please have 1 thread where you don't scrape the bottom of the barrel to complain about something ?
  22. Duck Hunt Duo will probably end up being the rarest and hardest to find of the lot I reckon.
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