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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Yeah it's looking really good. $1 for a pack of three cards is also a lot cheaper than I was expecting.
  2. I would have gotten that but yellow??
  3. I'm not allowed in the Splatoon thread, so… Just finished the single player. WOW that final boss is brilliant. Loved the single player generally, hope we see more in a sequel.
  4. Yeah that makes most sense really. Maybe just a selection of figurines then, say 100 of the most popular ones.
  5. If they ever did release Amiibo for every single Pokemon I imagine they would be slightly smaller and cheaper. Say 3 for the price of one regular amiibo
  6. I started all OCD getting two of each (one to open and one to keep sealed) but then they just kept revealing new ones and I said f*$£ this my bank balance can't take it. So now I just pick up the ones I like.
  7. No on the main control panel page: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/usercp.php Under 'Latest Infractions Received'
  8. Just click on User CP at the top of the page, that'll show you any infractions you have.
  9. Yeah the detail on Palutena is unbelievable. Easily the most high quality amiibo so far. The quality just gets better with each wave. The Animal Crossing ones in particular look excellent.
  10. Fantastic idea, I love it. (also a big fan of Wuhu Island)
  11. Alternatively they might be excited that their new game will get much more interest and publicity if it potentially launches with the NX.
  12. Yeah I think I 100%'d it as well. I remember the mission where you had to hand glide up to 500 metres took me AGES
  13. I quite liked Pilotwings Resort as a launch game but nothing more. It was good fun but felt very vanilla and soul-less after Pilotwings (SNES) and 64. The Wuhu Island setting was cool but I liked the SNES game's more real-world flight school/military setting far more. Would still love to see Pilotwings NX, we've had two (soon to be three?) consoles now without an installment.
  14. Maybe 9 years ago motion controls were the big talking point but interest in them has gone downhill pretty quickly. It was something new and made for huge sales at launch but the continued success of the Wii was more down to things like Mario Kart 8 or Wii Fit. I genuinely don't think the market is there for motion controls. Tablet gaming was the hype train Nintendo wanted to jump on but the Wii U probably came a year or two too late for that (which Miyamoto has acknowledged)
  15. I'm putting the dry launch down to HD development. Zelda U will probably be a launch title and we won't have seen EAD tackle a 3D Mario game in 2-3 years by that point leaves me optimistic they really have (finally) learned their lesson. Their poor showing at E3 couldn't have been clearer their big teams have moved on to NX.
  16. Because presumably NX will be more than just a lower priced Wii U. Not to mention the fact that within the industry the console is dead, they need to start fresh. Even with a price drop I doubt they'd shift many more units. I think you're in the vast minority who wanted Nintendo to continue with motion controls.
  17. The two aren't mutually exclusive. I want good games but I also want the company that I love to have a healthy bottom line. I don't believe rushing out an expensive box to compete with the PS4 and XBO three years into the generation is the way to do the latter.
  18. And sell 5 million units over two years to the hardcore Nintendo fans only and become an even bigger laughing stock than the Wii U currently is.
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