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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Fair point though they're different markets really. The bottom line is the arms race could be stifling creativity and gameplay itself which is surely the whole point of video games? I don't know enough about video game development to comment with any authority but surely there is SOME additional work coding a game for two platforms? Not to mention the extra work making the assets etc even more detailed.
  2. This gif post on gaf made me laugh. Summed up last night's presentation, though at least Sony had one person clapping. I've read the Eurogamer article and it hasn't changed my view that this is a completely pointless hardware update. Really strange, but personally I'm happy, just saved myself 300+ quid.
  3. The punishment is losing time and missing out on coins you could have collected by jumping on them.
  4. Watch the footage again, it looks like it's going to be highly skill based, knowing exactly when to jump, how strong to make a jump and whether to hover or not. There seems to be a huge amount of score variations and I think it'll have huge replay value. Jumping on consecutive goombas instead of hurdling them for instance gives you a coin multiplier.
  5. Another way of looking at it is they're shoving developers down a path where only the most high fidelity games will do. Basically forcing them to compete with each other because a large chunk of gamers have come to demand only the prettiest games. It's pretty commonplace that games at the end of a generation are the standout titles once devs had gotten used to developing for the new step up in hardware. Now just as they're getting used to the PS4 and XBO, they're being asked to spend time making their games even prettier (as well as making a less pretty version as well)
  6. Have you listened to PS I Love You yet @Hero\-of\-Time? I've not watched yet but I hear Colin Moriarty was pretty scathing about the whole thing, presentation, console and the hardware manufacturer's obsession with power [tweet]773714380382834688[/tweet] He sounds like a Nintendo fan, not a lapsed one.
  7. Yeah seems a smart name for it, quite catchy and banks on the Nintendo brand
  8. Smart move from them, and tbf it's a lovely looking console.
  9. Given the negative attitudes over FTP games on mobile maybe it was done to maintain a bit of integrity? You get the sense they're almost embarrassed about the idea of fleecing customers for money. Miitomo you had to go digging to give them money, and Nintendo Badge Arcade almost apologised for charging you by giving you so many free goes. Maybe they don't see SMR as a big earner for them, but as a marketing tool to get people onto their hardware.
  10. Just strikes me as odd given how well Sony have been doing getting gamers on their side this generation in terms of messaging and presentations. The whole low key, muted affair seemed very much backtracking on Sony's part. They knew it couldn't compete with Scorpio so didn't want to make too big a deal out of it. I really can't see it selling well at all, especially with the crazy lack of a 4K bluray player.
  11. Get it into as many people's hands as possible, then tempt them with a one off cost for the game, sounds the ideal way to do it.
  12. A good job explaining the upgrade? I thought they did an awful job explaining it, that HDR "example" was ludicrous. Sure the few dozen people in the audience appreciated it, but what about the MILLIONS of people who sat at home confused and bored? I think Playstation are going to come out all guns blazing on the PS5 in a couple of years. I'm convinced they half-arsed PS4 Pro when they found out what Scorpio was, and the extra time till the latter launches gives them time to prep PS5.
  13. Unless of course they market this thing as a handheld first and foremost that just happens to plug into the TV, which it basically is. In that sense they've not only trumped the current Sony handheld tech wise, but basically skipped a generation if they can get halfway between Wii U and PS4 power, on the go. I think it's a very clever idea, and the detachable controller idea has huge potential, maybe not for hardcore gamers like us, but the more casual ones it could be a big hit. And even if people do scoff that it's inferior to the PS4/XBO, Nintendo have proven time and time again that power isn't everything, especially in a handheld. With them combining all their game development for one platform and with quality titles, it shouldn't be a problem. Plus, given the reaction at E3, Zelda alone could be one of the biggest launch day system sellers of any console since Mario 64.
  14. I get the feeling that the app itself will be free, but to get beyond the demo you have to pay the price they quote, maybe that's a better way of going about it than paid from the start? Also, I like the whole make your own Mushroom Kingdom idea Wow, just opened the App Store on my phone and you're right, the main box is for SMR and the option to be notified when it's available. Never seen that kind of promotion from Apple before, but if they were going to do it with any game, a Nintendo one would be it.
  15. Very ballsy move. Unfortunately, it has to be 79p to be successful, anything more and it'll be flooded with 1 star reviews. That's how mobile gaming works.
  16. The general online reaction to PS4 Pro and Sony's presentation as a whole is, to put it politely, bad. Why would Nintendo be bricking it? It's not all about graphics power, as proved many times, and they're releasing a handheld with a big trump card. Personally I'm relieved, I woke up yesterday convinced I would have to get one, now I definitely won't be. I think a lot of people are in a similar boat, the Pro is a damp squib and Nintendo will be very pleased.
  17. It would be mildly less embarrassing then the Move controller I suppose :-P Nintendo will be hugely upbeat after that Playstation Meeting thing. I was worried the NX hype would get drowned out by PS4 Pro, but they've nothing to worry about after that showing... Maybe now it's over they'll finally announce a date for the reveal....
  18. I think this will be fantastic for Nintendo, I like the idea that there are worlds/levels + some asynchronous online play. Surprised they're charging though, I would have thought they might go free + IAP, I thought those are the games that make the most money. Maybe it'll only be like 79p or something. Also, seeing the crowd go wild when Mario popped up and Shigsy came on stage was great
  19. I missed that, I thought the 1TB was £259!! £300 three years on? That's crazy.
  20. The price of the Pro is spot on, the price of the Slim is way too expensive.
  21. I'm starting to get No Man's Sky vibes from this game. They've shown gameplay off three or four times now at various events and each one has been identical: hunting a dinosaur creature, and either taking it down or climbing aboard. What is the actual gameplay like apart from this? Visually it certainly looks pretty spectacular, but how much depth will there be? To use the same quotes people used towards NMS, "What do you actually do?".
  22. PlayStation haven't said a word except suggesting there may not be a PS5, and Microsoft talked about a future without generations. So people on here may have suggested it was always going to be the same gen (though I don't remember that) but everything we've heard thus far from the industry themselves has suggested the lines between gens are going to be blurred. I suspect PlayStation are backtracking after the Scorpio reveal.
  23. Sure but why cripple your console from the start? How much could it have possibly cost to include one? Especially as the XBO S has one.
  24. Does anyone actually understand what HDR means in gaming ? Their demo certainly didn't explain anything. HDR in photography I can understand, but gaming where developers can "expose" a scene however they like....? Also, the whole 'PS4 Pro' is a part of this generation' genuinely makes me think they're holding back for PS5. The Scorpio has spooked them and it was too late to backtrack. It being part of this generation also flies in the face of what people have been suggesting. Agree with this. Quote staggering given how well Sony had been doing this gen. Meanwhile at the Nintendo NX team...
  25. The PS2 sold crazy numbers thanks to the DVD player among other things. A very strange omission in this case.
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